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Results 1141-1160 of 1290 for Charles King

VMware Rolls Out Open Source Virtual Desktop Client

The offering, though, is hardly a market marker for the virtualization space -- although it sets a positive precedent, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider. "Right now the virtual desktop market is still very much in its infancy." Areas where such developments would likely catch on include those thin client environments that have already proven themselves financially viable: contact centers, for instance, or educational institutions that have heavy computer lab use. In the latter scenario, colleges can use virtual desktops to offer several different computing classes without having to spend much on hardware, King explained...

US to Enlist 20-Petaflop IBM Supercomputer for Nuke Management Duty

"Holy moly. It just seems like last year that we passed sustained performance of one petaflop -- and hey, it was last year," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "You're talking about a remarkable jump in performance, certainly. I could be wrong, ...

Alternative-Alternative Energies: What’s Next?

So-called fringe technologies have taken hold in bastions of early technology adoption like California, said Charles King, principal with Pund-IT "Energy on the fringe is a fairly common topic here in California," he told TechNewsWorld. "I'd include everything from do-it-yours...

Software Giant to Shed a Little Weight Following Bleak Earnings Report

Thursday's news is yet another sign of gloom for the economy in general and the tech market in particular, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "Over the last six to eight weeks, we have been seeing reports of layoffs from a number of vendors -- part...

What’s Driving Future American Auto Development?

Electricity will play a major role in the future of the automotive industry, Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Hybrid cars are obviously here to stay, and plug-in/chargeable vehicles should be available in the next couple of years. In addition, increasing numbers of communities are building charging stations."

Is Cisco Spoiling for a Server Market Brawl?

The strategy makes sense for Cisco, despite its risks, said Charles King, principal of Pund-IT "Cisco has increasingly built IT management capabilities into network offerings. In particular, I am thinking of smart switches leveraged by companies like EMC to handle storage and ...

Cloud Wars: A New Hope

More firms are looking at the financial benefits of outsourcing their IT operations as much as possible, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Indeed, the issue of how much money can be saved by moving to the cloud has become the top question during...

Microsoft Opens Floodgates for Windows 7 Beta

Microsoft has been contrite about Vista's failings in public comments and blogs -- at least, as contrite as it seems possible for it to be, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT Research, told the E-Commerce Times "They have admitted problems exist with Vista, particularly with...

Negotiating the Domain Name Thicket

"While I'm sure entrepreneurs and companies with recognizable brands will grab up potential moneymaking new domains ASAP, I believe that '.com' will likely retain a higher status for the time being," Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Th...

Logitech Bends to Economy’s Ill Winds

Logitech's moves come as no surprise. "I think that most every PC and peripheral maker and vendor that makes computer products -- for the consumer industry, in particular -- is preparing for hard times this year," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times...

Bundled Service, Unbundled Customer Service

"There has been an obvious competitive benefit for telcos promote bundled services, but they haven't figured out a way to bundle the customer service as well," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer. In fact, the gaps in customer service are widening, he added, ...

HP Makes PC-Mac Peace, but at a Cost

"There's certainly a niche market for it, mostly among media-savvy or media-obsessed consumers who have taken the step toward integrating home PC usage with other types of media," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "But frankly I don't see a significant number of consumers moving toward that media-everywhere sort of approach that HP seems to be relying on."

Zooming In on Digital Camera Trends

"At the lower end, increasingly robust video capabilities -- up to 720p HD in some compacts ... are driving value," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The Nikon CoolPix S60 uses touchscreen technology to help adjust image focus, and also has software for tracking moving subjects."

Microsoft to Keep XP in Harness

Vista's quality aside, "certainly, its uptake has been slower than Microsoft had hoped," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times. Whether its flaws are real or perceived, current economic conditions make it improbable that many companies will want to in...

Carbon Trading Online, Part 2: Eco-Aware Consumers

Where there are potential profits, there is potential for fraud, said Charles King, principal with Pund-IT The best strategy is to deal in measurable commodities, he told the E-Commerce Times....

US Tech Firms Team to Juice Up Electric Car Batteries

"The domestic battery production is pretty woeful -- and that's probably a kind term for it," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "What happened back in the '90s when the technology came about is some U.S. companies looked to produce batteries in ...

Carbon Trading Online, Part 1: Eco-Aware Commerce

The Chicago Climate Exchange gets passing marks -- so far -- from Charles King, principal at Pund-IT "They're a legally binding trading system with 350-plus members that have agreed to reduce their aggregate carbon emissions 6 percent by 2010," King told the E-Commerce Times.

Bundled Services: A Great Big Ball of Consumer Angst?

The trend toward forgetting about customer needs after their deals are inked is "a brutal indictment of shoddy customer service," said Charles King, principal with Pund-IT. "It also seems to undermine the hopes of cable companies planning to offer their own wireless or voice services. If, given the chance, two thirds of your customers would head for the exits, it's time to take a long, hard look in the mirror."

Zoho Builds SQL Road to Cloud

Zoho is meeting at least one demand driver in the market with this rollout, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Many users fear putting data in the cloud, beyond their control. "This application allows users to leverage the cloud but still retain ...


Tough Tech for a Tough World: What Makes Rugged Gadgets So Hardy?

"Dust and humidity is dealt with in a couple of ways," Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The keyboard is actually sealed. The inputs like USB (universal serial bus) have rubber removable covers," he explained. In the case of Dell's offering, Ki...

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