
Samsung’s Next Galaxy Swings Into View

Samsung’s Galaxy S III Android smartphone will hit shelves with a quad-core processor, a ceramic case and 4G LTE compatibility, according to a report from BGR.

The Android smartphone will run on Ice Cream Sandwich and come with a 1.5GHz quad-core Samsung Exynos processor, according to the information obtained by BGR.

The phone’s 4.8-inch full HD screen will feature 1080p resolution and a 16:9 aspect ratio display. The Galaxy S III’s cameras will include an 8MP rear camera and a 2MP front-facing camera.

Unlike many Android phones with plastic chassis, the Galaxy S III will apparently feature a ceramic case.

There is no confirmed date for when the phone will be available, but the report’s source said the handset will launch in more than 50 markets or cities simultaneously.

Samsung did not respond to our requests for confirmation of BGR’s report.

Sticking Out From the Crowd

As the pool of Android smartphones continues to grow, handset makers have been searching for new ways to stand out from their rivals. For Samsung and the S III, the strategy to do that evidently involves adding more powerful quad-core processors.

It won’t be the first on the scene with quad-cores, though. HTC recently announced its line of One smartphones, one of which will feature a quad-core processor in Europe. That phone’s chip, however, isn’t compatible with certain LTE networks found in the U.S., so the models sold stateside won’t feature the ultra-fast chips.

The report providing details of the S III does not indicate Samsung’s phone will face the same problem.

“Quad-core is a reality and will be a reality in many devices including LTE ones,” Ben Bajarin, director and founder of Creative Strategies, told TechNewsWorld. “I fully expect quad-core tablets and smartphones in the market this year.”

Whether that’s something that will make Samsung’s Galaxy S III or other quad-core offerings a sure sale, though, remains to be seen.

“Since all the Android handset manufacturers have access to the same silicon at roughly the same time, the success of quad-core is going to come down to execution,” John Feland, CEO and founder of Argus Insights, told TechNewsWorld. “Will there be apps, such as 3D games or augmented reality, that demand the increased processing capabilities and corresponding gasoline-powered generator accessory pack for the power requirements?”

If app developers and Web designers don’t take advantage of enhancing the complete experience that comes with faster browsing or gaming speeds, the trade-off in battery life could turn off consumers.

“It will have to be the experience that a quad-core delivers in terms of entertainment and speed,” said Bajarin.

Higher Res

Samsung also apparently plans to push a higher-resolution screen, closer to that of a high-quality TV screen rather than a smartphone display. The 1080p display hasn’t been a feature on previously released smartphones, but won’t be the last, according to Bajarin.

“I do expect to see more of these 1080p high-res screens become differentiators. There is something visually appealing about looking at a high-res smartphone or tablet, and I can imagine that a high-quality visual experience can draw consumers in,” he said.

Samsung hasn’t confirmed the specs on the rumored new phone, but Thomas Kang, director of wireless smartphone strategies at Strategy Analytics, thinks the phone will surely be packed with the latest and best features found in the Android ecosystem.

“Samsung has most of the leading components in-house, including material, memory, display, application processors, etc. So I won’t be surprised if they attempt to leap frog with the latest technology available,” he told TechNewsWorld.

“All in all, the new Galaxy S device sounds great, but again there is a lot of noise in the Android camp and it takes quite a bit to get above it,” said Bajarin

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