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Results 1041-1060 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

NYT Paywall Experiment: So Far, So Good

The New York Times Co. reported a profit of US$15.7 million this quarter, compared with a $4.3 million loss in the same period last year. ...

Job Seekers Get to Pound the Pavement on Facebook

The U.S. Department of Labor and Facebook are collaborating on an initiative that they hope will link more unemployed people with potential employers -- a job search page on Facebook. ...


Marketo’s Spark Ignites Small-Biz Marketing Efforts

Marketo is taking aim at the smaller end of the business community with Spark, a stripped-down version of its revenue performance management application. ...

Kinect for Kids: The Forgiven Video Games?

Microsoft is partnering with two of the most visible players in the education industry -- Sesame Workshop and National Geographic -- to roll out a series of new "edutainment" video games for its Xbox 360 platform ...

Dropbox Collects a Trunkful of Cash

Dropbox has completed a US$250 million Series B financing -- a windfall for a company whose fundraising up until now has netted $7.2 million. ...

Novell Gets to Have Its Say

The Novell v. Microsoft antitrust lawsuit entered its trial phase in the Utah U.S. District Court this week, with jury selection taking place on Monday. The case, which Novell originally filed in 2004, has traveled a long and winding road. ...

ITC Ruling Pushes HTC Onto Thin Ice in Apple Patent Brawl

Apple did not violate four HTC patents, an International Trade Commission judge has ruled. ...

Amazon Surges Into Book Publishers’ Territory

It is almost hard to remember when all Amazon did was sell books -- the paperback and hardcover versions, that is. Over the years, the company has morphed and then morphed some more into a multilayered e-commerce platform, selling everything from digital music to storage space in the cloud to, well, just about any consumer product imaginable. ...

Google Lining Up Ducks for Online Music Shop

Google appears to be working on an online music store that will compete with the established offerings of Apple and Amazon. ...

New Xoom’s Pretty Much the Old Xoom With a Prettier Price

Motorola is trying for another bite at the Apple, so to speak. It has launched its Xoom Family Edition tablet -- a product clearly designed with aspirations to take on the iPad. ...

Microsoft Adds a Notch to Its Gun Belt With Quanta Licensing Deal

Quanta Computer has agreed to pay Microsoft a license fee for devices that run Google Android or Chrome. It is the latest deal in a series that Microsoft has inked with manufacturers using Android, and more lately, Chrome, in their products. ...

Verizon Makes No Bones About New Ad-Friendly Privacy Terms

Verizon Wireless has changed its privacy policy to permit it to do, well, almost anything it wants to with users' data ...


Silverpop Sees Location-Based Marketing as Golden

Facebook, check. Twitter, check. RSS feeds, absolutely. Mobile, heck yes. In short, email marketing and marketing automation vendor Silverpop has been steadily adding the social and mobile channels to its range of offerings ...

CTIA: Americans Sure Like Their Wireless

The number of wireless subscriber connections in the U.S. is more than its actual population. In addition, Americans have doubled the amount of data traffic on wireless networks. So says trade group CTIA in its semiannual survey of the state of the industry. ...

Zynga Wants to Fly – but Keep a Room in the Nest

Zynga is spreading its wings beyond Facebook, the giant social network that made it a giant gaming network in its own right. Some 232 million Facebook users also use Zynga ...

Research In Motion’s Service Outage: It’s Always Something

Many users of the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) in Europe, the Middle East and Africa found Monday that their Internet service had inexplicably had gone dark. Some were experiencing a total blackout, with no messaging service, email or Web access available. Others were able to intermittently perform some tasks, such as email or messaging. The problems had not been resolved by this article's publication time.

Sprint’s WiMax Decision: No Pain, No Gain

Sprint Nextel investors have received some very good news and very bad news. The good news is that the company plans to step up deployment of its Network Vision. This plan, originally described in December 2010, calls for a comprehensive, nationwide rollout of 4G LTE on its licensed spectrum. ...

Oracle, Salesforce and the Brewing Cloud Wars

Ejected from Oracle's Open World. An impromptu gathering at a nearby restaurant. Fulsome explanations from PR flacks and tweets galore. The relations between Oracle CEO Larry Ellison and chief Marc Benioff went from wary and grudging mutual admiration, to red hot rhetoric. How red hot? Well, for starters, Ellison referred to as the "roach motel" of cloud services this week.


Yesware Lets Sales Reps Say ‘No’ to Paperwork

Yesware has gone to market with a new cloud-based email productivity application that is based on the simplest of concepts: Salespeople hate to waste time inputting data into their CRM systems. However, companies need that data salespeople hate to bother with. Ergo, a system that automatically inputs the data from work that salespeople are already doing -- that is, sending emails -- would save a lot of time and frustration.

It’ll Be Raining Tablets in India

India plans to provide very low-cost personal computing devices to millions of students through an agreement with DataWind to manufacture mass quantities of its Ubislate tablet for a price point of around US$50, according to Minister of Human Resource Development Kapil Sibal. ...

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