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Results 1-5 of 5 for Paul Korda

I, Robot: A Look Beneath the Action

At this perplexing time in the evolution of mankind, when morality is under extreme magnification, it will be a welcome relief today to be able to escape those dilemmas for a future one -- that being robots who kill ...


What Is ‘State of the Art’ Without Art?

In previous columns, I've described the benefits of transportable music files, especially for getting your music heard [Paul Korda, "Kissing Big Music Goodbye: Diary of an Online Musician," TechNewsWorld, April 7, 2004]. To balance the virtues of such thinking, one must ask oneself whether the method of digital sampling and recording -- or even, for that matter, digital video -- is really capturing the essence of the matter being recorded...


Kissing Big Music Goodbye: Diary of an Online Musician

With the latest news from Harvard Business School that CD sales are plunging because the record industry is releasing fewer albums -- and not, as the RIAA is stating, because P2P file sharers are undermining sales -- isn't it time for you to release your own music? ...


Super Vision: Technology, Music and the Inventive Spirit

I've been looking forward to publishing my first column for ECT News Network. After doing an interview with TechNewsWorld about the intersection of technology and music, I was invited to write a regular column on music, technology and related subjects ...


Technology Meets Music: An Interview with Composer-Singer Paul Korda

As the writer for several top-20 hits last year, Paul Korda's perspective on the convergence of technology and music comes from many years of working as a musician and songwriter -- not to mention being a producer at EMI in the late 1960s. He has seen the old technology meet the new -- and witnessed the transformation of monolithic Big Music into a distributed network of thousands of peer-to-peer enthusiasts.

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