
Results 1-20 of 828 for Jack M. Germain.

EdTech Innovations Breaking the Mold in Learning and Teaching

When used correctly, technology such as smartboards and AI-powered presentation devices reshape learning and create positive learning environments for students.


Kubuntu Focus Iridium Laptops Set New Built-for-Linux Standard

The pre-built Linux Kubuntu Focus Iridium laptop line is an unexpectedly good alternative to running any Linux operating system on converted Windows PCs.

Global AI Safety Hampered by Indecision, Regulatory Delays

Governments seek to create security safeguards around artificial intelligence, but roadblocks and indecision are delaying cross-nation agreements on priorities and obstacles to avoid.


Meet the EdYOU Adaptable AI Meta-Human Learning Solution

A new AI-powered approach to personalized computer instruction could help mitigate the impact of teacher shortages, understaffed classrooms, and lackluster self-learning, issues that have worsened since the pandemic.

Experts Weigh In on Refusing or Paying After a Ransomware Attack

Cybersecurity experts and government officials have long supported the policy of not paying ransoms due to its potential to curb criminal activity and reduce attacks. Paying ransoms is risky and unreliable and does not guarantee that cybercriminals will restore access or decrypt files.

Database Admins See Brighter Job Prospects Amid IT Challenges

Despite its somewhat unglamorous reputation, database management and administration is an industry experiencing rapid growth, persistent talent shortages, and significant changes brought by AI. This field has much potential for those willing to cash in on its viable career path.

Surge in ‘Shadow AI’ Accounts Poses Fresh Risks to Corporate Data

The rapid rise of AI mimics previous transformative shifts, such as the internet and cloud computing. Just as early cloud adopters navigated new challenges, today's companies must contend with the complexities introduced by widespread AI adoption.


AV Tech Innovations Transforming Higher Education

Panasonic Connect's advanced AV technology is revolutionizing higher education, enhancing student engagement, and driving innovative learning experiences.


Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE Redefines Gaming Style, Computing Performance

The Acer Chromebook Plus 516 GE serves a dual purpose as a very capable cloud-based gaming computer and a feature-rich general-purpose laptop for business and personal use.

Bring Your Own AI to Work Creates a Field Day for Cyberattackers

Security risk management software firm Panorays shed new light on the worsening network security problems workers cause. This internal threat occurs when employees use their organization's network to experiment with generative AI and other AI tools.

Bridgewater State Cybersecurity Program Sets Bar for Applied Training

Corporate employers often complain about graduates applying for IT jobs without any hands-on cyber experience. This gap drove officials at Bridgewater State University to create a unique cyber training program to fill that void.

Post-Open Licensing Could Offer Software Devs Funding Alternatives

The open-source community faces pressing challenges with licensing and revenue, prompting a shift toward more sustainable and clearly defined models to protect and advance its foundational principles.

CoordinateHQ Takes the Noise Out of Project Management Systems

Project management software helps organize time and resource management, creates business and employee performance reports, and better connects managers and leaders with strategy effectiveness. These platforms can also facilitate team collaboration. However, not all PM platforms are the same.

How To Leverage Gen AI Without Losing the Corporate Shirt

As technologies like ChatGPT exemplify, generative AI is rapidly evolving, prompting businesses across industries to refine their application strategies. The challenge in 2024 is to leverage these new technologies to drive positive business outcomes and enhance customer satisfaction effectively.

Business Buyer’s Guide for a Better PC Purchase

Selecting the best computer for your business can be a breeze if you plan ahead to eliminate the wrong choices. Check out these factors to make the most of your purchase.

Menlo Secure Cloud Browser Enables a Safer Enterprise Workspace

Instead of trying to force users to embrace a new browser -- and thus expand the enterprise attack surface -- Menlo's add-on tools protect data and users with end-to-end visibility and dynamic policy enforcement directly inside browser sessions to block zero-hour phishing, malware, and ransomware at...

Mobile Security Firms Fortify Defenses as App Attacks Accelerate

Better cybersecurity may soon come to a mobile app you use in time to defend against a rising wave of data breaches, malware assaults, and AI-powered bot attacks.

AI in 2024 Ushers in New Cybersecurity Dynamics

AI and quantum computing are reshaping the cybersecurity landscape. Expect a mix of advanced threats and cutting-edge defenses in this rapidly evolving digital realm.

How To Speed Up a Suddenly Slow Android Phone

Understanding what causes digital debris to accumulate is vital to revitalizing an Android smartphone, and restoring its optimal performance is easier than you might think. Follow these practical tips to speed up your laggy Android device and enhance its functionality.


SevaCare Blood Pressure Monitor Offers Affordable Home Health Assurance

The SevaCare Blood Pressure Arm Cuff Monitor by Monoprice provides more than what you might expect with a typical home health care product. Its price makes keeping regular tabs on your heart health affordable and efficient.

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