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Results 1161-1180 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

LimeWire Settlement a Sour Deal for Artists

The founder of LimeWire LLC, the distributor of the LimeWire file-sharing software program that was found to infringe copyrights on a massive scale, has reached an agreement with the music industry's trade group, the Recording Industry Association of America, to settle its lawsuit for US$105 million. ...

PartnerOption Offers SMBs a CRM/Social Networking Cocktail

The Kaden Group has launched a new social CRM application, The startup is hoping to carve out a niche by targeting small businesses with a product that combines free CRM functionality -- for now -- with an organized, easily portable business social network focusing on sales leads, distribution and reseller opportunities. ...

FBI’s Controversial Tracking Device No MacGyver Special

Every now and then -- or possibly a great deal more often -- the FBI will plant a car-tracking device on someone's automobile to track their movements. ...

‘Someone With’ Offers Central Hub for Breast Cancer Patients’ Product Needs

You may not know it, unless a friend or relative has had treatment for breast cancer, but it is the little things that can kill you during recovery -- or at least make you very sick. Little things as in commercial brands of toothpaste or mouthwash. ...

LastPass’ Precautionary Move Sets Some Teeth on Edge

LastPass is a password manager. Users rely on it to store the myriad user names and passwords they inevitably collect as they go about their business on the Web. With LastPass, they only have to remember one single master password. LastPass handles the rest -- including, presumably, security. ...


ListenLogic Takes Triage Approach to Social Media Comments

ListenLogic is moving into the social CRM sphere after building expertise with its two related offerings: a reputation management application that helps corporations identify threats before they reach crisis proportions, and a social market research and listening product. ...

Intel Busts Out of the Gate With 3D Transistor

Intel has reported a major technological breakthrough in microprocessor development: the world's first 3D transistor. The Tri-Gate transistor will continue the steady delivery of computing products that are ever more powerful, ever cheaper and ever smaller, the company said. ...

Kiss This: Scientists Show Off a Cyber-Smooching Machine

Researchers in Japan are working on a device that has managed to intrigue -- or at least amuse -- public relations executives, social scientists and even the patent holders of a sanitizer for computer keyboards and other peripherals: an Internet-based kissing machine ...

BI Applications Trending Toward Ease of Use and Mobility

Gartner's Business Intelligence Summit 2011 kicked off on Monday in Los Angeles. It is the sister conference to one held in the beginning of the year in London. While the keynote speakers and participating companies vary, the general themes running through both conferences are the same. ...

Microsoft’s Q3 Exposes Windows’ Weakness in a World Turning to Tablets

In the big scheme of things, Microsoft's third fiscal quarter for 2011 was pretty good -- until, that is, one drills down and sees that its core product, Windows, delivered a disappointing performance, while recent computing developments, especially the consumer craze for tablets, are not exactly trending Microsoft's way. ...


The Tech Addict’s Road to Spiritual Bankruptcy: Q&A With Jane Velez-Mitchell

Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of her own TV show, "Issues," on HLN and author of a newly released book, Addict-Nation, An Intervention for America, well remembers the genesis of one of the topics in her book. She and her partner were about to become intimate, she cheerfully relates -- until she got an overwhelming urge to check her BlackBerry for email first.


CoTweet Pulls Social Media Conversations Into CRM Systems

CoTweet, a social media management application that ExactTarget developed when it realized that email marketing recipients often continue a conversation about a brand in social marketing venues, now has stronger integration for CRM legacy systems. ...

Microsoft Antitrust Oversight Ends With a Whimper

Talk about your anti-climatic endings. Thirteen years after the Sturm und Drang that was the government prosecution of Microsoft on antitrust grounds, the mammoth, multi-million dollar case has ended with a straightforward, run-of-the-mill legal proceeding ...

FBI May Hunt Down and Destroy Botnets in Zombie PCs

The FBI has requested and received a preliminary injunction from a U.S. district judge to continuing issuing "stop" commands to the zombie machines infected with the Coreflood botnet. It is an essential step that is part of the agency's dramatic takedown of the botnet's command-and-control system earlier this month, an agent said in written testimony...

Location, Location, Location: Congress Steamed Over Mobile Device Tracking

As far as privacy-related storms go, the current one sweeping the industry is unusually fast moving. In the days since researchers Peter Warden and Alasdair Allan published the unsettling discovery that Apple's iOS could track users' movements, timestamp them, and then send the information to Apple, the following has occurred: 1) Google has been outed as well, spurred on by a not-so-subtle tip provided by Apple CEO Steve Jobs; 2) investigations into the processes of Windows Phone 7, Nokia and other smartphone devices immediately commenced; 3) a lawsuit was filed against Apple in Tampa, Fla., seeking class action status; 4) probes have been launched in France, Germany, Italy and South Korea; and now 5) Congress is getting involved.

Nintendo’s Got a New Little Wii in the Oven

Nintendo confirmed the rumors that have been swirling for weeks that it is working on a next-generation Wii. The company released sparse details about the game console, other than it is set to be on store shelves in 2012 and will be unveiled at the video game industry conference, E3, held in Los Angeles this June. ...

More Money Could Make Microsoft Employees Stick

Microsoft is going to boost employees' compensation, the company announced in a memo that was sent out to its entire staff on Thursday morning ...

Natty Narwhal About to Surface

Canonical is releasing its Ubuntu 11.04 suite of corporate and developer desktops and servers -- aka "Natty Narwhal" -- on April 28. ...


eGain Amps Up Search Functionality for Agents and Customers

eGain recently introduced a multidimensional search function to its knowledge agent and its self-service product lines. In essence, it is two sides of the same coin in that it provides the same functionality to both the agent desktop and the computer screen that a customer uses when searching for an answer. ...

Facebook Security Improvements Require a Bit of Digging

Facebook has introduced a number of security improvements aimed at better safeguarding users' privacy. These enhancements came a day after Sophos published an open letterasking the site to tighten up its security. ...

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