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Results 81-100 of 123 for Naseem Javed

Age of Abundance Requires Innovation

Recently, we came out of the age of curiosity, entered the age of scarcity and are now sinking in the age of abundance. Everything is here ...


Seven Laws of Internet Marketing

Every hour there are new changes to our old ways of thinking about traditional marketing rules. While we are all very deep into e-commerce, we must be aware of whether we are either already very successful or still learning the processes. Here are some cutting-edge rules to ensure good returns on e-commerce and Internet marketing ...


Don’t Touch Google’s Name

Millions of entrepreneurs and thousands of account executives from major ad agencies all over the world are losing their sleep these days, most sleepwalking in search of new names with some extra "OO"s to ride along with the success of Google's name ...


Avoiding Cyber-Oblivion

During the last century, mega corporations throughout the world followed the prime rules of building corporate image and name identity in the strictest sense ...


Mergers Should Not Create Two-Faced Corporations

As mergers take off in all directions, newly stirred corporate philosophies must be properly captured, realigned and projected through new corporate name personas to ensure the confidence of long-term investors. It is extremely difficult to run a corporation with two faces, two messages and two names ...


IBM Should ‘Think’ Before Allowing Two Masters for Its Brand

The name IBM is the world's most distinct and valuable corporate identity. Its three letters, parked in this unique random arrangement, are worth many billions of dollars. Meanwhile, Lenovo of China is the new owner of IBM PC and will also use the IBM name for the next five years, while IBM will use its identity for higher-end technology and consulting services. How will all this work?...


A Billion Name Matches Muddle E-Commerce

E-commerce is growing in leaps and bounds. Searching on global engines for business names based on "Web" or "Net," like WebCom, WebTech, NetSys or NetWeb, will now result in millions of matches. This signals a crisis for business name identities, corporate images and global cyber-branding ...


Customers Are Color Blind

Contrary to branding beliefs, customers are completely oblivious to a corporation's image being tied to a specific color. In fact, trying to use a color for corporate identity can actually lead to trouble ...


A New Lingo Calls for a New World Order

The language of the business culture, or "corporate lingo," took a dramatic turn with the advent of the word "software." What changed is history. Now, once again, techie lingo is teasing our communication skills and our corporate understanding ...


Corporations Must Function in the Name Economy

E-commerce -- recently created by the Internet and Web sites -- is now a fully matured mammoth and has connected with a few big punches in the first round of fights between the old and new economy. What once had been just a simple information page for a business on the Internet is now, in a majority of cases, a powerful Web-portal-come-real-money-making-gatekeeper to the entire organization...


Corporate Image Mythology

There are three common myths about corporate image and name identity: Big money will buy you a big image, customers are just sheep, and constant bombardment will bring constant sales. Corporate image and name identity form the backbone of any business. Without them there will be no growth, no IPOs, no M&As. It is critical to understand how to play this game, blindfolded or with clear vision...


Is Your Logo That Important?

Your logo is not that important these days, as most customers have no motivation to remember the subtle intricacies or bizarre approaches to logos that are intended to stimulate demand. They are already flooded with colorful graphic look-alikes and continuously regenerated blasts from every corner ...


Is Corporate Branding Key for an IPO?

For any corporation with plans to hit the markets with an IPO in 2005 or beyond, here are some key points ...


Internet Branding and Technology Marketing

The Internet highway is just a free medium, like the roads and all the highways. Somehow there are those who walk on the roads and those who run, some drive taxis, others drive Ferraris or race tractor-trailers. To each his own, they are all free, and so are the maps. Thank heaven ...


Five Faces of Corporate Image

Every corporation has a face, captured by its name identity and its image, including the overall image delivery system to push that name in the marketplace. Whether you like it or not, your corporate image is out there and is fully exposed ...


Global Trademarks Can Be Established Easily

All you will need to establish a worldwide trademark is the desire to go global with a powerful global identity. The rest will fit if you follow the right procedures and make sure your entire organization is ready to play the new global games ...


The Day the Old Telephony Died

Every now and then, our society is placed at a crossroads, a kind of a juxtaposition where a leading current technology gets run over by a bulldozer ...


Free Branding Services?

There are thousands of very, very small companies out there who will develop a logo at no cost, a tagline at no cost, get you a free domain name and a free Web site at no cost. I guess the next big thing will be that they also write you a fat check -- all for free. Who are these enterprises and how are they doing this? ...


We Are American, No Sex Please

The global population is divided into two major groups: open minds in closed societies and closed minds in open societies. Therefore, the marketing and naming of products must address the issues of sexual connotation with extraordinary depth, care and caution ...


The Black Hole of Branding

Is this the dawning of the age of branding or just another black hole? The term "Le Branding" started out in the Dark Ages, where marks were burned onto cattle. On ever-so-slowly-evolving minds of the Homo sapiens, this word also made a solid impression and provides a daily dose of comfort ...

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