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Results 1-7 of 7 for David Britton

To Pay or Not to Pay – That’s the Ransomware Question

"Platform providers should be putting concerted efforts into making this a completely seamless process, so that the user's confidence is raised," said David Britton, vice president of industry solutions for 41st Parameter "In this way, the fraudsters would have no effective le...


Ransomware Gang Targets Android Phones

"It's been hard for anyone to find any evidence of that," David Britton, vice president of industry solutions for 41st Parameter, told TechNewsWorld "This is more scareware than anything else. What we find is that when these things are marketed to the world, the claims about w...


New Year’s Resolutions: Be More Secure in 2014

Here's a resolution worth considering in the wake of the Target department store breach: "Never use a debit card that is tied to your bank account for anything other than ATM withdrawals," David Britton, vice president of industry solutions at 41st Parameter, told TechNewsWorld...


New Payment Card Standards Go Beyond Compliance

"Even on mobile device management systems designed to allow organizations to enforce more complex authentication, organizations choose not to due to usability issues," David Britton, vice president of industry solutions for 41st Parameter, told TechNewsWorld However, smartphon...

IE8 Exploit Had US Nuke Workers in Its Sights

Installing antivirus software is critical, but "new variants can be introduced on an ongoing basis, and antivirus is by definition a reactive measure [so] organizations must put additional layers in place to detect the unauthorized use of credentials by a rogue device," David Britton, a vice president at 41st Parameter told TechNewsWorld...


RSA Encryption ‘Crack’ Rattles Infosec Industry

To fend off digital desperadoes, many retailers put rules and policies in place to block suspicious orders. Those rules, though, are often too broadly crafted. That results is lost sales of legitimate orders, according to David Britton, vice president of industry solutions for 41st Parameter...

Top Five Methods to Prevent Internet Fraud

With more than 40 million recently compromised credit cards available to fraudsters, merchants are faced with the challenge of preventing the use of these cards on their Web sites. What once was considered a rather insignificant cost of doing business online, has become a highly organized and profitable criminal endeavor. With worldwide credit card fraud surpassing US$2.5 billion last year alone, merchants must be prepared to fight off more fraud than ever...

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