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Results 1001-1020 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Gates Tells Jury Microsoft’s No Bully

Microsoft's star witness, the company's chairman and former CEO Bill Gates, took the stand in a long-brewing antitrust civil lawsuit that pits Redmond against software maker Novell ...

Google and Co. Hope Price Drops Give Chromebooks New Shine

Google and its hardware partners are revamping their approach to Chromebooks with a series of changes. Perhaps most interesting among these, from the consumer perspective at least, is a price cut to the current Samsung and Acer models of roughly $50 or so. ...

Is Facebook’s Finger on the IPO Trigger?

The Facebook IPO guessing game has moved into high gear. The latest rumor puts the big event within several weeks, possibly as soon as December. This new timeline was reported by Business Insider, which cited an email from a source it said was close to Facebook employees ...


Results Software Strengthens Bonds With SMB Apps

Results Software has rolled out the latest iteration of its longstanding CRM business suite product. In this version, it builds on its recent three-way integration with QuickBooks, Outlook and SmartVault ...

Microsoft Gets a Breakup Call

The board was re-elected, company executives were questioned about corporate strategy, a proposal to create a sustainability committee was killed. All in all, it was business as usual at Microsoft's annual shareholders' meeting Tuesday, except for some uncomfortable talk -- uncomfortable from Microsoft's perspective, that is -- about whether parts of the company should be spun off...

Critics Line Up Against Pirate-Blasting SOPA Bill

Tech heavyweights such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga are lining up in opposition to a copyright enforcement bill that will be the subject of a hearing in the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee on Wednesday: the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA ...

Google Apps’ Help Desk Opens the Phone Lines

Google is adding 24/7 phone support for its Google Apps for Business product line -- the first time since the apps launched in 2007 ...


Paciolan Gives CRM a Lead Role in Event Ticket Sales

You have probably transacted business with Paciolan at some point in your life, even if you don't recognize the name. Perhaps you did it just by purchasing event tickets ...

And Then There Were 3: Sale Splits EMI Assets Between Sony and Universal

Citigroup has reached an agreement to sell its music label, EMI Group, in two parts for a total of US$4.1 billion. Universal Music Group has announced it is buying EMI's recorded music division for $1.9 billion ...

Apture Acquisition Could Give Chrome Extra Shine

Google has acquired a startup called Apture that provides a new type of search functionality beneficial to publishers -- or anyone, that is, who hates to see Web users leave a page's content to search out related information ...

Fujitsu Reaches for the CRM Cloud

Fujitsu has jumped into the CRM cloud computing space with its own marketplace as well as a new application. The marketplace is called the "Business Solutions Store." ...

FCC and ISPs Join to Get Low-Income Families Online

Several cable companies and the U.S. FCC have launched a program that will assist low-income families in getting access to broadband and low-cost computers. ...

The Free Tax Ride Could Soon Be Over for Online Shoppers

A bipartisan trio of Senators has introduced a bill that gives states the authority to collect online sales taxes. The measure, cosponsored by Senators Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., Dick Durbin, (D-Ill., and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., carves out an exception for small businesses, one of the main objections to this issue in the past. ...

SC Justices Unsettled Over Warrantless GPS Tracking

Questions posed by U.S. Supreme Court Justices to attorneys making oral arguments in United States v. Jones suggest the case could have significant implications for search-and-seizure law and police practices. ...

Big Money for Big Data

Accel Partners is launching a US$100 million fund to identify -- and fund -- entrepreneurs at every layer of the big data stack, in particular, those developing projects for the Apache Hadoop platform. ...

Businesses Get a Place in the Google+ Sun

Google has introduced Google+ Pages, an element of its Google+ social network that has been much anticipated by corporate brands. ...

CRM Idols Pave the Way

The CRM Idols have been announced. The goal of the contest was to identify the best corporate video developed by an up-and-coming CRM company. ...

Will Google Upend Moldy Cable-TV Business Model?

Google is reportedly taking aim at one of the few digital screens and content sources it doesn't dominate -- paid television. ...

Groupon IPO Streaks to Good Start but May Be Short on Fuel

Before it went public, Groupon priced its stock at what turned out to be a highly conservative US$20 dollars per share. Ha! was the market's response Friday morning, the day Groupon finally debuted on Nasdaq. ...

Google’s Algorithm Dance: No Fancy Footwork for Quality Publishers

Google is introducing a change to its search algorithm that will impact some 35 percent of searches on the Internet. ...

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