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Results 1241-1260 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Court Ruling Grants Email the Cloak of Privacy

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has handed down a ruling that delights privacy advocates and Fourth Amendment purists: In U.S. v. Warshak, it found that the government should have obtained a search warrant before seizing and searching defendant Stephen Warshak's emails, which were stored by email service providers ...

Winklevosses’ Legal Lobs Won’t Leave Much Egg on Facebook

A long-simmering legal dispute between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and two former Harvard University classmates is back in the public eye after partially redacted court documents filed this summer in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court surfaced on Radar ...


Email Marketing or Social Media? Both, Says Constant Contact

Email marketing has been a mainstay marketing tool for 10 years or more. When social media's clout with consumers became apparent -- Facebook now has 500 million users and counting -- there was much talk about whether email marketing was even still relevant ...

Amazon Sticks It to Google With Kindle for the Web

At Google's Chrome OS event and demo on Tuesday, one of the participants was Amazon. The company chose this venue -- a competitor's product strategy launch -- to introduce an upgrade to its own go-to-market approach: the Kindle Web app. Now users can buy and read entire books from their browser without having to download special software. Also, publishers, authors and bloggers will be able to sell Kindle books through their own sites...

IBM Moves Service Desks to the Cloud

IBM has released the second Software as a Service offering in its Tivoli Live portfolio: its IT service desk. Called "Tivoli Live-service manager," this release follows last year's Tivoli Live-monitoring service, a SaaS app that manages the health and performance of IT resources ...

Google Moves to Crack Down on Search Advertising Evildoers

Google is tightening its copyright and piracy protection procedures, instituting new measures that will facilitate Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown requests and will better oversee search advertisers that use copyrighted or trademarked terms ...


TreeHouse Spruces Up Marketing, Builds Analytics Addition

Among the many announcements that will no doubt be emanating from's Dreamforce conference next week will be this: TreeHouse Interactive, a SaaS partner relationship management provider, will join AppExchange. When it does, it will provide the first independent PRM offering on the site, outside of's own PRM functionality...

Google Denies Rankings Hanky-Panky as EU Pursues Probe

The European Commission has opened an antitrust probe of Google for allegedly discriminating against competing search services by restricting its advertising partners from placing ads on their sites. It also is investigating whether Google has restricted advertisers from moving their data to competing ad services ...


Nutshell Takes a Crack at Mid-Market

Nutshell CRM officially launched earlier this month. It is, like many startup CRM applications, focused primarily on the sales piece, although CEO Guy Suter told CRM Buyer that marketing and service will follow shortly. ...

SAP Likely to Weather TomorrowNow Storm Despite Record $1.3B Damages

Executives at SAP will be starting off the holidays in a glum frame of mind: A federal jury handed Oracle a victory in its legal tangle with SAP, awarding it US$1.3 billion for copyright infringement -- the largest-ever such award ... Aims to Pump Up Chatter’s Volume is planning to release a free version of its real-time social collaboration application and platform, Chatter, according to comments CEO Marc Benioff made during the company's recent earnings call ...

MySpace Turns to Facebook to Get Its Groove Back

MySpace and Facebook -- bitter enemies until Facebook left MySpace far in the dust -- have announced new and tighter integrations between the two. The announcement constituted a tacit, but completely unnecessary, concession by MySpace that the social networking wars were over and that Facebook was the undisputed victor. Now MySpace will concentrate on the niche in which it does have a clear strength, music social sharing...

Avaya Promises SMBs Easier, More Intuitive Communications

Avaya has introduced its latest iteration of Avaya IP Office -- its flagship communications suite for small and medium-sized businesses. The high points of the upgrade are easier-to-use features, greater transparency into coworkers' presence, and a more intuitive interface ...


Retargeting Can Put Fickle Online Shoppers in a Buying Mood: Q&A With AdRoll CEO Aaron Bell

As an Internet marketing tactic, retargeting has never quite reached its stride. However, updated technology, changing market dynamics and new offerings by vendors -- especially Google's entrance into the space -- is changing that ...


Retargeting Can Put Fickle Online Shoppers in a Buying Mood: Q&A With AdRoll CEO Aaron Bell

As an Internet marketing tactic, retargeting has never quite reached its stride. However, updated technology, changing market dynamics and new offerings by vendors -- especially Google's entrance into the space -- is changing that ...


Retargeting Can Put Fickle Online Shoppers in a Buying Mood: Q&A With AdRoll CEO Aaron Bell

As an Internet marketing tactic, retargeting has never quite reached its stride. However, updated technology, changing market dynamics and new offerings by vendors -- especially Google's entrance into the space -- is changing that ...

Survey: Customers Eager to Throw Off Service Appointment Shackles

Apparently years of complaints by consumers about long wait periods for service providers have gone unheeded: The standard three-to-five hour appointment period for in-home visits by cable companies, utilities and repairpersons is still very much in force, a new survey found ...

A Lot Hinges on SC’s Ruling in $30 Cellphone Sales Tax Case

The Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday in AT&T v. Concepcion -- a case that could decide whether the arbitration clauses companies routinely insert in sales contracts can ban class actions ...

SugarCRM Gets More Global, Mobile, Social

SugarCRM has released an upgrade to Sugar 6, expanding its CRM suite with new features that will build up its social bona fides. ...


Shoutlet Cuts Through Social Communications Din

Shoutlet, which last year launched an app designed to help companies manage their social media operations, has expanded its feature set to include CRM functionality. ...

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