
Results 1-20 of 423 for Katherine Noyes.

Mappers: The Internet Looks Like a Jellyfish

A team of Israeli researchers have created a new map of the Internet that reveals the worldwide network in more detail than ever before. "The Internet evolves in a distributed manner, and therefore its structure is unknown," Shai Carmi, a physicist at Bar-Ilan University who participated in the rese...

T-Mobile Targets In-Home Dead Zone

T-Mobile on Wednesday launched its HotSpot @Home converged cellular and WiFi service that lets cell phone users switch seamlessly between T-Mobile hotspots and their own wireless routers. Cellular phones often don't work as well inside as they do outside, which is frustrating for many given that an ...

MySpace Is Bart, Facebook Is Lisa

Social networking sites MySpace and Facebook may seem fairly similar from the outside, but the two sites are increasingly splitting along class lines, according to a new report. In a nutshell, MySpace tends to be populated by teens who are younger and from lower-income families with less education, ...

Docs Retreat From ‘Video Game Addiction’ Diagnosis

Are video games truly addictive -- or just really, really fun? That question is at the heart of a controversy stirred up at an American Medical Association meeting that began on Saturday. As part of the meeting, the AMA's Council on Science and Public Health presented a report on the effects and add...


Robotic Vehicles to Look for Life in Arctic Depths

Three new robotic vehicles designed by researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute will embark on an expedition next month to search for life on the Arctic Ocean floor. The vehicles -- two autonomous underwater vehicles and a tethered, remote controlled sampling system -- were designed specifi...


Bush Stem Cell Veto Sparks Passionate Response

Every time Congress has passed legislation to ease stem cell restrictions in recent years, President Bush has vowed he would veto the bill, and that's just what he did again on Wednesday. "If this legislation became law, it would compel American taxpayers -- for the first time in our history -- to s...

French Government Blackballs BlackBerry on Espionage Fears

French government officials reportedly may no longer use BlackBerry devices to send and receive e-mail. Citing security concerns -- specifically, snooping by the U.S. National Security Agency -- French government security experts have reportedly banned the ubiquitous devices in ministries and the pr...

YouTube Breaks Language Barrier in 9 Countries

YouTube is adding a local twist to its popular video-sharing site with new versions tailored specifically to the local culture in nine countries, the company announced Tuesday. Users in Brazil, France, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom can now enjoy fully trans...

Blogging and Podcasting: Fads or Fixtures?

There's little doubt blogging and podcasting have changed the way many people communicate today. With content ranging from what was for breakfast to insightful and engaging discussions of key social and political issues, examples currently span the spectrum in terms of the value they provide. Whethe...


ISS Computers Back Online, Atlantis Set to Return

Computers aboard the international space station are up and running once again, thanks to the efforts of flight controllers over the weekend, so the Space Shuttle Atlantis received the green light from mission managers to undock from the space station on Tuesday morning. Two of three lanes on each o...


Computer Problems Baffle ISS Flight Controllers

After working overnight to try to restore two failed computers aboard the international space station back to full operation, flight controllers have made little progress in identifying or fixing the problem. Operating on the theory that the pair of new solar arrays being installed on the starboard ...

Thieves Boost Info on 64,000 Ohio State Workers

Thieves who broke into a car belonging to an intern for the state of Ohio on Sunday now have access to data on all the state's 64,000 employees -- at least theoretically. The data, which was on a backup device, included the names and Social Security numbers for all employees of the state, Gov. Ted S...

NATO Rallies to Thwart Global Cyber Bullies

Following the massive cyberattacks against the Baltic country of Estonia in April, NATO on Thursday asserted that cyberdefense must now be a priority among member nations. Several defense ministers, including Estonia's, raised the issue during a meeting at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and...


Computer Crashes Bedevil ISS

After two critical computers crashed aboard the international space station Wednesday, U.S. and Russian flight controllers have partially restored functioning, but long-term prospects remain uncertain. The crashes occurred Wednesday, while crew members were working to retract a solar array as part o...

Tech’s Green Giants Aim to Shrink Carbon Footprints

Intel and Google led a number of other technology and environmental organizations Tuesday in announcing the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, which is dedicated to slashing the power consumption of technology. The goal of the Climate Savers Initiative, which currently also includes Dell, EDS, the...

YouTube to Take a Stab at Video Fingerprinting

YouTube is planning to test new technology that will help it identify copyrighted video content that has been uploaded onto the site illegally, according to reports. In tests with Time Warner and the Walt Disney Co., the video-sharing site will assess software developed by engineers at its parent co...

Researchers Create ‘Creepy’ Child Robot

Researchers at Osaka University in Japan demonstrated on Friday a toddler robot designed to assist in studies of child development. Called the "Child-Robot with Biomimetic Body," or CB2, the robot is designed to mimic a real, human child between one and three years old. It stands just over 4 feet ta...

MIT Wizards Zap Electricity Through the Air

Power cords and chargers may rule the technological world today, but their days could be numbered, thanks to a breakthrough at MIT. It's called "WiTricity," and it's essentially the transfer of power through the air, without wires. It was demonstrated by a team of researchers from MIT's Department o...

Wii Hurts, Says Doc

Forget Nintendinitis -- the new affliction for those who enjoy gaming just a little too much may be "Acute Wiiitis," which was first reported Thursday in a brief posted to the New England Journal of Medicine's Web site. "A healthy 29-year-old medical resident awoke one Sunday morning with intense pa...

Four Hours Could Get ’24’ Pirate Three Years

A Chicago man faces the possibility of three years in prison for leaking four episodes of the Fox show "24" onto the Internet before they had aired on prime-time TV. Jorge Romero, 24, is accused of uploading the first two episodes of this season's "24" onto on Jan. 6, and doing the s...

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