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Results 1001-1020 of 1290 for Charles King

Dell’s Evolutionary, Revolutionary Business IT Focus

Aiming at the needs of business IT users is no new thing for Dell. The company's groundbreaking use of online sales and "just in time" manufacturing processes were designed for organizations that knew what they wanted in IT solutions but were struggling with the logistics of deploying and managing hundreds or thousands of new systems. ...

Holiday Sales Forecast: E-Commerce Growing Like Gangbusters

"One thing we're seeing is a continuing maturing of the e-commerce model," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The fact of it is, consumers in the United States have access to computers and the Internet. It doesn't beat out shopping at malls or big box stores, but it keeps growing right along."

Hyperscaling Without Hyperventilating

That's partly because IT administrators and managers have to rely on new and sometimes emerging solutions to manage megasites, as traditional applications and tools can't handle jobs on that scale, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Megasites need a... Riding High on Cloud’s Success

"I think it's both. was an early mover in what people are calling 'cloud,'" Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer. "When the company first hit the ground, I thought they were more of an application service provider, the old 'ASP.' They're careful to insist they're not an ASP."


Big Blue’s Humming Migration Factory

System migration efforts among IT vendors are no surprise. On a daily basis, virtually every vendor actively tries to poach competitors' customers directly, through partners and via numerous incentive programs and product discounts. ...

Is Facebook About to Out-Google Google?

The boundaries between terrains in the online world are blurry. If an Internet search companylike Google can move into operating systems for mobile phones, why wouldn't a socialnetworking company dip into email? "These Internet companies are all playing in one another'sbackyards. It's completely reasonable for Facebook to get into email," Charles King, principalanalyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "While Google is a major target, Facebook'smove to email could have an impact on portals, Internet service providers and wireless serviceproviders who have a big footprint in email."

The Enterprise’s Open Storage Quandary

"It isn't simply a matter of cost so much as it is the cost for relative performance," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider. "If a company's storage requirements are relatively simple, open source products could be seen as viable alternatives to proprietary solutions."

Ellison Unloads on SAP, Aims to Nick HP While He’s at It

"There's no reason why they couldn't have settled this out of court," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer. "I feel like I stumbled onto one of those weird melodramas on TV." The trial may have been inevitable because of the size of the gap between wh...

Google Puts Buzz Privacy Flap to Rest

"The $8.5 million subsidizing education is small change," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "It will eventually be considered a minor blip. Facebook has been embroiled in privacy issues on an ongoing basis, and it doesn't seem to tarnish their image at all."


Intel’s New Buddy System for Open Data Centers

Last week's announcements centering on Intel's "Cloud 2015" vision represent one of the more intriguing cloud computing efforts to date. How so? First, out of the gate Cloud 2015 is resolutely client-facing. ...

Ellison’s Apotheker Accusation Pulls HP into Oracle-SAP Tarball

"I expect Ellison's trying to intimidate or exert pressure on SAP and/or HP," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The former is a long-time Oracle target and the latter's hiring of Apotheker has effectively hung a bull's eye around its neck."

Myspace Rearranges Furniture, Slaps On Fresh Coat of Paint

"The elephant in the room is Facebook," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Facebook built its base on making communication easy between friends and family. They created a communications portal in the broadest sense. You can see Myspace headed in the same direction, only with entertainment."

Yahoo Looks to Refresh Itself at Starbucks

"It's a great idea for Starbucks. If you offer access to content and services for free, it's a good thing for customers, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told The E-Commerce Times What's in It for Yahoo...


Vblocks and the Value of Collaborative Innovation

The IT industry purely loves "innovation," especially when it is steeped in a bit of controversy, and last November's announcement of Cisco, EMC and VMware's VCE coalition set enough tongues wagging to cause a minor blip in Silicon Valley's Richter scale readings. Why so? First, because the effort offered proof that Cisco's highly publicized unified computing system (UCS) was no empty threat.

Intel the ARM Wrestler

"Apple's coming at the tablet market as a commercial product developer, and Intel's approach is to be a supplier of tablet developers who want to compete effectively against Apple," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "What Intel really needs to do i...

WinPho 7 Shows Us What It’s Got

"Holiday sales are largely driven by consumer demand, and the partnership with EA and integration with both Windows and Office apps on the one hand, and Xbox Live on the other, should put Microsoft in pretty good stead," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld...

Tech Giants Scurry to Appease DoJ Over Cold-Calling Pacts

"It's probably to everyone's best interest this was settled as quickly as possible," Charles King, Principal Analyst, Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times. "If this had percolated too long, the companies involved could risk alienating their employees more than they already were."

Intel Sells Software Key to CPU’s Full Power for $50

It is easy to see what is motivating Intel to try out this approach,Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Fiftydollars is not an onerous amount of money, especially if the system isalready sub $1,000, as Gateway systems often are." This model could be...

HP, Oracle Settlement: It’s Not Personal

Oracle may have viewed the settlement as a means of preventing damage to important business partnerships, including its longstanding partnership with HP, suggested Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT "Oracle is in an interesting situation, due to its purchase of Sun M...


From Intel Inside to Inside Intel

IT conferences come in all shapes and sizes, with participants ranging from tens of thousands of general technology enthusiasts to mere hundreds of professionals with highly specialized skills. Intel's annual Developer Forum (IDF) is relatively small compared to CES and Oracle OpenWorld, but attendees include the crucial partners who create and bring to market innovative new products based on Intel's silicon...

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