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Results 981-1000 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Online Cash Registers in Holiday Overdrive

Ask just about any research company that tracks online spending about this holiday season and you will get bombarded with cheer: "good," "strong," "robust," and "surprisingly strong" are among the adjectives used to describe online shopping activity this month and last. ...

Weak Q3 May Portend Downhill Slide for Best Buy

Best Buy's fiscal third-quarter profit fell 29 percent, surprising analysts and retail observers who had been expecting stronger results. For the quarter ended Nov. 26, the electronics retailer posted a profit of US$154 million, or 42 cents a share. In the same period a year earlier, it reported a profit of $217 million, or 54 cents a share. ...

Jive Software Makes Snappy Debut

Jive Software has made its debut on the Nasdaq, following on the heels of other recent tech company IPOs such as Groupon, LinkedIn and Netflix. Jive, a maker of collaborative social media software for the enterprise, doesn't have the consumer orientation of those three, but it's apparently similar enough for the market: It raised a more-than-respectable US$161 million in its initial public offering.

.XXX: The Hottest-Selling Unwanted Domains on the Web

It was with mixed emotions that Rick Singer, CEO of, bought his first .XXX domain name. ...

Thailand’s Summer Floods Leave Intel High and Dry

Intel has informed its shareholders that its fourth-quarter results will not match its earlier outlook. The reason: a global shortage of hard disk drives, due to flooding in Thailand earlier this year. ...

Google+ Tiptoes Into Facial Recognition Territory

Google+Photos is adding facial recognition technology that will let users be tagged automatically in photos. To pre-empt privacy concerns, Google has made the feature opt-in, said Matt Steiner, engineering lead on the Google+ Photos team. ...

Backlash Against Amazon Price Check Builds Steam

A backlash is growing against an app designed to help consumers scope out products at local stores, compare them to similar goods on Amazon -- and then leave the stores empty-handed to make their actual purchases online. ...

Twitter Trades Simplicity for Sophistication

Twitter has updated its site and dramatically streamlined its user interface with an eye to attracting new users -- not to mention brands. ...


Radian6: It’s All About Listening to the Customer

Radian6 Social Marketing Cloud has been released -- it's the first Radian6 product to come to market after the company's acquisition by earlier this year. ...

Texting While Driving a Growing Scourge

There is good news and bad news for driver safety in the U.S.: The good news is that highway deaths fell to 32,885 in 2010, the lowest level since 1949, according to the Department of Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's updated fatality and injury data. This decline came even as drivers traveled nearly 46 billion more miles during the year, for an increase of 1.6 percent over the 2009 level...

RIM Backs Away From BBX Brouhaha

Research In Motion appears to have decided that the battle for the name "BBX" is not worth a lengthy court fight after a federal judge in New Mexico issued a temporary restraining order to block its use for the company's operating system in its next-generation BlackBerry phones and tablets. ...

CFPB: Consumers Struggle to Understand Credit Card Policies

Operational for just barely four months, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has received some 5,000 complaints about credit card companies. The bureau issued an interim report on the nature of the complaints, ranging from objectionable advertising and marketing practices, application processing delays and high interest rates, to identity theft, privacy intrusions, and the unsolicited issuance of cards...


SugarCRM Gets Sharper Interface, Speed Boost

SugarCRM, an open source CRM provider, has released 6.3, a new version of its flagship product line. It has also upped the ante in the cloud wars by partnering with IBM on its SmartCloud platform. ...

Samsung Catches a Break in Australia Patent Tiff

Samsung has scored a victory against Apple in a legal skirmish in Australia that is part of a larger, global battle between the two over their respective patent rights. ...

FTC Puts an End to Facebook’s Freewheeling Privacy Ways

Facebook has agreed to settle charges of privacy violations with the Federal Trade Commission. As part of the settlement, the social networking giant will submit to periodic independent privacy audits for the next 20 years. The company has also agreed to ask users for permission before changing the way their data is released. ...

Cyber Monday Racks Up Impressive Gains

Online sales for Cyber Monday increased 33 percent from the same day last year, according to IBM's Cyber Monday Benchmark. The growth surpassed that of another banner day for e-commerce, Black Friday, which saw an increase of 29.3 percent in 2011 online sales compared with 2010's performance. ...

Feds Hound E-Commerce Counterfeiters on Cyber Monday

In one swoop, a Justice Department-led group of federal law enforcement agencies seized 150 domain names of commercial websites that it claims have been selling counterfeit goods. ...

E-Commerce Rings Up Boffo Black Friday

By all accounts, e-commerce exceeded expectations on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday -- and many expect a repeat performance for Cyber Monday. ...

Europe Weary of Apple, Samsung Patent War

EU antitrust chief Joaquin Almunia has done what few in the global patent community are willing to do: He has acknowledged the elephant in the room by questioning the motives of two multinationals -- Samsung and Apple -- as they bloody each other with patent lawsuits. ...

Groupon Hits a Speed Bump

Only weeks after its triumphant initial public offering, it appears daily deal trailblazer Groupon has fallen out of investors' good graces. Its stock price has plunged 15 percent, with shares hovering near their IPO average of US$20 or so per unit. ...

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