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Results 1261-1280 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Supreme Court Grapples With Violent Video Game Law

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association -- a case stemming from a 2005 law passed in California that forbids the sale or rental of violent video games to minors. ...

Google Takes Uncle Sam to Court Over Software Procurement Practices

Google has filed a federal suit against the U.S. Department of the Interior, alleging that the agency inappropriately favored Microsoft as it crafted the requirements for a messaging platform it wanted to procure ...

Facebook ‘Friendship’ Tool May Cause Some Squirming

Facebook has introduced another new product to keep its 500 million user base engaged -- Friendship Pages, a new element to a Facebook page that displays content and connections shared between two friends. The page may contain photos in which they've both been tagged, wall posts, comments exchanged, events to which they've both RSVP'd, mutual friends and mutual "likes."

Swix Social Marketer Crunches the Numbers on Campaign Offer Results

Swix has enhanced its original application, Swix Analytics -- a dashboard that tracks ad campaigns and subsequent user engagement across 20 social media communities -- with a new product that tracks the returns those campaigns are delivering. ...

Travel Firms Link Arms Against Google Onslaught

Dismayed by the prospect of Google acquiring a key service provider in the travel industry, online traveler providers have banded together to formalize their opposition to the deal. ...

Adobe Gives Enterprise a New Set of App-Building Tools

Adobe has released version 2.5 of Adobe LiveCycle Enterprise Suite, which delivers more interactivity, as well as three new solution accelerators and a batch of new mobility features. ...

Tech Titans Create $250M Kitty for Social Startups

Venture capital group Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers has launched a US$250 million fund aimed specifically at startups that are developing social applications and services. Other investors in the "sFund," as it's called, include Facebook, Amazon, Zynga, Comcast and Liberty Media ...


Microstrategy Mobile Enables Industry-Specific BI App Development

At the beginning of July, MicroStrategy rolled out MicroStrategy Mobile -- a platform designed to allow companies to extend their on-premise business intelligence application to the mobile environment ...

IBM Rolls Windows Into Its Cloud Security and Dev Toolbox

IBM is continuing its steady march to build out its cloud computing bona fides, this time with the rollout of new security offerings and an expansion of its cloud-based development tools with an emphasis on Windows ...

Privacy Heat May Put Facebook in Regulators’ Crosshairs

One almost has to pity Facebook. Less than a month after it rolled out user enhancements that were lauded even by privacy advocates, it is back in the doghouse, facing a class action lawsuit and testy inquiries from two members of Congress ...

CIOs May Get More Adventurous in Spending IT Bucks

Global corporate spending on IT is entering a new cycle, characterized by lackluster or modest growth and, at the same time, new opportunities with new technologies. So said research firm Gartner at its annual Symposium/ITxpo, held this week in Orlando, Fla. ...

Aplicor Launches Cloud Suite 7 With Jazzy New UI

Aplicor has unveiled Cloud Suite 7.0, a beta version of an integrated CRM and ERP offering ...


Bantam Live: Social CRM for the SMB Crowd

Bantam Live principal John Rourkeremembers well one of the first glimpses the tech industry got of what was possible with real-time activity streams for the corporate environment. He was sharing the stage with a executive at an industry event focusing on that subject in 2009. They weren't talking about's now popular Chatter networking application, though. Rather, the center of attention was Bantam Live -- a social CRM and collaboration app whose backbone is its activity feed.

Microsoft Stirs Up CRM Market With Price-Cut Strategy

Microsoft announced a new price point for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2011 at Convergence 2010 Europe, which kicked off Thursday in London. When it is generally released at the beginning of next year, it will be available for US$34 per user, per month, for the first 12 months of service ...

NetSuite on Mission to Eradicate Software ‘Hairballs’

NetSuite is planting a stake in the Asia Pacific market, with the launch of its first partner conference in the region this week ...

Hulu Revving Up for Bold IPO Move

Hulu is expected to file a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission for its initial public offering by the end of the year. It believes it can raise US$200-$300 million, according to an unnamed source in a Reuters report. ...


Antenna Aims to Help Pharma Reps Pocket More Sales

CRM applications for the pharmaceutical vertical are complex andhighly tailored for this unique space. Building a comprehensive mobileCRM app that takes into account the varying needs of a pharma rep,therefore, would be a major undertaking ...

Everything’s Finally Copacetic on Facebook, Right?

Facebook rolled out a package of new user tools Wednesday that stunned onlookers -- and not just because it had been widely expected that Facebook would make some kind of mobile phone announcement. ...

Google Files Steamed Response to Oracle’s Java Claims

Google has responded to Oracle's lawsuit alleging that it infringed on its Java patents by going on the offensive. Oracle has made an about-face on its support for open-source licensing, Google maintains in a response filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California ...

Facebook’s Big News Better Be Worthy of the Buzz

Facebook is holding an invitation-only press event on Wednesday. Thebrief announcement -- that is, the prelude to the actual event -- hasthrown the social media and blogosphere rumor mills into overdrive. What,the burning question is, will Facebook announce? ...

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