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Results 841-860 of 1290 for Charles King

Microsoft’s Mixed Q2 and Its ‘Philosophy Problem’

"Microsoft is a solid company," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "By any measure, it is a true money-making machine. It is not going anywhere, and Windows is not going anywhere." The doom-and-gloom assessments are a philosophical problem for Mi...

Google’s Armor Shows Some Chinks

"Google cited foreign currency fluctuations and issues related to tweaks in its search algorithms," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Translated, that probably refers to continuing economic uncertainties in Europe, and site owners and advertisers being upset over the ranking changes resulting from the tweaked algorithms, including those related to the company's burgeoning mobile ad business."

IBM Hones Social Enterprise Tools

Introduced about five years ago, IBM Connections was among the first to integrate social networking capabilities with enterprise content management. It got a jump on the competition, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The closest competitor wou...


The Dawn of a New Computing Era

Like every other Consumer Electronics Show (CES) I've attended, CES 2012 was one of the weirder, more ephemeral, and most compelling technology events of the season. Weird because since CES acts as an essentially level playing field for both the ridiculous and sublime, you can literally demo a pricey next-gen OLED TV while a couple of dozen feet away vendors are hawking bulk wiring harnesses, electrical connectors and gizmos of every kind. Ephemeral since so many of the products and "trends" being pimped by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), which runs the show, and attending vendors end up going nowhere but down the memory toilet.

SOPA on the Ropes as White House Voices Doubts

"Right now, I'd say the chances slimmer than they were last week," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Not only are democrats and the White House lining up against it, but the appearance of Darrell Issa's competing bill suggests that support for SOPA among republicans is anything but rock solid."


IBM Discovers How to Store Data in a Dozen Atoms

"This atomic storage is not something you'll see coming to a Best Buy near you, but it's an indication of the way the IT industry continues to find innovative ways around the limitations of storage technology," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "Wh...

WinPho Struts Its Stuff at CES

"To Microsoft's credit, the Nokia phones were the best-looking Windows phones I've ever seen," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Both devices are 4G LTE smartphones and will be available from AT&T....

Ballmer Phones In Final CES Keynote

"Microsoft seems happy enough with 2011's results that there's little if any need to shake things up," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "There's justification for that -- Windows 7 is a clear hit, as is Kinect for the Xbox." With the addi...

Lenovo Unwraps Android 4.0 ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ Smart TV

Of course, "people have been talking about the Web-enabled TV for a long time, and both Apple and Google are suppposed to be launching their own TV devices later this year," noted Charles King, a principal analyst with Pund-IT "You can blend the Web and TV experiences with a ...

Corning to Debut Cutting-Edge Gorilla Glass at CES

However, is easy to guess -- at least, roughly -- where the improvements will be, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "I think we can expect to see improvement with additional strength and/or additional flexibility, for starters," he said. "Those are the...

Samsung Soars, HTC Sinks

"Samsung is doing a lot of things right," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "They've become the powerhouse of the consumer electronics industry. They've been unstoppable in mobile computing." Samsung is the one company that doesn't seem to...


How to Orchestrate a Successful CEO Succession

Say this about 2011 -- along with any number of natural and unnatural disasters, the year featured more than its fair share of technology industry melodrama from the highly public wrangling between Oracle and HP to the passing of singular characters, including Apple's Steve Jobs. Both of these events also highlighted the importance of a topic mainly of interest to financial analysts and institutional investors: executive succession...

Amazon Share Price Nicked by Goldman Advice

"I don't see it reflecting a fundamental Amazon problem so much as it indicates that generally weak online sales numbers inevitably impact the company," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Basically, it's a lowering-tide-sinks-all-boats sort of story, but Amazon's position as an online sales bellwether makes it vulnerable."

LG to Demo 3D Ultra-Def Behemoth at CES

"I think we're seeing the latest example of how 3D is not going to provide the answer to Hollywood and the entertainment industry," remarked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Over the past two years, we've seen the electronics industry hoping almost to the point of m...

Intel Gallops Up Cedar Trail

"Intel did two things -- it improved battery life to around 10 hours, which is very presentable, and [built in support for] HD playback, which makes a netbook a usable solution if somebody is using it not just to do Web surfing and email but to play movies and stream Netflix," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, pointed out...


The Crystal-Clear Vision of Steve Jobs

This story was originally published on Oct. 11, 2011, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

Intel Takes Medfield-Powered Phone and Tablet Out for a Spin

"It's unusual for a vendor to deliver multiple reference architectures for the same chip," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld The MIT Review's Comments...

IBM’s Tech Predictions Prompt Deep Thoughts, Chuckles

"While IBM's predictions are intriguing, they're also in very early stages of development," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Which of these predictions would be most earthshaking? ...


Solving IBM’s IT Conundrums: ‘Integration’ Is the Word

If it's late November or early December, I'm usually traveling to or from Westchester County, New York, home of IBM and its Software Group (SWG) and Systems and Technology Group's (STG) annual IT analyst confabs. In practical ways, these events tend to mirror one another; past strategies and solutions are trotted out for a quick going-over, current efforts are polished and examined, and future plans are discussed at some length. In that sense, this year was very much like every one before. But 2011 also marked the third analyst conference since IBM formally integrated STG with SWG, placing the entire shebang in the hands of SVP and Group Executive Steve Mills.


Higgs Boson May Be Running Out of Hiding Places

It would qualify as "a massive elementary subatomic particle," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "It will also reinforce the Standard Model of modern particle physics, including the existence and creation of mass." The development and constru...

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