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Results 981-1000 of 1290 for Charles King

FOSS Hopes for Novell Patents Spark, Then Quickly Fade

Those who initially reported the proposal's withdrawal probably jumped the gun, or at least didn't ask Microsoft or another consortium member what was happening, agreed Charles King, principal of Pund-IT. "It certainly looks like the deal is still going forward." That doesn't ...

On the Heels of Success, AMD Boots Out Its CEO

"The general tenor of the announcements about AMD during CES was extremely positive," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The new Fusion chips have provided the company with the means of delivering improved graphics on products ranging from $400 laptops from HP to the higher-end gaming products."


CES 2011: Signs of an IT Resurgence

I can't claim any sort of deep attachment to or experience with the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) since my business IT interests typically fall well outside its typical focus. But I've attended the past couple of shows for two simple reasons. ...

IPO Waters May Be Just Fine for LinkedIn

"A company goes public to help monetize a business that has been run on either the owner's own money or the money that could be generated through the service," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The other advantage is it moves the company from the startup stage to the business stage. It creates a maturity about the company that a company doesn't have until it goes public."


The Bridge That Intel Built

When it comes to things like HD, entertainment, home video capabilities and theability to work with large photos, "it's imperative for PC andnotebook vendors to create products that support that activity,"Pund-IT Principal analyst Charles King told me as we waited in line HD v...

Survey Surprise: Online Content Doesn’t Have to Be Free

"Nearly a fifth of users have paid for articles. That did jump out at me," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "While some online-only sites have been very successful -- like the "Huffington Post" -- most of their income is coming from advertising rather than premium subscriptions."

Amazon’s Chartbusting Kindle: I Yam What I Yam

"There is still a strong need for a single-use product that does what it does very well," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The Kindle has enjoyed the same dominance in the e-reader market that Apple has in the MP3 music market." Size...

IBM Sees Visions of Holographic Cellphones Within 5 Years

"I'm not quite sure what sort of benefit we could derive from communications using holographic images," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, remarked "I could think of a few business applications, for example using a holographic image to demonstrate a medical procedure or to de...


The Year in Business IT: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Annual summing-ups are common currency during this season, but for some industries and some years they seem particularly valuable, such as business IT in 2010. ...

SEC Probe Into Hurd’s HP Exit Could Sting Oracle

"If there are charges, they are pretty serious charges," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Once a senior executive becomes known as someone who talks behind an employer's back, it's hard to come back from that character failure. If Hurd is convicted of this type of disclosure, his employment in technology is over."

Microsoft Opens HTML5 Proving Ground

"This highlights Microsoft's recognition of how critical a role developers will play in the success of IE9 and other HTML5-related products," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "But one goal here is to ensure that IE9 add-ons and services are robust from the beginning."

Oracle May Be Too Late for the Cloud Office Party

"Oracle has rebranded the Sun office suite that was based on open office technology years ago," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "It's an open source collection of office productivity applications that Sun was never really able to press into the market beyond a few dedicated Sun customers. That's likely to be about all that Oracle is able to do with it."

FBI Poked Spy Hole in OpenBSD, Says Former Contractor

Perhaps developers were blinded by their specialist expertise so they couldn't see the backdoor code, Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, suggested "Few developers examine protocols beyond their bailiwicks," King explained....

Person of the Year: Zuckerberg Put a Human Face on Technology

"What they did with Facebook is analogous to what Apple did with the iPod," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "It was a pretty crowded market, but Apple took it two steps further than anyone had done. They said 'we can do it better,' and they did. Facebook did the same thing."


IBM’s Innovation Strategy: Preserving the Foundation

By any measure, IBM Connect, the annual IT analyst summit hosted by the company's Software Group (SWG), should have been a walk in the park. After all, the event followed close on the heels of IBM's System and Technology (STG) analyst briefing, and the central purpose of both events was to punctuate the company's 2009 decision to unite SWG and STG under a single banner and leader -- SVP and Group Executive Steve Mills.

Chrome Beta Testers Get Their Hands on Google’s Little Black Book

"Some hardware OEMs are already saying they're developing a Chrome OS netbook version," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told TechNewsWorld. "In the price range of netbooks and small footprint laptops, the profit margins are brutally thin. Nobody wants to go into that business."

Disney-ABC Deal Closes Major Gap in Netflix’s Streaming TV Lineup

"The gaps in Netflix's relationships may not be as important as its overall momentum," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times. "For years now, we've seen one media company after another attempt and fail to create viable online channels for the co...


Benioff Strikes Back at the ‘Evil Empire’

"Rather than formally engaging with a traditional IT services management provider, companies using RemedyForce can flexibly tap into various management services and knowledge when and as required," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer However, there's qui...

Google’s Chrome OS May Cloud Microsoft’s Windows

"You could argue they're going after Microsoft, but they are not doing it head-to-head," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "They're aiming to present businesses and consumers with an alternative to the stand-alone computing experience which has been the model f...

Oracle SPARCs a Hardware Race

"It's fair to say that these new SPARC-based products are probably the most interesting products that the combined Oracle and Sun has come out with," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times. "The Exadata products that came out earlier were from an architecture developed by Oracle and HP, so it didn't take an enormous amount of work to shift over to Sun."

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