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Results 941-960 of 1290 for Charles King

Google and Ford to Guzzle Data So Cars Can Sip Gas

"This is an interesting example of what a lot of vendors have been talking about -- the collection of mundane information such as people's driver habits, their routes, how they drive their cars, the affect of their driving habits on the vehicle," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told TechNewsWorld. "This is about amassing enough information so you have a profile that a vendor like Ford can use to improve its products." ...

Sony Sweating a Possible Weekend Invasion

"Any kind of attack like this can be painful for a vendor and it customers," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The first order of business is to get things up again and be sure it doesn't happen again. Sony hasn't been able to do that. If another hack comes on the back of what's happened, it not just painful from a PR standpoint -- it raises questions about their ability to manage their infrastructure."

Intel Busts Out of the Gate With 3D Transistor

That is the beauty of what Intel has developed, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. In fact, the idea of a 3D transistor has been around since 2003 -- certainly, Intel has discussed it before. "What they have done, though," said King, "is develop a process...

Sony Victimized by High-Tech ‘Bank Robbers’

"It's disappointing that data the company had thought was safe was apparently exposed and stolen," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "At the same time, Sony should be commended for its transparency in going public with obviously embarrassing and painful information."


Amazon and Greenpeace: Dark Clouds on the Horizon?

The buzz around cloud computing has been so steady for so long that industry observers should be forgiven if they were lulled to sleep. But events of the past couple of weeks served as a cold water wake-up call that may have obscured cloud's supposedly bright future ...

Sony Makes Quirky Entrance Into Tablet Market

"Sony's approach both follows and contradicts the conventional wisdom about tablets ... that any and every product has to compete head-to-head against Apple's iPad," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The S1's off-center design appears to address one of the biggest problems with many tablets, including the first-gen iPad -- that they are difficult to hold for long periods of time. The S2's split design is, so far as I know, unique among tablets and provides a means for users and developers to split or isolate processes and tasks."

Natty Narwhal About to Surface

Before answering that question, an internal check on your opinion of Windows is in order, said Charles King, principal of Pund-It. "Maybe it might have been a good sell during Vista, but now Windows is performing well," he told LinuxInsider. Many companies probably are not f...

Amazon Kindles Enthusiasm of Library Crowd

Working with OverDrive could strengthen the Amazon's hold on the e-book market. That makes this is a sensible move for Amazon, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The Kindle is one of very few devices that isn't supported on OverDrive's platform. Its absence provides Amazon's competitors a point of differentiation -- not a good thing in a tightening market for e-books."

OK, I’ll Draw You a Map – on Google

Of course, one of the inherent weaknesses of crowd-sourced anything is the potential for error, especially as the application is open to anybody who can operate a computer. After all, one of the common complaints that people have had about Google Maps has been less-than-perfect accuracy, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld.


Dell’s Next-Gen Data Center Strategy Is a Winner

Dell's announcement of new solutions and investments around its Virtual Era data center strategy provided clear insights into the company's future plans and direction. The new solutions include the following: ...

Groupon’s Buzz Machine May Fuel IPO Success

"There is evidence that the investor interest in Web-focused companies continues to percolate," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. There has been plenty of investment activity around Internet companies in the last few months, he noted, but ...

Adobe’s Creative Suite 5.5 Gives Devs a Flash Alternative

This will "let apple give developers what they need or are demanding without having to retreat from Jobs' inflammatory comments," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. In future, perhaps Apple might seek to kiss and make up with Adobe, he speculated....

Dish Scoops Up Blockbuster for a Pittance

"At first, I thought it was an April Fool's joke that got lost in the mail," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "But at second glance, it seems like an intriguing idea whose cost wasn't prohibitive." Blockbuster could upgrade Dish by adding ...


The PG&E Disaster and the Case for Digitizing Physical Documents

The IT industry purely loves digital information and with good reason. Creating, storing and archiving documents consisting of 1's and 0's provides the foundation for thousands of business computing solutions and billions of dollars in annual sales. ...


The PG&E Disaster and the Case for Digitizing Physical Documents

The IT industry purely loves digital information and with good reason. Creating, storing and archiving documents consisting of 1's and 0's provides the foundation for thousands of business computing solutions and billions of dollars in annual sales. ...


The PG&E Disaster and the Case for Digitizing Physical Documents

The IT industry purely loves digital information and with good reason. Creating, storing and archiving documents consisting of 1's and 0's provides the foundation for thousands of business computing solutions and billions of dollars in annual sales. ...

Studios May Have More Up Their Sleeves Than $30 VOD Plan

"It's an interesting development that reflects major studios' desire to more effectively control and manage films and content, and to capture greater direct revenues," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "But it also underlines the escalating speed of the theatrical cycle, where new films garner the vast majority of their viewers and revenues in the first few days or weeks after their release."

Amazon Offers Consumers a Cubby in the Cloud

"I would assume Amazon would have to cut separate agreements for different global markets," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The music industry players are substantially different in Europe and Asia than they are in the United States, so it's probable that Amazon's starting with the market they understand and where probably a substantial amount of their customer base is," he added...

Oracle’s Itanium Slug Leaves Intel Bruised, HP Battered

"The company has a solid roadmap for Itanium stretching out for 10 to 15 years," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "It's far clearer and more workable than anything Oracle has shown for Sparc." Sparc is the processor Oracle acquired when it purchas...

Waiting for HP’s Other Shoe to Drop

"A acquisition would certainly be intriguing for HP," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. " has a good many assets that would be of value for HP. It could certainly bolster HP's software strategy and serve as the basis for any new cloud offerings." ...

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