

IE Gets Top Props for Thwarting Socially Engineered Malware

By duping an Internet innocent into making just one errant click, an online bandit can inflict a world of hurt. Socially engineered malware attacks attempt to deceive a user into downloading malicious software, typically through a link to an infected website. Since browsers play a key role in many S...

Israel last month was hit with a major cyberattack that shut down a key tunnel that forms part of its national road security network. The attack, only being reported now, knocked out key security operations on back-to-back days, resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. It reportedly ...

Symantec has removed more than 500,000 infected PCs from the botnet created by the ZeroAccess Trojan. ZeroAccess uses a peer-to-peer mechanism. It is the latest technique botnet authors have adopted to avoid having their networks taken down by security experts. Symantec used a DNS sinkhole to fight ...


Reengineering Human Behavior Can Foil Phishing

Almost all cyberattacks these days require an element of social engineering. Spammers are always looking for that hot button to induce a click on a link or an attachment. Drive-by artists continually experiment with poisoned banner ads designed to steer the curious into an online dark alley. Spearph...

Microsoft revealed Tuesday it was investigating a previously unknown security flaw affecting all versions of its Internet Explorer Web browser. Hackers have attempted to exploit the vulnerability in targeted attacks on users of versions 8 and 9 of the browser, the company reported in a security advi...


Web App Firewalls Blunt Attacks

Web applications have become attractive targets for hackers because they allow bad actors to maximize the reach of their mischief with a minimum of effort. That's what originally attracted the Internet underworld to programs like Windows and Adobe Acrobat, and it's what continues to attract them to ...

The combination of the polymorphic nature of malware, failure of signature-based security tools, and massive amounts of data and traffic flowing in and out of enterprise networks is making threat management using traditional approaches virtually impossible. Until now, security has been based largely...


No End to the Headaches Endpoints Give System Defenders

If there's one attack surface that's attracting growing attention from digital marauders, it's a system's endpoints. With the proliferation of BYOD, securing connections can be a defender's nightmare. Endpoints have an allure for attackers because they offer multiple attack vectors, such as social e...

The partner of Glenn Greenwald, the journalist with The Guardian who has published a slew of articles detailing National Security Agency surveillance programs, was detained for nearly nine hours Sunday at London's Heathrow Airport. Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, was en route from Berlin to his ...

The Syrian Electronic Army on Thursday claimed credit for hack attacks that took control of portions of a handful of major U.S. news sites via an article-recommendation service they all use. SEA reportedly gained control of them by entering an administration portal for Outbrain and inserting links i...

Ireland-based Freedom Hosting, which hosted several servers on the Tor Project's hidden network, has been taken down through a vulnerability in the Firefox browser -- and the FBI is widely suspected of being the attacker. The FBI reportedly is seeking to extradite Freedom Hosting's owner, Eric Eoin ...

It wasn't long after the Internet came into widespread use that online privacy became a growing concern. After all, anytime people are connected through their computers and sharing resources online, there's the potential for prying and abuse. Such concerns were compounded with the arrival of social ...

Britain is simultaneously investigating and praising Chinese telecommunication firm Huawei. OK, so the UK didn't out and compliment Huawei. Less than a week after British authorities launched a cybersecurity review of the company, however, Prime Minister David Cameron said that British telecommunica...

Long known for its out-and-out censorship, Beijing now appears to be filling Chinese social media with pro-government messages. The new tack was on full display after the Thursday indictment of fallen Communist Party member Bo Xilai, who was busted for corruption and abuse of power in 2012. While Ch...


Google Play Misses Dangerous Apps at Border Control

Despite yeoman efforts by Google to close a critical hole in its Android mobile OS that allows any app to be turned into a malicious Trojan, programs are still appearing in the company's Google Play store with the flaw. A number of apps containing the so-called MasterKey vulnerability were discovere...

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