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Results 921-940 of 1290 for Charles King

Cisco Slims Down Its Workforce

"Cisco is in the unenviable position of facing an increasing amount of competitive headwinds at the same time we're seeing the overall economy hit some pretty rough bumps," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "From a long-term strategic point of view, if the company expects those difficulties to continue, it makes sense for it to reduce headcount by layoffs, attrition and offering long-term employees buyouts."


Bringing Order Out of Chaos in the Digital Universe

When the first EMC-sponsored study aimed at determining the size, scope and implications of digital information growth appeared five years ago, its IDC and University of California, Berkeley, authors employed restraint with the title, "The Expanding Digital Universe." In the follow-up study two years later, "Expanding" morphed into "Diverse and Exploding." The newest iteration, published last month, stretches the guiding concept even further with the notion of "Extracting Order from Chaos." ...

Final Shuttle Voyage Closes Chapter in Human Spacefaring Saga

"For years, NASA was the pinnacle of America's scientific efforts and achievements," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. However, that perception might be rooted in his generation's experiences, he acknowledged.

Microsoft Puts the Squeeze on Samsung

"Redmond has figured out how to successfully milk the Android cash cows," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider. "I expect the company will continue adding to its dairy herd over time." Essentially, Microsoft claims that the Android operating system may...

Google Leaves Nortel Patent Auction Empty-Handed

"That's hard to say, since the consortium has acted somewhat secretly up until now," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "Microsoft's role, for example, was undisclosed," he pointed out.

ICANN to Unleash Torrent of Top-Level Domain Names

"It's a great way for ICANN to generate substantial new revenues, but anything beyond that eludes me," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "I can't say I've heard anyone in the market clamoring for this, and the only folks likely to participate -- or care about it -- are very large companies or speculators with money to burn."


IBM: A Century of Innovation – and Counting

Part of the charm of living with a decimal number system is the importance attributed to birthdays ending in "0." Decade by decade, celebratory gravitas tends to accumulate and peak when a subject hits the centenary. Though 100th birthdays are far more common today than they've ever been before in human history (thanks to better diets and modern healthcare), reaching the centennial milestone is still nothing to sneeze at.

HP Moves to Force Itanium Down Oracle’s Throat

"It appears to be hogwash at this point. After Oracle made those comments, both Intel and HP vociferously denied it," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times King spoke after attending HP's Discover 2011 show is Las Vegas, where Itanium-based serv...

Sony’s New Toys May Not Be Enough to Shake Security Blues

"The emphasis on 3D surprised me a bit -- but that's because I figured the air is leaking out of that balloon pretty quickly. Then again, Sony has made a sizable bet on that technology so it's natural for them to wave the flag as much as possible," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld...

Gaga Sprinkles Magic Dust on New Music Networking Venture

"As for copying MySpace, there's an old saying: If the author's alive, it's plagiarism; if he's dead it's an homage," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "I can think of stars who work in an entrepreneurial manner, but I've yet to see someon...

Windows 8 Preview Reveals Major UI Metamorphosis

With the new UI, Microsoft is working toward a user experience "that's much more akin to the Apple iPad," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld This "could indicate that Microsoft's rethinking how its customers are supposed to interact with computers."

Matchmaker Microsoft Wants Tablet Hardware Makers to Couple Up

This is all about quality control, Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "What Microsoft is essentially doing is insisting that hardware manufacturers meet some specific design points before it will license Windows for use in its tablets." In ...

Intel Envisions the Rise of the Ultrabook

"The hot part of the mobile computing market is focused on tablet devices like iPad and Android devices," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "They offer interesting features such as nearly instant on, thin form factors and long battery life. But there are inherent performance hits they take compared to full-blown laptop. What Intel is saying, you can have the traditional laptop with the benefits of the tablets and none of the shortcoming of the tablets."


Dell’s XPS 15z: Making a Case to a Prosumer Market

As mobile computing has evolved from the exception to the norm, many vendors have attempted to imbue their products with a certain high-end cachet. Some succeeded beyond measure and expectation, even with devices that were initially technologically flawed. Others have developed products which initially seemed destined for commercial success but were abandoned in a matter of weeks when they failed to find an immediate home among consumers...

Sony Tallies $171M in Data Breach Losses… and Counting

"Whether or not Sony's troubles are over is the 64-thousand-dollar question," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "This is the third annual earnings loss in a row for Sony. For a company that was well ahead of the curve in driving new consumer technologies for de...

Firefox 5: Track Me, Just Don’t Track Me

"GPS-enabled location awareness is part of numerous technologies," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Cellphones have allowed location tracking for years, and if you use a Garmin or TomTom directional device or drive a car equipped with [GM's] On...

LinkedIn Flies High on Day 1

"LinkedIn mostly face competition from traditional job recruiters, online employment services --, etc. -- as well as online classifieds including Craigslist," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Given the aggressive market valua...


Who Gets to Decide How the Cloud Works?

"Given the billions of dollars that are at stake here I expect it to be a very lively debate," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "I think we're seeing legacy vendors such as IBM and HP trying to control the cloud stack right now in the way they del...


Intel Defines 22nm Innovation with ‘3D’ Tri-Gate Transistors

The IT industry loves the concept of "innovation," but many vendors' hearts largely belong to just the most conventional sorts of wisdom. That adoration takes a number of shapes: Stone Age business models; dusty Neolithic technologies and architectures; fossilized go-to-market strategies. In point of fact, such vendors are more similar to staid industries and companies, where dependability trumps progress, than they might like to think.

New Adobe Flash Player Locks Down the Cookie Jar

"The FTC [Federal Trade Commission] suggested in a report published last year that vendors include 'do not track' options in browsers and other online applications and tools," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Adobe was mentioned specifically in that report, so I expect that the inclusion of the ability to clear browser cookies is simply a reaction to that report."

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