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Results 61-80 of 123 for Naseem Javed

Evolving From a Print-Society to a Cyber-Society

It is my belief that Benjamin Franklin, were he alive today, would throw off his visor and scream at the transition occurring currently from a print-society to a cyber one ...

Branding Overboard

Here are ten clues that your entire branding campaign has gone overboard. Get the lifeboats ready! ...

Winners, Losers of Corporate Image 2005

Who are the real winners and losers of the corporate image in 2005, which corporation had the best identity, which was most famous, hated or most profitable? All these responses depend on where you stand, as a loyal customer, the general public, employee or competitor ...

Stinky Branding

All of a sudden, there is a rush to secure a copyright on any distinct smell from our daily lives and exclusively use it in conjunction with a branded product or a service ...


Now Web Takes Over TV

It is happening right now. Media executives, mostly in denial, are shunning the subject. Smart ones are coming up with well-branded 24/7 Web-based news sites and general broadcasts ...


The Beneficiaries of the Internet Break-Up

In the golden haze surrounding the mystic city of Tunisia, a small group of elite merchants of the information age will once again try to figure out the future of the Internet. In November, they will fight out their agendas and try hard to make sense out of the ongoing cyber warfare ...


The World’s Largest Factory

Somewhere out there is a land many have only heard of or seen in their dreams, a place called the "the world's largest factory." A nation of manufacturers, a country spread out from one corner to the other, filled with factories, run by dynamic people engrossed in taking care of the world's supply of everything, from the smallest items to the biggest, from good quality products to best, from low cost to almost free...


Cyber-Skating on One Flat Earth

Overnight, the earth became flat, metaphorically and in reality, too, as an ultra-sophisticated, digitally formatted, flat geographical platform, where business and corporate agendas in shapes of large digital cyber-warfare torpedoes skate at bullet speed. Precise navigation, correct targeting and direct hits took over ...


Move Over B2B, B2C — It’s M2E Time

Today it's the direct form that rules, the manufacturer's product going straight to the lap of the end user. No matter if the end user is a teenager, a roofer or a big business, a single-item purchase is sufficient ...


Corporate Name Change Challenges

To change or not to change, that's the big question. A very large number of corporations, big and small, are faced with the question of how and when they should bite the bullet and change their name or whether they should simply do nothing. Why? ...


Why Are Brands Culturally Profiled?

It's no secret that consumers all over the world are far more politically savvy than they were a decade ago. They clearly support or oppose their own country's internal or external governmental policies ...


A Final Word on Branding

Roy Disney said, "You need branding when your product has nothing to offer." Roy's uncle, Walt, invented Mickey Mouse and created the Disney empire. At the time, the word "branding" was reserved only for cowboys branding herds of cattle by the fiery iron ...

Microsoft Drawing Fire for Choice of ‘Windows Vista’ Name

"Vista, under no circumstances, suggests clarity," Naseem Javed, author of Naming for Power and the founder of ABC Name Bank, said. "That's branding mumbo jumbo." Javed also writes a weekly column for the E-Commerce Times on naming and branding However, Microsoft's problem mig...


Why Not Divide the Internet?

Source: DomainWars, by Naseem Javed, 1999, Linkbridge Publishers Multilingualization?...


Accidental Naming

When creative concepts collide unexpectedly, this sudden accident incubates a branding process, which can result in a random selection of a weird strategy. This gives birth to an extreme name identity, whereupon a major advertising process kicks in. All things are combined -- shaken, not stirred -- and that's how we refer to today's trendy branding. To avoid a catastrophe, we must first learn the secrets of the various branding tricks and become aware of the bigger risks...


A Very Big Cyber Cyclone Developing in Asia

Today, for the first time, China has 100 million people on the Internet, 30 percent of whom are on broadband. Within a few years, a billion people in Asia will be playing with e-commerce. All that power and all that technology replicating at a phenomenal rate will create global shockwaves both in trade and communications ...


The Typing Revolution in Cyberspace

The latter is fueled by the "Broadcasting Via Web Revolution" that will bring anchoring and broadcasting from every basement and every floor of office buildings around the globe. Make-up, lights, camera, action. Hello, CNN. (Adapted from: Sunrise, Day One, Year 2000, Naseem Javed, Linkbridge, 1996)...


What’s in a Name? Everything

Most successful corporations, while producing wonderful products and services, knowingly or unknowingly do not own a single global iconic name brand identity that is both a universal, hassle-free name and a solid intellectual property asset ...


Is Your Brand Valuation Worth Billions?

Is your brand worth a billion dollars today? Maybe yes or maybe no, but it surely is worth something pretty big. At the end of the day, all the work you have put in pushing your name identity and your range of products and services in your marketplace adds up in an abstract space of the consumer's mind, where it acquires some great value ...


Do Not Enter — It’s XXX

There soon will be a central place for Web surfers to dwell in a forbidden cyber land of adult fantasies, sex, dark rituals and total taboos. Finally, ICANN has given in to the pressure and has tossed a big rock across the turbulent e-commerce ocean. It has approved a new suffix, .xxx, for adult-only porn sites, creating ripples and debates in ever so confusing global cyber branding times when cyber global domain name challenges are being fought in the complex earthly trademark realities...

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