
Google cannot be forced to delete sensitive information from its search index, a key advisor to the European Court of Justice said. The opinion, released by Niilo Jaaskinen, was prompted by a case in Spain claiming that Google should remove outdated financial details about an individual. That case w...

Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who recently blew the top off U.S. surveillance programs by leaking information to the press, has accused U.S. spies of hacking into Chinese mobile companies to thieve text messages. Snowden also alleged that the U.S. has hacked servers at Tsinghua University. Snowd...

A bug that has been in Facebook's network for about a year has exposed private information on about 6 million of its users to other users during that period. This has revived concern that the company maintains a database of shadow profiles of members and their friends, even if the latter are non-mem...

Google reportedly is internally testing a new service, Google Mine, that will be integrated with Google+. It will let users list their belongings, post photos to a Mine album, and share and track their belongings with friends. Think of it as Craigslist on steroids with a homey touch. "It'll be like ...

France plans to propose a law that would prevent Amazon from offering discounts and free delivery for books in France. Amazon's discounts amount to unfair competition and threaten booksellers' business model, culture minister Aurelie Filipetti said. France is not alone complaining about Amazon's agg...

France's data protection watchdog, the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertes, says it will fine Google if the company doesn't rewrite its privacy policy within the next three months. The CNIL will fine Google up to 150,000 euros, or about $200,000, and double that if it fails to act...

Google is asking the secretive U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to let it disclose information about its orders. Such disclosures would be made without violating FISA or the Court's rules of procedure, Google said. Google's petition to the FISA Court follows revelations that it and other...


Hackers Find WordPress Easy Pickings

Adobe Reader and Oracle Java aren't alone in having a bull's eye painted on their code. WordPress also is becoming a popular target for Internet outlaws. It's quite a large target, too. About 18 percent of the sites on the Web -- about 60 million of them -- use WordPress. One reason WordPress is att...

Regardless of how this turns out, at least they nailed the name. Google is launching about 30 superpressure balloons that will beam Internet access back to the ground. With equal parts brevity and self-deprecation, the effort has been dubbed "Project Loon." Taking flight from New Zealand, the balloo...

I'm into fixing problems -- in fact, for much of my life I've been employed as someone who is brought in to fix a difficult problem. I don't see much point in just complaining -- either try to fix it, ignore it, or move someplace where it doesn't affect you. The current problem is that the U.S. appe...

Well, this was bound to happen. U.S. lawmakers said Thursday that the House Intelligence Committee -- the same committee that trashed Chinese telecommunications companies last year -- will conduct a "thorough scrub" of connections between China and Eric Snowden. Snowden -- a "traitor," according to ...

Google announced it has been tracking and disrupting "multiple email-based phishing campaigns" in Iran. The campaigns, which have been going on for nearly three weeks, are targeting the accounts of tens of thousands of Iranian users. Google posits that the phishing is related to the Iranian presiden...

After initially denying involvement in the U.S. National Security Agency's highly controversial PRISM program revealed last week, Google and other tech giants that were named as participants now admit their involvement and are calling for greater transparency. Google, for instance, on Tuesday sent a...

As far as Iceland goes, Edward Snowden may be left out in the cold. Snowden, the whistleblower who made international headlines after leaking secrets about the U.S. National Security Agency's PRISM program, is believed to currently be in Hong Kong. Given Hong Kong's history of extraditing people to ...

The European Commission is concerned that U.S. data collection practices such as PRISM may pose a threat to Europeans' privacy rights. Commission Vice President Viviane Reding, who is in charge of justice, plans to raise the issue at an EU-U.S. meeting later this week in Dublin. That announcement co...

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