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Results 141-160 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

White House Urges Big Data Privacy Legislation

The White House last week released a review of Big Data and privacy written by counselor John Podesta. ...

Amazon Opens Wearable Tech Outpost

Amazon on Tuesday opened the doors to its Wearable Technology store, a website that sells products in the emerging market. ...


New Salesforce Tool Lets Customers Send an SOS last week launched Salesforce1 Service Cloud SOS, a tool that allows companies to offer service via a mobile app. ...

Pinterest’s Guided Search Finds Needles in Haystacks

Pinterest last week announced Guided Search, a new search engine for navigating its particular type of content -- user-provided pins, which now number around 30 billion, and an array of around 750 million boards. Guided Search is designed to help users discover pins they were not necessarily looking for, but that might interest them. ...


inContact Rolls Out Feature-Rich Cloud Call Center Update

inContact has released its first cloud contact center software update for the year. Version 14.1 contains a new two-way SMS channel, more refined automated call-routing, deeper integration with and Oracle, and new APIs that give enterprise users the ability to customize their own applications and do a deep dive into their data ...

Microsoft, Nokia March to Altar

Microsoft's ambitious US$7.4 billion acquisition of Nokia's mobile business is set to close Friday. ...

Michaels Crafts Artless Response to Customer Data Breach

Another retailer security breach, another national conversation about how these now regular occurrences need to stop. In the Michaels case, though, some of the talk touched on what by now should be remedial public relations. When you screw up and it affects your clients, apologize -- profusely and without hedging or reservation. ...

Alibaba IPO Could Spark E-Commerce Investment Surge

Whether Alibaba launches its IPO on April 21 or in the following days, it clearly will be a major event for Wall Street. By any measure, it will be a blockbuster. ...

Google Clarifies Gmail Snooping in Updated ToS

Google this week updated its terms of service with new language that more clearly spells out how it scans and analyzes user content, such as emails, to match it with targeted ads ...


Don’t Overlook the Mobile Searcher

The mobile browser is not dead, exactly, but if it were an animal it might be on the endangered species list. ...


SugarCRM Refines Customer Analytics for Sales

When SugarCRM debuts version 7.2 in the coming weeks, users already will have had a taste of one of its main themes: tighter integration around productivity tools aimed at better understanding a customer base. ...

Mobile, Local Ad Spend Zooms Down Runway

After years of surprising the industry with its middling adoption, it appears that location-based mobile advertising is poised to come into its own. ...

Investors See Gold Mine in Quora

Why is question-and-answer website Quora so popular with investors? ...

Microsoft’s Nokia Deal Clears China Hurdle

Microsoft's proposed US$7.4 billion acquisition of Nokia's mobile phone business is moving closer to the finish line, having just won approval from China's Ministry of Commerce. It is a key milestone for the transaction, which sailed through the U.S. and European approval processes with little difficulty or delay. ...

Which Screen Comes Second Now?

Which came first, the mobile device or the television? OK, that one is easy -- but which comes first now -- the mobile device or the television? ...

Speed of Technology Confounds Wall St. Regulators

Michael Lewis did not do the securities industry any favors, at least in the short term, with the publication of his new book, Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt. His portrayal of how investment banks use high-frequency trading to leverage the few additional milliseconds this technology provides to grab stocks at optimal prices appears to have been a factor behind federal agency decisions to investigate this activity.


Clari Sharpens Its Focus on Data-Driven Processes

Clari is bursting onto the CRM stage with a mobile sales productivity platform that is coming out of stealth mode, thanks to a US$6 million infusion of funds from Sequoia Capital ...

T-Mobile Kisses Up to BlackBerry Customers

After racking up a number of successes, T-Mobile clearly made a misstep earlier this year, when it promoted Apple's iPhone 5 to its BlackBerry customers. ...

Net Neutrality Wins Tough Battle in European Parliament

The European Parliament on Thursday approved new Net neutrality rules ...


Doing the Mobile Payments Sync Dance

Two of the most hotly debated issues surrounding the future of m-commerce are these: 1) How quickly will it grow when consumers finally begin to accept the idea of a mobile wallet? and 2) When, exactly, are they going to start accepting it? ...

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