IT Leadership


10 Reasons to Elbow Into New Web Directories

New directories are a valuable tool for Web sites that need that extra boost in search engine ranking or in their number of visitors. They make for a great way to increase Web exposure and expand your Web site’s advertising. Since many of the top Web directories are quite expensive and take time to be edited, I have made a list of the benefits that can be acquired through new directories.

Listed below are some of the many of the benefits that can be achieved by using new, unestablished Web directories. With these benefits brought to light, you should start submitting your site to as many relevant directories as possible.

1. New Directories Can Become a Dominant Web Site in the Future

Many new Web directories are not known by the mass users of the Internet, but this is likely to change as the directory becomes a respected and highly visited site.

Why wait for the directories that are full of listings when you can have your site listed clearly and in visible sight? As the directory matures, more sites will clutter the directory’s listings, but your site has a better chance of remaining at the top.

2. Many New Directories Are Free

This speaks for itself. We all want to save money when advertising and free Web directories are the answer. Free directories are a great place to showcase your site to potential clients.

Directories are an abundant force in the Internet and can give your Web site that extra boost of advertising that is needed to reach valuable clients.

3. All Relevant Links Are Valuable in SEO

Links have been and continue to be a dominant force in search engines algorithms. Directories offer a page on a Web site that is completely devoted and related to your site’s content. This makes the link a relevant link.

Sites with many relevant links often achieve higher rankings than sites with fewer links. This has been and continues to be true today.

4. Many Directories Do Not Require a Link Back

Many new directories do not require a back link, which is a great thing for building up Web presence and search engine rankings. As of recently, Google and the other major search engines have edited their algorithms as to not place as much emphasis on reciprocal links.

Reciprocal links are two-way links in which both sites have a link to one another. This is not as valuable as a one-way link, where one site places a link to another site.

5. New Directories Are Not Cluttered With Links

Directories can become full with hundreds of sites advertising on a single page. This lowers your sites visibility along with credibility obtained by having your site link on the page.

Since new directories do not have many Web links, it is easier to view your site’s advertisement. Also, it is easier to find a site on top of a directory, rather than scroll through hundreds of links on the same page.

6. Potential Clients Can Find Your Site Through Directories

Directories are a great place to let potential customers find your site and ultimately make a purchase. Directories list your site, offering more Web visibility and more ways to reach your target audience.

The more advertising your site has, the better off it will be.

7. Web Directories Are Highly Useful Resources for SEO

When optimizing Web sites, it is important to have as many back links as possible — and directories offer this to sites. Every directory listing is seen as a back link to your Web site, so the more directories you are listed in the better off you are.

Directories will boost a new or established Web site’s search engine rankings. Remember to submit, submit and submit again to as many directories as possible.

8. Qualified Visitors Will Find Relevant Information

When users perform a search, often directories related to the search phrase appear at the top of the rankings. These sites are often visited and used to find relevant information.

Why waste your advertising budget on places that are hard to locate on the Web, when you can use free directories that have high rates of traffic.

9. Less Time to Edit and Approve Listings

Because many top directories receive hundreds of requests to be added into the directory, it can take quite some time to have your request approved.

New directories, on the other hand, are looking for as many new Web sites to add to their directory as possible, so the wait time is much shorter.

10. Directories Help Search Engines Gather Information

Directories are a great place to combine tons of useful information about Web sites in one convenient place. This makes it easier for Web users to find what they are looking for on the Web. It is like the Yellow Pages, but made for the Web.

With so many Web sites listed in the directories, it can become a highly used factor for many Web users’ searches.

Brandon Leibowitz is president of SEO Optimizers, a provider of Internet marketing services specializing in search engine optimization.

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