Search Results

Results 1121-1140 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

CDC’s Pivotal CRM Boils Down Social, Email Integration to 1 Click

CDC Software's Pivotal CRM Customer Service and Support has launched, with major changes to the application's integration with social media and email, and more configuration options. ...

US Phone Buyers Dump Dumb, Get Smart

Nielsen's latest statistics on smartphone sales in the U.S. are more than a little eye-catching. They suggest that an important tipping point is on the horizon: The majority of mobile phone users will soon own smartphones, as opposed to feature phones. ...


MyCyberTwin: Your Customer Service Fantasies Fulfilled

Imagine a customer service agent who can do virtually no wrong. She typically answers questions in about three seconds, with an astonishing 94 percent accuracy rate. ...

Sony’s Exec Changes Fail to Impress

Several weeks after the Sony PlayStation Network was brought to its knees by a massive security breach, the company has decided to clean house with an executive reshuffling. ...

Google+ Privacy Complaints – Faint Voices in the Wilderness?

Not even 24 hours had passed following Google's sneak preview of its new social networking initiative -- Google+ -- before the grumbling began. ...

1plusV Lobs Another Antitrust Grenade at Google

French search company 1plusV has stepped up its battle with Google over how its algorithms rank sites, filing suit against the search engine giant in the French Commercial Court. It is seeking US$423 million in damages from business it claims it lost due to alleged antitrust practices by Google. ...

Internet Censorship Storm Is Coming, Warns Schmidt

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt foresees more troublesome days ahead between the search engine giant and the governments of the world. Censorship is on the rise around the globe, he said Monday, at a Dublin summit on militant violence that was organized by Google, according to press reports. ...


LoopFuse Aims for Automated Marketing, No IT Required

LoopFuse has updated its marketing automation application with functionality that includes new integration for Web form hosting through the popular Wufoo, as well as more support for global users and tighter integration between the inbound marketing features and the CRM app. ...

Focus Sharpens on Management of Customers’ Online Experience

Two events in the CRM industry this week are shining a spotlight on a broad and sometimes nebulously defined space. First, Oracle announced its agreement to acquire FatWire, a provider of Web experience management software. Second, Adobe rolled out its Digital Enterprise Platform for Customer Experience Management. ...

Hulu Is Gussying Up for Suitors

One way or another, change is clearly coming for the online television website Hulu. Either it will be acquired by Yahoo, or it will put itself out on the market to be snapped up by another deep-pocketed company. ...

FCC Aims to Get Carriers’ Sticky Fingers Out of Customers’ Pockets

The Federal Communications Commission has declared war on the practice of telecom carriers surreptitiously nickel-and-diming their customers through a practice called "cramming." ...

Kindle Self-Published E-Books Doused by Waves of Spam

Amazon's self-publishing e-book platform appears to be overrun by spam or low-quality e-books, according to an analysis of the ecosystem by Reuters. ...


Listrak Helps Etailers Better Know Their Customers

Listrak has incorporated new features into its email marketing platform that give its users analytic and behavioral targeting capabilities. It also has brought more oomph to its shopping cart abandonment dashboard by developing more granular metrics for it. ...

Truculent Tweet Nukes PR Firm’s Rep

This week, Take-Two subsidiary2K Games and independent developer Gearbox Software debuted "Duke Nukem Forever" for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. ...

T-Mobile Lines Up Daily Deals for Android Users

Wireless carrier T-Mobile has entered the group buying market with its own daily deal offering. Called "More for Me," the nationwide service aggregates deals from such originators as Living Social and Groupon. ...

Skype Video-Calling Will Require Comcast Customers to Think Different About TV

A new partnership between Comcast and Skype will let Comcast subscribers place video calls through their television sets. ...

Top 100 Etailers Get Email, Phone Response Report Cards

If you like speaking with live customer service reps about service issues without having to first endure a long and frustrating wait on the phone, then shop at Sierra Trading Post. ...

Daily Discount Coupons: Pay Dirt or Raw Deals? – Part 4

Daily Discount Coupons: Pay Dirt or Raw Deals? - Part 3 ...

Pandora’s Music Box Wound Up for Wall Street Debut

Pandora, an Internet music service, is scheduled to begin trading shares in an initial public offering on Wednesday on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "P." ...

Daily Discount Coupons: Pay Dirt or Raw Deals? – Part 3

Daily Discount Coupons: Pay Dirt or Raw Deals? - Part 2 ...

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