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Results 101-120 of 123 for Naseem Javed

How To Manage a Business Naming Project

Corporations rarely come across a major naming project -- only once or twice in their lifetime. As a result, there is no exiting blueprint, guidelines or a tested naming policy on hand for this unique challenge -- a situation that could explode into a marketing and public relations disaster ...


Columbus Was Searching for India, Too

What's the big deal, when every major corporation in the USA searches for an Indian company so they can park all their mundane information management under a banyan tree? ...


Marketing Puzzles and Technology

Why are most technology corporations so stubborn to admit puzzling marketing issues? They are somehow used to a torturing path, all in the name of "tough times and rough markets." ...


The Future of E-Commerce Could Be Scary

From the Model T to modern cars and from dusty trails to super-highways, historians tabulate the remarkable evolution of transportation -- the good and the bad combined. However, alongside the great wonders of four wheels, there are the traffic jams, the carjackings, the drive-by shootings and the accidents ...


Super Advertising Slogans, Super Costs

Advertising slogans or taglines pushing sales are great for getting a customer's attention as they often tangle and hold them hostage for a second or two. Some taglines catch the user's attention, but most are simply confusing, causing them to "escape the trap" and run away ...


Corporate Identity Fitness Test

It's time again for a medical check. As we approach 2005, it's best to know if your corporate identity image is healthy, slightly injured or on a life-support system. You have to know this, as only healthy images are fit to run the race, and potentially win. Injured corporate identities can surely stay in the race, but it would cost a lot more to keep them running as they lag behind...


Search Engines Need More Accuracy, Less Garbage

Now that the titans of e-commerce have been identified, search engines are leading the way for consumers online. At the same time, serious questions are emerging related to the efficacy of these search engines, among them "When will the search engines collide?" and, "How soon and why could this happen?" ...


Global Branding Is War

E-commerce is causing a global turmoil in trade and competition. Those on the frontlines know exactly who is winning and who is losing. According to Reuters, Bill Gates said: "We have to go into the risky areas. That's what's going to allow the United States at the forefront." ...


The Wal-Martization of E-Commerce

Now all you need is a good idea to make some good money. You can start right away by getting a dot-com domain name registration for a year for much less than US$1 a month, and get a sparkling Web site for under $5 per month. For an additional $3 a month, get an encryption capability on the same site so you can offer secure online credit card transactions. Cha-ching. Plus e-mail and many other things thrown in for free...


The Forbidden Fruits and Singing Bananas

A very serious fight between Apple Computer and Apple Records of The Beatles is now headed for the ninth round ...


Google Phenomenon Critical to Brand Identity

Today's hot topic is Google and the search-engine ranking of brand identities ...


Lost in Translation: Corporate Branding

Is your corporate image sending messages of love, hate, profanity or sobriety? No matter how and where you travel, with or without your products or your corporate image, the chances are that a lot of your marketing messages are getting lost in translation as they make their way around the globe ...


What’s Hush-Hush Marketing?

Accessibility. Unless you are homeless, living out of a cardboard box, there is no need not to clearly identify your location of operation, size, staff, people and any other pertinent information. If you do not have anything to hide, and you expect that the customer will come to you with open arms, then it is expected that you do the same. If you know who you are, then show it, otherwise consider contacting your local Homeland in a hush-hush. Naseem Javed, author Naming for Power and also Domain Wars, is recognized as a world authority on global name identities and domain issues. Javed founded ABC Namebank, a consultancy he established a quarter century ago, and conducts executive workshops on image and name identity issues. Contact him at [email protected]. ...


The Importance of Search Branding

The scene opens. It's Google's day. The festivities are full steam ahead, the skateboarding mathematicians are jumping for joy and have thrown away their used hockey sticks while sipping champagne. They are now calculating the tractions and the centrifugal forces of their new Ferraris ...


Let’s Kill the Term ‘IT’

During the early dawn of mainframe computers, everyone was in data processing, and most corporations thought that without the word "data" in their corporate naming lingo, they would simply die. Therefore, millions of business names like "Data-This" and "Data-That" came about ...


Corporate Naming and the Power of W

The most powerful three letters in the world today are www. No further explanation is required. ...


Naming That Thing: A Critical Step

Most corporations, when giving birth to a new product, behave just like parents jumping in frenzy in a maternity ward. This typical hysterical hoopla of the incubation wing is often replaced by a subtler, cubicle behavior and, at times, becomes a subdued Dilbertish-style revolution. ...


Why Is Enron Now Called Prisma?

After a $60 billion rip-off, the disgraced energy giant Enron sheds its old image of EnWRONG to Prisma. After paying $665 million in legal fees, the company is restructured under the name identity of Prisma while some of its executives walk to prison. ...


Six Questions To Spur Web Success

At the Web's inception, its genius founders doodled on a napkin, came up with the big six suffixes -- .com, .net, .gov, .edu, .mil and .org -- and declared "www" as the one and only key to cyberspace, changing business forever. ...


The Brave New World of Corporate Image

With disturbing frequency, big corporations' reputations are going down the drain. Often, the root cause is that top people are caught with their hands in the cookie jar. A corporate image that took decades to build now stands like a crumbled ruin, in smoke and beyond repair. The same story is repeated again and again ...

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