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Results 1081-1100 of 1290 for Charles King

Oracle Puts Third-Party Support in Crosshairs

Whether or not Oracle can deliver on its promise is open to question."There's a difference between saying something and delivering on it,"Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, pointed out "Extra effort and slimmer profit margins tend to erode a vendor's bestintentions," ...

Video Sites Dip Toes in HTML 5 Waters

User-friendly arguments -- no need for plug-in players -- is colliding with the commercial aspects of video delivery on the Web, said Pund-IT principal Charles King. "The concept of HTML video-based capabilities makes a great deal of sense, but it's also safe to say it's not without some controversy," King told TechNewsWorld. "Video has become a viable business, and certainly there's a type of technology feature that many companies are exploiting commercially. There's that value that standalone video player manufacturers see in keeping their proprietary platform."


CES 2010: Consumer-Tech Style Meets Business-IT Substance

Not surprisingly, most folks see CES as a watershed event for tracking the latest in current, emerging and future consumer electronics trends. So why did I travel to CES 2010 in search of products related to business IT? Pure contrariness is one reply, but let's also toss in the common, if sometimes subtle, linkages between consumer and business IT...

Tech Sector Primed for Comeback in 2010

"I think a certain amount of optimism is warranted," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The economy appears to be in better shape today than it was a year ago, and the survey reflects a degree of optimism I've been seeing among IT vendors and many of their customers." ...

Chrome Streaks Past Safari in Market Share

Released about a year ago, Google's Chrome is the latest major player to arrive on the browser scene. The fact that it has caught up so quickly with much longer-standing players is a testament to the newly increased fluidity of the browser market, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider...


The Decade’s Best and Worst Business IT Vendors

The past-decade technology wrap-ups populating the media lately have been entertaining for the most part. Reconsidering the technology deals and products that have arisen since January 1, 2000, is like looking at your high school yearbook. "What was I thinking?" seems the most appropriate response. ...

Healthy Global Chip Sales Fuel IT Optimism

While any industry-generated statistics should be taken with grain of salt, the SIA is generally cautious in its projections -- another plus for the tech industry pinning its hopes on a strong 2010, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times, adding that he feels cautiously optimistic about the coming year.

The Imminent Netbook Explosion

The low prices charged for netbooks require a trade-off in features. "If you mostly just want to surf the Web, write emails, check your eBay auctions and perform other simple tasks, netbooks are good tools and offer great value," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "You don't get the power of a full-sized laptop for that price, but you get light weight and a long battery life." ...

Sun Releases 3 Java Upgrades as EU Begins Closed-Door Merger Hearing

Much of this functionality has likely been in the works for some time, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. However, the timing of the releases -- just as the European Union opens a two-day closed hearing on the Oracle acquisition -- is probably not coincidental.


IBM Connect 2009 – Meeting Critical Business Challenges

IBM's recent Connect 2009 analyst conference provided fascinating insights into one of the company's most valuable assets -- its software group (SWG) organization. IBM has long been recognized as a purveyor of enterprise-class computing systems, but during the past decade, the company's global services organization (IGS) has become its prime driver of revenue and profit.

Go Go Google Programming Language

"With all the programming languages and technologies, application programming remains a highly complex and very time-consuming process," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider. "It looks like Google's goal is to create a programming language and interface that takes a good deal of time and effort out of the process. If they can pull that off, they can make a convincing argument for the development of another programming language." ...

Cisco Adds New Technologies to Collaboration Tool Chest

The right server, storage and networking infrastructure is necessary to make company-to-company collaboration unfold in a seamless way, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld The data center cloud computing initiative that Cisco launched last week should play ...


Headed for the Clouds – Cisco, EMC and VMware Launch VCE Coalition

By and large, IT favors grand pronouncements and overheated rhetoric, and the industry abounds with "unprecedented" efforts firmly rooted in precedent and "unique" solutions fashioned from the commonest clay. Is that the case with Cisco, EMC and VMware's new Virtual Computing Environment (VCE) coalition? Decidedly not, and for a number of reasons.

Microsoft Turns on a Dime to Beat Back Google Apps

"Google is certainly a company that Microsoft has in its crosshairs and vice versa -- but there are others too," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "IBM Lotus, for example, has been gaining market traction and is competitive on price with Microsoft."

Microsoft to Launch Revamped SharePoint as Public Beta

For all the enhancements in the new version, though, a key determinant to SharePoint 2010's success will be Windows 7, said Charles King, principal of Pund-IT -- "that, plus whether or not companies that adopted Windows 7 then decide to make the jump to SharePoint." One of ch...

Analyst: Don’t Blame the Sidekick Mess on the Cloud

"The problem was the result of bad practices meeting bad circumstances," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld, "but it does call into question what consumers can and should expect from a hosted services provider." Microsoft had probably not fully audi...

Sidekick Data Rises From the Ashes

It is tough to guess what really happened based on their statements, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT told TechNewsWorld. "Frankly, I was surprised when they announced they lost all of the data -- that can be very hard to do with adequate backup in place." A total loss woul...

Acer Joins the Android Horde

Android's open platform could possibly best Apple with its closed, proprietary approach to the iPhone -- and presumably whatever netbook product it eventually rolls out, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider "We are starting to see increasing demand for smart...


Stylish, High-Performance PCs Suggest a Sea Change for Dell

Among Dell's latest new business client solutions and technologies are ...


Sprint Gives Android a Hero’s Welcome

So how come the EC is taking so much time to investigate the deal when the U.S. DoJ was relatively quick to give it the rubber stamp? According to Pund-IT's Charles King, "Many U.S. regulators marginalize open source. Open source has a much higher profile and higher degree of regulatory and industry respect in the EU than it does in the U.S."

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