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Results 1061-1080 of 1290 for Charles King

Intel’s Xeon 7500 Processors Are a Game Changer

For many years, a clear line has separated the capabilities of servers based on Intel's x86 microprocessor architecture and "enterprise class" systems leveraging RISC, EPIC and mainframe technologies. People may argue over the length and width of that line, but the traditional reliability, availability and security (RAS) of enterprise systems gave them a clear technological edge.


eMeter and IBM Make Smart Grids a Smart Choice

So-called smart grids are among the first real-world examples of what expansive IT vendor initiatives like IBM's Smarter Planet envision. Just what are smart grids? Designed for deployment by utility companies, smart grids incorporate sensors embedded in electric, gas and water meters to communicate usage and performance data to central data centers.

Latest Swiss Army Knife Boasts Super-Secure Storage Stick

"It's nice to know they've got a cutting-edge data storage device that's got a nail file and other features as well," chuckled Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It. "I guess you could say they're putting the cutting edge into technology in more ways than one," he told TechNewsWorld ...

Report: Consumers Will Be Gaga for Mobile Apps by 2012

It is tough to make accurate projections, especially in an emerging information technology market, to determine where the marketplace for mobile apps will end up in two years, Charles King, an analyst with Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times "If you wanted to double down your be...


Dell Hits Style, Substance Sweet Spot With Low-Cost Executive Laptops

The "trickling down" of enterprise computing features to smaller businesses has long been a part of life in an IT universe governed by Moore's Law. In many cases, this is largely seen in the data center, where SMBs have access to server and storage performance once exclusively reserved for enterprises. ...

Is the Chatroulette Sleazefest Giving Video Chat a Bad Name?

All this is the result of nearly 10 years worth of technological advancement. "The webcam technology itself has become increasingly sophisticated," said Pund-IT principal analyst Charles King, "to the point that you can capture, depending on the type of device, a very good quality image that can be used for interviews and so on. The other thing is that for the last eight years we've made huge strides in deployment of high-bandwidth Internet connections." That allows for a much better video signal light-years improved on the herky-jerky webcam images of the early 21st century...

New Project Puts Open Source Spin on Data Center Design

Indeed, "I think the idea is certainly interesting," Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT , told LinuxInsider. A recurring issue in data center construction is "not only are facilities more or less custom-designed, but the fact that server storage and networking have ...

WinPhone7 Prototype Shoots for Business, Social Balance

The smartphone market has gotten very crowded in the last year, and this new operating system will help Microsoft regain an upper hand that both developers and consumers are enthusiatic about, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The most fascinating part in my min...


New Tech Investments May Slake Thirst of Parched Economy

In a speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., Intel's Paul Otellini announced the Invest in America Alliance, an effort led by Intel and venture capital firms including Bridgescale partners, Khosla Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Menlo Ventures, which promises to invest US$3.6 billion in U.S.-based technology companies over the next two years.

Do Companies Need Fed Cybersecurity Intervention?

They're echoing President Obama's call for such cooperation. A joint effort would help resolve our cybersecurity issues, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "We've finally got an administration that has appointed agency leaders who understand the breadth and severity of the problem and are willing to do something about it," he explained.

Google Hack Smells More and More Like Chinese Government Job

Relations between China and the United States have always been something of a "porcupine mating dance," Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times Specifically, China's growing financial power and ambitions have often caused the U.S. government and...

Microsoft and Yahoo: All Systems Go

Of course, "the Microsoft-Yahoo deal has been on track for months, so I expect Google has long had a strategy in mind," agreed Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT. "In addition, even together the two partners' portion of the search market represents a fraction of Google's overall share." ...

Verizon Does Odd Mating Dance With Skype

The unstated dig at AT&T with this announcement, added Pund-IT principal analyst Charles King, is that Verizon's network can handle the additional data-calling load. "[Verizon] has managed to pound almost every one of their competitors down into the ground with one kind of shortcoming or another, whether it's AT&T's 3G network or what have you," King told the E-Commerce Times. "This is just the sort of announcement that allow them to remain in the thought-leadership pilot seat."


Making the Case for Next-Gen Unix Systems

Recent IT industry events have created a field day for those who think the news tend to come in "threes": ...

AT&T Signs On Ericsson and Alcatel as 4G Network Builders

"Basically, the decision to pursue a potentially faster -- if considerably more expensive -- 4G rollout indicates just how badly poor 3G performance has hurt AT&T and, by comparison, helped Verizon," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Without high...

AT&T Signs On Ericsson and Alcatel as 4G Network Builders

"Basically, the decision to pursue a potentially faster -- if considerably more expensive -- 4G rollout indicates just how badly poor 3G performance has hurt AT&T and, by comparison, helped Verizon," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Without high...

AT&T Signs On Ericsson and Alcatel as 4G Network Builders

"Basically, the decision to pursue a potentially faster -- if considerably more expensive -- 4G rollout indicates just how badly poor 3G performance has hurt AT&T and, by comparison, helped Verizon," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Without high...

IBM Taps Green Power With New Chips, Servers

In addition to offering more performance, Power7 could change the market, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, contended. "With Power7, IBM is shifting the focus from mere processor evolution to systems-wide innovation," he told TechNewsWorld. "As vendors of every sort have moved towards multi-core, multi-threaded solution development, the value of the microprocessor has increasingly become just one part of overall system quality." ...


Oracle’s Cloudy Plans to Make Sun Shine

During a five hour event at its Redwood Shores corporate headquarters, Oracle executives, including CEO Larry Ellison and Co-Presidents Safra Catz and Charles Phillips, applauded the completion of Oracle's purchase of Sun Microsystems and outlined their strategy for the new acquisition for a media and analyst audience. ...

Red Hat’s Open Source School of Thought

"The first generation of Linux and open source folks are probably headed into their 40s and 50s, and I wonder if this is a way for Red Hat to get people energized and talking about open source the way they used to in the 80s," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider...

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