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Results 1281-1300 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Verizon Tries to Stuff $90M Worth of Worms Back Into the Can

For years, Verizon Wireless has fielded complaints from customersabout mistaken data charges ...


Mobile App Helps Home Builders Close Weekend Deals

Sales Simplicity Software, a sales automation, CRM and e-marketingapplication for the builder, developer and senior-living industries,discovered an untapped need among its customers when it rolled out thefirst mobile version of its application about a year ago ...

OEMs Get a Lot of SugarCRM Poured on Them

SugarCRM has rolled out OEM Platform Edition, a new product for its software vendor anddistribution channel. The release doesn't further SugarCRM's opensource-based functionality. Rather, the company is repackaging the latestversion of Sugar 6, which came out this summer, ina format and with tools that will allow partners to enhance itwith their own customizations, white label it, and then resell it...

The Law’s Losing the Texting-While-Driving Fight

The many laws enacted by states to ban textingwhile driving appear to be for naught, suggest findings from anew study by the Highway Loss Data Institute.It found no reductions in crashes after theselaws took effect. In fact, the bans were associated with a slightincrease in the frequency of auto insurance claims: Crash reports were upin three of the four states studied for the project after the bans wereinstituted...


Roambi Mobile BI Walks a Narrow Line but Digs Deep

Many mobile apps for CRM tend to deliver comprehensive versions of the original application. For example, one can use the mobile app on a mobile device to carry out just about any CRM-related function that's possible using the enterprise version on a PC -- from monitoring the pipeline to contacting a lead ...

Intel Sells Software Key to CPU’s Full Power for $50

Tech circles are buzzing about a pilot project Intel is trying out atselect Best Buy stores, initially brought to light by Engadget. Intel is apparently marketing a US$50 "upgrade" card for the PentiumG6951 dual-core LGA1156 Clarkdale processor that powers the GatewaySX2841-09e ...

IBM’s $1.7B Netezza Acquisition May Not Be Done Deal

IBM has made a US$1.7 billion offer toacquire Netezza, a data warehouse specialist that allows usersto analyze huge amounts of data very quickly by integrating hardwarewith analytics applications ...

RIM, Oracle Spread a Little Sunshine on Wall Street

Two tech stalwarts -- Oracle and Research In Motion -- posted solid quarterly earnings, not only goosing their own shares, but delivering a boost to the stock market in general ...


RhoLogic Mobile for SugarCRM Is No Tease

RhoLogic, a division of Logic Appeal, an integrator of SugarCRM software, last month released RhoLogic Mobile for SugarCRM. The app is now generally available for download at the iTunes App Store and Android Market. The company is working on a BlackBerry version, as well asversions for Windows Phone 7 and Symbian ...

Craigslist Cleans House, Trash Moves Elsewhere

After resisting pressure from advocacy groups and attorneysgeneral for more than a year, Craigslist has decided to permanently remove its adult services section from its online classified ads in the United States.Elsewhere around the world, the section will remain live ...

SAP Launches a Slew of Speedier Analytics Apps

SAP has stepped up its analytics offerings with the launch of a family of industry-specific BusinessObjects applications, many of which were co-designed with users ...

Twitter Wants Micro-Messengers to Stick Around Longer

Twitter is revamping its Web page so that users will actually stay on the site. With its reliance on 140-character messages that typically link to other content, Twitter's model was tailor made to send users elsewhere ...

HP to Pay Sky-High Price for ArcSight

HP has announced it is acquiring security-software makerArcSight for US$1.5 billion. It is the second major acquisition thecompany has made since the departure of its CEO Mark Hurd last month ...


OnTheGo for Sage SalesLogix Starts Out on Training Wheels

Sage SalesLogix's OnTheGo is the first iteration of a new CRMapplication it developed with business partnerNet@Work using a new cloud-based mobile platform ...

Nokia’s New CEO May Whip Up Savvier Smartphone Strategy

Nokia has announced that President and CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo will leave his position on September 20, handing the keys to Microsoft executive Stephen Elop. ...

Google Instant Stirs Advertisers’ Fear and Loathing

Google has introduced a change to its search offerings -- a new feature called "Google Instant" -- that has online advertisers wringing their hands over its implications. ... Spreads Chatter to Mobile Devices has announced it is making its social tool Chatter available for mobile devices within the next several months ...

Sparks Already Flying as Oracle Brings Hurd Into Fold

Mark Hurd, the former CEO of HP who resigned in disgrace last month, has joined Oracle as co-president. At the same time, Charles Phillips, co-president and a member of Oracle's board of directors, has resigned. Hurd will serve alongside Co-President Safra Catz ...

Rabid Consumer Watchdog Attacks Google CEO

Consumer Watchdog, a privacy advocacy group, is running a 15-second spot on a 540-square foot digital display in Times Square to promote a longer video the group made highlighting what it perceives to be Google's intrusions on privacy ...

3Par Sale Frenzy Ends With HP the Presumed Winner

HP has won the bidding war it waged with Dell for data-storage company 3Par, whose shares were trading at US$9.65 when Dell first tried to acquire it in mid-August ...

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