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Results 881-900 of 1290 for Charles King

RIM Meets Indian Gov’t in the Middle on User Surveillance

However, "once a company has capitulated to one demanding government, holding out from others becomes increasingly difficult," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld RIM has also come under pressure in other areas. Sales of its PlayBook tablet have been...

Facebook to Build Massive Arctic Data Fortress

Companies "can capture a fairly significant amount of cost back by tapping into the natural air temperature," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Facebook will begin hiring staff in 2012, and said Buildings 1 and 2 will be staffed by at least 30 full...

IBM Aims to Whittle Big Data Down to Size

From a broader perspective, these tools represent a shift for IBM, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "IBM is talking about these technologies, and about business analytics and big data in general, in a profoundly different way than it has in the ...

Rometty Slides Smoothly Into IBM’s Driver Seat

"The company has done extremely well under Palmisano's leadership, if you look at not just where IBM is going, but competitors like Oracle and HP, in essence what they're trying to do is refashion themselves in IBM's image. It's reasonable to say the business model that IBM has pursued under Palmisano's model hasn't just been very successful and sustainable from a business standpoint, but also come to define the model of choice for enterprise-focused vendors," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times...

How Do You Like Them Thermostats?

"Other than the fact that a number of former Apple employees are working for Nest, and that the thermostat can be programmed with an iPhone -- or Android phone -- I'm not sure what makes this device particularly Apple-like," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld.


McAfee’s Clear New View

Anyone who attended last year's McAfee Focus conference was likely struck by the strangeness of the event. Since Intel had announced plans to acquire the company just a couple of months before Focus, McAfee was officially in "quiet" mode -- unable to discuss literally any and every business and product issue that might in any way influence the deal or the company's share price. In other words, at an event designed to spotlight McAfee's innovation and value, its executives' and employees' lips were legally, effectively sealed.

Microsoft, Alibaba Kick Yahoo’s Tires

"That's not necessarily true, but the suggested share price obviously limits the number of potential individual suitors," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "If Yahoo expresses an openness to team or group offers, it could increase the number of bidders and could help drive-up the company's market value."

Google Serves Up Ice Cream Sandwich With a Nexus on the Side

"At one level, you could say that both Apple and Google are simply addressing the needs and wishes of increasingly sophisticated smartphone users by adding similar features and technologies," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told LinuxInsider "As with PCs and other IT produ...

Sony Recalls 1.6 Million TVs on Fear of Flame-Ups

"This is painfully costly but probably not a huge deal," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told TechNewsWorld. "Fewer than a dozen incidents have been reported, so the occurrence is rare." However, the occurrences could be very striking in the minds of consumers.


Steve Jobs Saw What So Many Missed

Given the sheer volume of commentaries following the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs, I hesitated to add my own voice to the chorus. Like most folks, I didn't know Jobs personally. Like many, the closest I ever got to him was by being in the audience during his Macworld keynotes, including the memorable 1999 introduction of the candy-colored Apple iMac G3.

Acer’s Ultrabook Muscles Into Tablet Territory

"That 50 days' sleep time is pretty phenomenal," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Acer's Instant Connect technology resumes Internet connections when the S3 awakes from sleep mode in 2.5 seconds -- four times times faster than conventional connections, Ac...

Electron Road Work May Speed Quantum Computing Development

"I think quantum computing an idea that bears looking into. It's research that has been going on for a while," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "A number of people have taken different approaches to it. They're working on the subatomic levels to extend Moore's Law."

Oracle, Salesforce Feud Boils Over With Benioff Keynote Snub

It's all just business, Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, contended "I think that clearly what Ellison and Oracle are up to right now is what you might call a concerted strategy to bring their customers home to Oracle and Oracle Online," King told CRM Buyer....

Chrome Creeps Up on Firefox

There's more than marketing behind Chrome's success, suggested Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT. "If marketing and money were the only answer, how is it that Internet Explorer is on the decline?" he asked. "Microsoft has poured billions of dollars into its develo...

Facebook’s Timeline Tension

"You could take that data from individual users on Timeline and leverage it in all sorts of ways to create highly personalized, highly targeted ad content," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld For advertisers who know how to take advantage of it, Timeline co...

RIM: The Icahn Man Cometh?

"Typically Icahn either pushes for the company to sell bits and pieces of itself or for an outright sale," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. Not that customers should automatically assume RIM is about to go the way of, say, Palm. Assuming Icahn ha...

Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean Facebook Isn’t Following You

"It's either a ridiculous programming error that should have been corrected long ago or a sterling example of Facebook's continuing tin ear toward, and practices regarding, user privacy," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "If it were an accident, i...

Oracle Bets on High End With Sparc T4 Servers

"Oracle would much prefer to sell its own product stack from the ground up," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "But it's ignoring the market momentum, which continues to flow towards x86, which are the low-margin commodity servers. That's the same mistake Sun Microsystems executives made in the years following the dot-com bust," King added...


Intel Inside Everything

Coming just weeks before the beginning of the holiday shopping season so crucial to its consumer OEM/ODM customers, Intel's annual Developer Forum (IDF) tends to highlight the spun sugar and sweet delights the market can expect in the shorter term. ...

What’s So Special About an Amazon Tablet

Amazon could probably compete with Apple in two different areas, said Charles King, principal at Pund-IT "One, the Kindle's clearly the device of choice so far as e-readers go," King told TechNewsWorld....

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