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Results 1061-1080 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

HTC’s on the Hotseat for Allowing Critical Smartphone Security Flaw

A vulnerability in a logging tool that HTC has installed on some of its Android devices poses a serious security problem for users, according to the Android Police. ...

Chrome Creeps Up on Firefox

Chrome, a relative newbie in the browser world, appears poised to take over the No.2 spot -- possibly within the next three months. ...

BofA Customers May Not Want to Take It Anymore

Bank of America may have hoped it could quietly slip a US$5 fee past its customers. If so, it was woefully wrong. ...

RIM’s PlayBook May Have Run Out of Moves

Is the tablet market so saturated that Research In Motion has thrown in the towel? The company has halted production of its PlayBook and will not pursue any other tablet projects, according to a research note from Collins Stewart Hawkpoint analyst John Vinh. RIM, for its part, staunchly denies the claim. ...


StayinFront Catches Up With Mobile Device Trends

StayinFront has been offering users mobile functionality for 10 years. However, its apps were not optimized for the latest generation of mobile devices, Ken Arbadji, vice president of North American sales, is quick to acknowledge -- such as the iPhone, iPad and Google Android devices. ...

Can Amazon Stoke Roaring Fire Profits?

Amazon's Kindle Fire debuted Wednesday morning with much fanfare. Many of the tablet's specs were already known, leaked or widely suspected, leaving little to wow the crowds -- except the price point. The device is going to retail at an eyebrow-raising US$199, several hundred dollars less than the cheapest iPad. ...

RIM: The Icahn Man Cometh?

Shares of Research In Motion showed signs of life, jumping at least 6 percent Tuesday, on talk that investor Carl Icahn has acquired a stake in the company. ...

OnStar’s Plan to Keep Tabs on Ex-Customers Riles Lawmakers

OnStar recently raised hackles in the privacy community with revisions to its privacy policy. Now, members of Congress have taken up the issue ...

Is HP Plotting Another CEO Flip?

Just over a year after taking the job as HP's top executive, CEO Leo Apotheker may soon be unceremoniously escorted to the door. ...

Google+ Invites the World Into Its Social Circles

Google has unleashed Google+ on the world, now completely unfettered by its earlier requirement to join via invitation ...

Netflix CEO Apologizes to Customers, Then Drops Another Bomb

"I messed up. I owe everyone an explanation." Thus begins a blog post by Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, announcing a new change to the company -- a change that is almost guaranteed to further irritate an already angry and frustrated customer base. ...

Sony Battens Down Its Legal Hatches With New PSN Terms

Sony has changed the rules of engagement -- or rather, terms of service -- for users of its PlayStation Network. ...


Responsys Reopens the Customer Conversation

Responsys has beefed up its email marketing, social media, mobile and channel marketing Interact suite with a retargeting application for display ads ...

Google Dons Another Piece of Patent Armor

Google, until recently a piker in the patent-holding tech community, is rapidly beefing up its portfolio -- or arsenal, depending on how one views it -- of intellectual property. ...

Facebook Rips a Page From Google+

Facebook has been rolling out a slew of changes and new options, one of the latest being its so-called smart friend lists. This feature creates lists of a user's friends, automatically based on such criteria as work, school, family and city. Users do have some control -- they can opt out entirely. Or they can use the automatically generated lists to add friends -- without, Facebook promises, a lot of effort.

German Court Deals Another Flesh Wound to Samsung’s Galaxy Tab

First it gave Apple the preliminary injunction it was seeking against Samsung's Galaxy Tab. Then it suggested it might have been at least partly mistaken. Now the Dusseldorf court that has been hearing Apple's patent suit against Samsung's Galaxy 10.1 tablet, has confirmed that yes, Samsung's German subsidiary may not sell the device in Europe. ...


JustEnough Keeps iPad-Toting Sales Reps Connected

The majority of salesforce automation software that is on the market and designed for small and medium-sized businesses has never fully felt quite right to users -- or for that matter, to JustEnough CEO Malcolm Buxton. ...

Overachievement May Be Droid Bionic’s Achilles’ Heel

Eight months after Verizon Wireless showed off the prototype for the Droid Bionic, it is finally coming to market. ...

AT&T May Have to Break Out Its Dancing Shoes

It will keep prices at their current low level. It will hire more people, lots more. It will sell a significant chunk of T-Mobile's stock. If it has to, it will go to court. AT&T, in short, appears ready to jump over whatever hurdles the Department of Justice places before it to win its prize -- the acquisition of T-Mobile. ...

AT&T May Have to Break Out Its Dancing Shoes

It will keep prices at their current low level. It will hire more people, lots more. It will sell a significant chunk of T-Mobile's stock. If it has to, it will go to court. AT&T, in short, appears ready to jump over whatever hurdles the Department of Justice places before it to win its prize -- the acquisition of T-Mobile. ...

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