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Results 1501-1520 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

City of Angels to Give Cloud Computing a Go

The Los Angeles City Council voted 12-0 on Tuesday to adopt Google Apps, which include Gmail and other office software tools, for its 30,000 employees. The deal places Los Angeles among the vanguard of public sector operations relying on cloud-based productivity software. ...

ICANN to Give Web Addresses International Flavor

The board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers may vote to allow internationalized domain names (IDNs) at the association's ongoing meeting in Seoul. ...

Facebook Users Balk at New Dual-Feed Design

Facebook has tweaked its home page once again -- this time offering users two different feeds: The News Feed features updates ranked according to what Facebook determines to be the most enjoyable or important content posted by a user's friends. The Live Feed, which consists of all of the real-time updates from the user's network, includes a larger assortment of information, such as notifications when friends add friends.


SFA May Be Mature, but It’s About to Have a Growth Spurt

Sales force automation -- nimble, lightweight and usually mobile -- seems to have little in common with its staid parent, enterprise resource planning. Until you consider this: After years of widespread adoption, SFA has also become mature -- but in its own way. ...

McCain Locks Horns With FCC on Net Neutrality

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has introduced the Internet Freedom Act of 2009, legislation that would negate many of the principles underlying the concept of Net neutrality, which aims to ensure that Internet users have equal and unfettered access to all services available on the Web. ...


Priceline Is Weak Sauce for Shatner’s Hype

As I got ready to jump off at the next stop on my whirlwind tour oftravel-planning Web sites, I found myself in the grip of something close to excitement. ...

The Windows 7 Road to Success: Is It There Yet?

Earlier this week, Windows 7 became the highest grossing pre-order product in Amazon UK history, topping those of J.K. Rowling's book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, according to media reports. The reason for making the correlation between a much-anticipated OS and a very popular book, presumably, was to demonstrate that even before its much-hyped Thursday launch, Windows 7 was already a success.

Oracle’s Acquisition of Ailing Sun Stuck in Mire

Oracle's US$7.4 billion acquisition of Sun Microsystems appears threatened by recent developments, starting with difficulties in gaining regulatory approval in the EU and ending with a startlingly decline at Sun Microsystems -- a company that was on a downward trajectory long before Oracle made its play for it. ...

Microsoft to Launch Revamped SharePoint as Public Beta

Public betas of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Office 2010 will become available in November, CEO Steve Ballmer told the crowd attending Microsoft's SharePoint conference in Las Vegas on Monday ...

Sprint’s iPCS Buy Means More Customers, Fewer Legal Headaches

Sprint Nextel is acquiring iPCS, an affiliate that sells its branded products, in a deal that will put an end to a number of legal clashes between the two. It will also bring an additional 710,000 subscribers under the Sprint Nextel corporate umbrella ...

Good News From Google Fuels Tech-Sector Optimism

The tech industry is getting a boost from Google's 7 percent revenue jump from the year-ago quarter, as well as from better-than-expected earnings reports from IBM and, earlier this week, Intel ...


Hotwire Helps You Score a Cool Deal

Continuing my tour of travel-planning Web sites for the E-Commerce Times, I moseyed over to Hotwire this week. ...

Sidekick Data Rises From the Ashes

T-Mobile and Microsoft susidiary Danger have restored the data Sidekick customers lost when Danger experienced a massive server failure last week. The company announced the news via an online forum used to keep customers apprised of developments. ...

Acer Joins the Android Horde

Acer has announced details surrounding two hotly anticipated mobile devices running Google's Android mobile operating system: the Liquid A1 touchscreen smartphone, which Acer first said it was developing when it joined the Open Handset Alliance earlier this year; and the Aspire One netbook, which is available for preorder at Amazon for US$349.99 ...

HP Readies New PCs for the Windows 7 Party

HP has released a slew of new PCs -- both desktop and notebooks -- that leverage its growing investment in touchscreen technology ahead of Microsoft's Windows 7 release ...

T-Mobile Offers Glimmer of Hope – or $100 Credit – in Data Loss Debacle

Service is now largely restored to Sidekick users, but T-Mobile is apparently still struggling to retrieve content and data lost due to a server malfunction over the weekend. At the same time, the carrier is piling on the mea culpas to its customers, many of whom are furious about the incident. ...

Dell, Join Forces in SMB Territory

Dell and have added another tie that binds -- a service offering's flagship CRM applications to Dell's SMB customers. Data integration and quality control are among the value-add features Dell is bringing to the table through its integration services division. ...

Sidekick Users Burned by Danger in the Cloud

Users of T-Mobile's smartphone, the Sidekick, suddenly found themselves without address books, calendars, to-do lists and photos -- data that the carrier had been maintaining through a subsidiary of Microsoft called "Danger," which hosts back-end services for mobile companies ...

Google, Microsoft and Twitter’s Golden Egg

Google and Microsoft are reportedly in separate talks with Twitter with the goal of licensing the microblogging site's rich store of data. The talks were first reported on the Wall Street Journal's All Things Digital Web site. ...

WEB SITE REVIEW Has Some Nifty Features Hiding Under the Clutter

Clutter, clutter, clutter -- will they never learn? Well into our survey of travel-planning Web sites, a common design theme continues to predominate: a crowded user interface that detracts from the supposed utilitarian purpose of the site. ...

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