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Results 1401-1420 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

AT&T Deal Not Likely to Pull Palm Out of the Muck

Palm is expanding the distribution of its smartphones, the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus, by making them available through AT&T. While the move isn't likely to hurt Palm's fortunes, it's not clear whether it can do much to help the flailing company. ...

AT&T Deal Not Likely to Pull Palm Out of the Muck

Palm is expanding the distribution of its smartphones, the Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus, by making them available through AT&T. While the move isn't likely to hurt Palm's fortunes, it's not clear whether it can do much to help the flailing company. ...

Palm Beats Itself to a Pulp

Palm has issued sales projections that are much worse than expected -- even though expectations were already low -- sending its shares plummeting by 27 percent as of mid-day Friday and prompting discussions about whether the company has any future at all. ...

Survey Totes Up Value of Excellent Online Customer Service

Excellent online customer service may be worth US$17.3billion in 2010, according to a new Ovum survey commissioned by StellaService. ...

Twitter Flies the Coop

Twitter has announced it will be rolling out @anywhere, a new platform that will allow certain partner Web sites -- including Amazon, Bing, Citysearch, Digg and eBay -- to link to Twitter. ...

Pegasystems’ Chordiant Buy Not Without Risks

Business process management vendor Pegasystems will be acquiring CRM company Chordiant for US$161.5 million, or $5 per share. Subject to customary conditions, the deal is expected to close in Q2 2010. ...

Google Poised to Make Good on Its China Threat

It now appears almost certain that Google and the Chinese government will not reach an accord over Internet censorship policies and that Google will begin pulling out of the country in the near future. ...

Google’s New Mobile App Lets Shoppers Peer Into Retailers’ Stockrooms

Google has introduced a mobile version of itsProduct Search tool that lets users check on a product's availability in local participating stores. ...

FTC May Put Kibosh on Google’s AdMob Deal

Google's proposed US$750 million acquisition of the mobile ad network AdMob may be subjected to a protracted period of regulatory scrutiny. ...

Newegg Scrambles to Straighten Out Fake-Chip Crack-Up

Newegg, a well-established online Web site that sells electronic products, apparently had counterfeit -- or perhaps demo products -- make their way into its inventory that were then sold to customers. The site reportedly shipped several fake Intel Core i7 processors to customers ...

Microsoft Puts All Its Eggs in Cloud Basket

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer extolled the benefits of cloud computing and spoke about the software giant's increasing commitment to it in a speech at the University of Washington on Thursday. ...

RealDVD Is Dead, Long Live Illegal Ripping?

RealNetworks has ended its legal battle with Hollywood over its RealDVD software. ...

Software AG Brings Social Networking to BPM

Software AG has developed a vertical social networking and collaboration platform for the BPM industry. ...

Google Urges US to Take Censorship Brawl to WTO

The U.S. appears to be embarking on a new strategy for dealing with the restrictions China places on Internet companies, fueled in large part by Google's recent dustup with the Chinese government over its censorship demands. ...

Google Claims Microsoft’s Behind Antitrust Onslaught

There's a common thread running throughout Google's latest legal worries: antitrust accusations, most notably several complaints filed with the European Commission. ...

EU Grouses at Google Over Privacy on Its Streets

The European Union has requested that Google make some changes to its Street View service. It wants Google to delete the images that it captures after six months, according to a letter sent to Google from the head of the EU Article 29 Data Protection Group, which is comprised of data protection officials from EU countries. ...

Microsoft Gets Court Nod to Cripple Spam-Spewing Botnet

Microsoft has brought a major botnet to its knees using a combined technical and legal strategy that it expects to deploy again. ...

Europe Sets Antitrust Sights on Google Search

The European Commission has notified Google that it received complaints from three companies about its search ranking practices. The companies are a UK price comparison site, Foundem, a French legal search engine,, and Microsoft's Ciao! from Bing. ...

Amazon Ponies Up to Microsoft for Linux Rights

Microsoft and Amazon have entered into a patent cross-licensing deal that covers, among other things, Amazon's Kindle and its use of Linux-based servers. The agreement calls for Amazon to pay Microsoft an undisclosed amount of money ...

FBI Aims to Find the Truth in School Spying Case

Whatever hopes Harriton High School might have had that the furor sparked by a student's privacy lawsuit would die down have surely been dashed. The school's concerns have now moved beyond the realm of unfavorable publicity to the possibility of criminal charges ...

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