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Results 1101-1120 of 1290 for Charles King

EC’s Long, Hard Look at Sun-Oracle Deal Gets Longer, Harder

"Many thought Oracle would do with MySQL what it had done with other technologies it had acquired in the past -- kill off what it doesn't want and roll what it wants into its existing products," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research, told the E-Commerce Times For example...


VMworld 2009 – VMware’s Journey to the Cloud

VMworld, VMware's signature annual user and partner event, is kicking off this week in San Francisco, so it seems worth reconsidering the company's recent acquisition of SpringSource. ...


A Last Call for Snarkers Anonymous?

Lenovo's taking a risk in following these categories -- nettops, HTPCs and home servers. None have yet proven to be smash hits with consumers, and some doubts remain they'll ever really catch on. Charles King at Pund-IT told us: "If Lenovo's and other vendors' home theater products don't catch fire soon, it may be time to retire the idea for good." ...

Lenovo Looks Homeward With New PC Products

Pricing is key, but if consumers continue to be apathetic about home theater PCs, manufacturers should think about calling it quits, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "If Lenovo's and other vendors' home theater products don't catch fire soon, it may be time to retire the idea for good," he told TechNewsWorld...

Failure to Monetize Dooms

These factors affect just about every Web service, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Is there enough demand to support more than a handful of [providers of] any given service?" he asked. For the URL shortening space, the answer is no -- the marke...


IBM Capitalizes the ‘I’ in IT

Last week, IBM announced the new Smart Analytics System, a fine-tuned solution for analyzing both structured information in databases and unstructured, often incompatible data from sources such as blogs, emails, information archives, podcasts, videos, Web sites and wikis. ...

Report: Feds Short on Cybersecurity Manpower

However, it's unclear whether Congress is up to the challenge. "I don't think Congress is ready to tackle the situation," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld. "The distance between decision making and implementation is very long sometimes." The PPS ...


Thinking Outside the Green IT Box

"Green IT" has been a tech industry cause celebre for the past few years, first arising as the potential effects of global warming were coming increasingly to the fore and then enjoying a significant boost as the global recession compounded the practical value of data center energy efficiency and power savings. ...

New Site Lets Citizens Follow the Government’s IT Money Trail

This increased openness is a plus, but the proof will come when IT Dashboard becomes more of a conversation and less of a data repository, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "I think it's always good to solicit information, but the real test of a program...

Nortel Asset Sale Punctuates End of Era

Yet "even the most desiccated corpse can make compost," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. The telecom industry has undergone a fundamental shift that has cannibalized most of the leading vendors over the past 10 years. The Internet is to blame, ...

Dell Drums Up Virtualization-in-a-Box

"Many SMBs don't have the technological background or skills on-site to make virtualization happen in a cost-effective way," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. For the SMB, Dell offers a configuration consisting of the PowerEdge R710 server, Dell PowerVau...

IBM Offers Platform for Diving Into the Cloud

IBM does well in tracking the demand drivers in the cloud computing market, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "What I found interesting about CloudBurst is that it arose out of research that IBM did with some customers," King recalled. "That was h...

Former iPod Guru Takes Palm’s Helm

Palm moved Rubinstein into the leadership role so soon after the Pre's launch in order to make sure Wall Street and competitors hear its message of change loud and clear, according to Charles King, Pund-IT principal analyst. "You want to make sure you do things as you move in...

Fedora Sets Leonidas Loose, Builds Collaboration Portal

"This is likely to be the last Fedora release before Windows 7 shows up in the Fall, so it's Red Hat drawing a line in the sand for what sort of experience Linux desktop users can expect so they can compare it with Windows 7," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider...

DoJ May Probe Collusion Over Tech Talent Pools

These companies may have a hands-off understanding -- though perhaps just a tacit one, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Silicon Valley is such a fishbowl that it wouldn't surprise me that companies have a wink and a nod agreement among themsel...


EMC World 2009 – Traveling the Cloud’s Byways

The recession's effects on technology budgets, corporate belt-tightening and simple business survival have been well-documented, but less attention has been paid to how IT industry client and developer conferences can help end customers stabilize or even improve their situations. Make no mistake -- the economy is affecting attendance and participation at 2009 events. Organizations are trimming spending deeply, even radically, in order to bolster cash reserves and preserve financial resources -- but even a tourniquet needs occasional loosening to avoid severely damaging an already injured limb.

IBM Launches All-Seeing, All-Knowing, Real-Time Data Cruncher

"In a sense, you're talking about a system that enables dynamic or near real-time data analysis," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Super MARIO...

Xerox Goes for the Green With Crayon-Like Printer Ink

That's two shades of green for potential customers -- less money spent and less damage to nature -- and it's a potent combination these days, according to Pund-IT analyst Charles King "Xerox is working very hard to re-establish themselves as the leader, or a major leader, in a...

Citrix Stresses Virtualization With New Certification Requirements

As virtualization permeates more of the economy, such vendor-provided certifications are becoming more important, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "In the line of who knows the most of a given technology, the vendor usually sits on top of food chai...


vSphere 4: Forerunner to a Data Center Revolution?

Cloud computing has been a central subject and strategy for IT vendors of every sort, but the actual meaning of "cloud" remains hazy. ...

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