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Results 1481-1500 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Verizon Weaves AT&T-Bashing Witticisms Into Legal Doc

Verizon has filed a response to the lawsuit AT&T brought against its snarky "We've Got a Map for That" advertising campaign. ...

Verizon Weaves AT&T-Bashing Witticisms Into Legal Doc

Verizon has filed a response to the lawsuit AT&T brought against its snarky "We've Got a Map for That" advertising campaign. ...

Verizon Weaves AT&T-Bashing Witticisms Into Legal Doc

Verizon has filed a response to the lawsuit AT&T brought against its snarky "We've Got a Map for That" advertising campaign. ...

Road Warning: Swarms of Texting Teens Ahead

Despite laws, safe-driving campaigns and even gory public service announcements, an overwhelming number of teens are still texting while driving, according to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, "Teens and Distracted Driving." ...


United Offers a Touch of Class

United Airlines was my Internet destination this week, as I continued samplingtravel-planning Web sites for the E-Commerce Times ...

Dell’s Mini 3 Android to Begin Global March in China

After months of rumors, Dell has confirmed its intention to become a major player in the smartphone sector, announcing partnerships with China Mobile and Brazil-basedClaro, which is part of the America Movil network. ...

Intel, AMD End Legal Hostilities

Rival chip companies Intel and Advanced Micro Devices have forged an agreement to settle their legal conflicts. AMD has agreed to drop its litigation against Intel. In exchange, Intel will pay AMD US$1.25 billion and promise to follow certain business rules as the two continue to compete head to head. The deal includes a five-year cross-license renewal. ...

Logitech Gets a Life in Big-League Videoconferencing

PC peripherals maker Logitech has announced it is acquiring LifeSize Communications for US$405 million in an all-cash transaction. The purchase of the high-end video equipment manufacturer places Logitech squarely in the middle of the enterprise video-conferencing industry. ...

EC Throws Monkey Wrench Into Oracle, Sun Deal

Europe is ratcheting up its opposition to Oracle's proposed US$7.4 billion acquisition of Sun Microsystems. The European Commission has issued a formal statement of objections to the deal, based on a perceived threat to competition. ...

High Court Hears ‘Case of the Century’

The Supreme Court on Monday heard arguments in Bilski v. Kappos, a case that has been making its way through the legal system for more than 10 years -- and along the way has morphed into the software industry's worst nightmare. ...

Cisco Adds New Technologies to Collaboration Tool Chest

Cisco has introduced new technologies to its collaboration platform -- a product portfolio that encompasses its telepresence, unified communications and WebEx solutions. Among the additions are new hosted email offerings and integration with enterprise social software. The enhancements leverage real-time and asynchronous collaboration applications in both video and voice-based communications.

Windows 7 Flies Off the Shelves

Sales of Microsoft's Windows 7 boxed software over the first three days of its release have vastly surpassed those of its predecessor, Vista, for the same time period, according new figures from the NPD Group. ...


Southwest Doesn’t Fool Around

This week, I headed southwest as I continued making the rounds of travel-planning Web sites for the E-Commerce Times ...

Commerce Search Puts Google Inside Retailers’ Catalogs

Google has introduced a search engine for online retailers. Priced at US$50,000 annually, the Software as a Service offering is aimed at high-end e-commerce operations that want to provide customers looking for a particular product on their site with more accurate search results. ...

Pre-integration is the Ticket With Cisco-EMC Cloud Venture

Cisco is broadening its footprint with a major move into the cloud computing space. The company has formed a far-reaching partnership with EMC -- a joint venture in which VMware, a majority owned subsidiary of EMC, will also play a large role. ...

Microsoft Turns on a Dime to Beat Back Google Apps

Microsoft has slashed the prices of its SaaS email offering and its online business productivity suite, making them more competitive with the low-cost premier edition of Google Apps ...

Early Projections Suggest Smooth Sailing for Windows 7

Though it's officially less than two weeks out of the gate, Microsoft's Windows 7 already owns a 3 percent share of the market for personal computer operating systems, according to Net Applications. When Windows 7 was generally released on Oct. 22, it already had a 1.99 percent share of the market, the firm reported. That figure rose to 3.67 percent by the end of last week.

Is Facebook’s $711M Spam Award Just Monopoly Money?

Social networking site Facebook has been awarded US$711 million in damages from prolific spammer and social network scammer Sanford Wallace for bombarding its users with spam, Facebook attorney Sam O'Rourke reported in a blog post. Judge Jeremy Fogel of the U.S. District Court in Northern California also banned Wallace from accessing Facebook ...


JetBlue: Light on Frills, Heavy on Friendly

My tour of travel-planning Web sites for the E-Commerce Times has included stops at some of the aggregator sites, some discount companies and some alternative services. ...

Amazon Lets Users Shop Around With a Single Phrase

Amazon has introduced a new shortcut for consumers to pay for their purchases on and partner Web sites. ...

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