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In recent years, identity fraud has been researched and quantified possibly more than any other societal issue. However, all measurements of identity fraud have, to date, relied on victim accounts, whether recorded by Gartner or Javelin in consumer surveys or as reported to the Federal Trade Commiss...
John Edwards' campaign has stood out from the others for some time now for the fact that it has embraced the online game "Second Life" and set up a campaign headquarters in the game's virtual world. The French National Party was the first political organization to establish a presence in "Second Lif...
Much fund-raising is done on the candidates' own pages, although with varying degrees of emphasis. At John McCain's site, fund-raising is a major focus, but again with a grassroots feel. Visitors to the McCain home page are urged to do two things: 1) make a contribution, and 2) join McCain's "team."
When Phil de Vellis, creator of the "Hillary 1984" mashup video, wrote that "the game has changed," he summed up in four words the virtually earth-shaking revolution that is now changing the nature of the political campaign. Candidates in the 2008 presidential election face a landscape unlike any ot...
Today, most corporate CEOs come up through the ranks from either sales or operations. Fast forward a few years, though, and IT leadership may be a third route to the helm. A number of trends in recent years indicate that the role is evolving, said Martha Heller, managing director of the IT Leadershi...
Imagine a home with cheerful splashes of natural sunlight in every room at once -- even the interior ones -- all day long. Now imagine a world in which all citizens have access to the very best medical care, regardless of where they live. These are just two of many new applications of fiber optics t...
Cell phones are increasingly becoming miniature PCs. In keeping with that trend, major mobile carriers throughout the world have been enhancing their services to support IM functions, further blurring distinctions between the two devices. While the change should enable users to exchange information ...
Now that IBM and Intel have both created chips using 45nm process technology, it's clear chip technology will continue at least a little longer on the path predicted by Moore's Law, with ever-tinier creations coming out every two years or so. High-k metals, in particular, appear to help solve one o...
For more than a year, the issue of network neutrality has taken up a tremendous amount of time and attention in both Washington, D.C., and Silicon Valley. In fact, it may be the single most engrossing subject currently tying together policy interests in these two distinct parts of the country. Unfor...
Colorblind people represent a significant but often neglected talent pool and consumer segment. Identifying opportunities to make products usable by as many people as possible, without degrading overall quality or performance, is a quality assurance function that is not always well understood or pra...
If one were to conduct a survey of technology publications over the past decade or so, it's a good bet there would be at least one instance in each of those years in which someone declared that "this is the year of biometrics." Full of promise but long constrained by a diverse set of obstacles, biom...
Last week's first annual Tech Policy Summit in San Jose, Calif., turned out smaller than expected, but did feature some big names and key insights into tech issues. The biggest surprise was Google's apparent flip-flop on the issue of net neutrality. "None of us want any kind of heavy-handed regulat...
Biometrics -- or biometric authentication -- refers to technology that measures and analyzes human physical characteristics for security purposes. Physiological, or biometric, characteristics include, for instance, eye retinas, facial patterns and hand or foot measurements, whereas examples of behav...
Ten percent of Caucasian American men but less than one percent of women are estimated to have some form of colorblindness. Colorblind people represent a significant but often neglected talent pool and consumer segment. Identifying opportunities to make products usable by as many people as possible,...
There are two guilty pleasures I've developed of late. One is reading "Mini-Microsoft," which is an unauthorized blog by a Microsoft employee that probably does more to provide a glimpse inside the company and humanize it than anything the firm is officially doing. The other is "The Secret Diary of...