Spotlight Features

The 9th Annual Gilder/Forbes Telecom Conference took place this week at Lake Tahoe. Officially, the theme was "the Singularity," an artificial intelligence term denoting the emergence of transformative technological change. But the main meme revolved around a slightly less sexy idea: kiosks. Kiosks...


IP Protection Vital to Economic Growth

Recently, I've made several trips to Geneva, Switzerland, the home of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). I've seen firsthand how this once-sleepy organization of patent attorneys and intellectual property technicians has become ground zero for an assault on the economies of the ind...


Turning a Blind Eye to Video Game Violence

Take-Two Interactive, the U.S. company that lied about secret animated sex scenes stashed in one of its brutally sadistic "Grand Theft Auto" Rockstar video games, is counting on Bill and the Boyz, a.k.a., Microsoft, for a little extra lift. Next month, Take-Two plans to set an all-in-one, M for Matu...

When Technology Wastes Time

Technology intended to untie the American worker is actually taking a tremendous toll, according to new research from IT analysis firm Basex. The report indicates that technology tools, including e-mail and instant messaging, are the main culprits when it comes to unnecessary interruptions that cost...

Last week's column covered much of the breadth of software inside Windows Vista. The piece addressed some of the features that probably were not widely known and covered likely competitive threats to Apple and Linux. To refresh, Apple is going into the Vista launch weaker and much less differentiat...

With worldwide ringtone sales reaching more than US$4 billion last year, some industry experts have speculated that phone tones will soon outsell CDs. Others, however, speculate that ringtones' success will be shortlived, and that they will eventually go the way of beepers: virtually extinct. The qu...


A Capitalist Solution to Freeing China

Chinese officials recently announced they will no longer consider death tolls and other relevant information about natural disasters to be state secrets. On the same day, China Telecom blocked Internet phone service from Skype. That left observers wondering whether freedom is growing or decreasing i...

Heading for an IPTV Revolution

Internet technology is unquestionably poised to transform home entertainment. A quick scan at technology news headlines reveals companies like SBC, Alcatel, Microsoft -- and a host of ancillary service providers -- are gearing up for what some are calling an Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) revolution. T...


IT Security: Take a Walk on the Dark Side

Darknets, Greynets. Dark traffic. The words are frightening. The reality behind them is even more frightening. Increasingly clever hackers, thieves and scoundrels are using the Internet, peer-to-peer products, instant messaging and e-mail to wreak havoc, in ways and for purposes never before seen. ...

High-definition television has become a staple in a growing number of households. More than 10 million homes worldwide now have HDTVs and that number will reach 52 million in 2009, according to market research firm In-Stat. HDTV's growing acceptance has created a ripple effect resulting in the emerg...


Windows Vista: The Final Countdown Begins

Windows Vista is the biggest release for Microsoft since Windows 95. With that release, Apple was tested -- and they failed miserably. I was at Dataquest at the time and not only did I warn Apple to take 95 more seriously, I also accurately forecast the massive decline that would happen to them if...

We live in a world where people can now carry their laptop computers around town and plop them down to surf the Web or check e-mail simply by finding a hot spot, a location where a company provides the public with wireless Internet access, often for free. Airports, coffee shops and hotels are some o...

The world's oldest person is 115 years old, and while that might seem impressive, it's only the beginning. Advances in technology are poised to usher in longer and better life spans, a reality the general public has been slow to notice and the subject of a conference this weekend at Stanford Univers...

As we watch the disaster relief effort play out in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina we seem to be falling into the same old pattern of focusing on finding the right scapegoat rather than trying to make sure we can deal with similar future problems. Even after 9-11, the tsunami, and a variety of o...


Texas Leads the Way for IPTV

Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is set to grow tenfold by 2010, but according to industry reports the leader won't be the United States. Instead, countries such as China, France, and Italy are forecast to lead. It's possible, however, that recent changes in Texas and at the Federal Communicatio...

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