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Results 781-800 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

CRM Gamification – a New Team Sport

Last month, open source CRM provider Zurmo released a beta version of a new app that staked out new ground in this mature software category: The app was built with gamification techniques and a game-oriented user interface in the hope of spurring user adoption ...

Stuxnet Worm Could Turn

In 2010, IT security researchers took note of a new virus that was bouncing from country to country via the Internet. They dubbed it "Stuxnet," including it among the countless worms that are released each year ...


Marketo Expands Its Social Horizons

The way people and companies decide what to buy is changing, becoming intractably intertwined with social recommendations, noted Sanjay Dholakia, SVP of Marketo's product marketing and corporate development ...

Facebook, Google Vie for Vevo

Facebook and Google are interested in acquiring a stake in the music video website Vevo, according to the New York Post, which cited unnamed sources ...

Beyond Hassle: Switching Banks Can Cost You

Consumers face a number of hurdles if they want to switch banks -- which they increasingly do, as their banks continue to raise fees, raise minimum balances, and create entirely new charges ...

Is Pinterest Sticking It to Facebook on E-Commerce?

It appears thatPinterest may have a greater propensity to inspire its users to buy products after viewing them on the site than other social networks, based on recent research. ...

RIM Searches for Saving Grace

For some time, the future of Research In Motion has been questionable, to say the least. Now, President and CEO Thorsten Heins has cast more doubt on the company's prospects with the announcement that RIM is likely to post its first operating loss in eight years. ...

Sprint Closer to Tying Up Loose Nextel Ends

Sprint has put a date on the phase-out of its iDEN Nextel National Network: June 30, 2013. The company first said it would be shutting down the 2G network in 2010, and in the meantime has discontinued selling iDEN devices in certain channels ...

Enyo’s End Is Not Nigh

Most of HP's webOS team, including Matt McNulty, head of the project,is moving to Google according to a report by The Verge citing severalunnamed sources. The departing team is said to be almost whollyresponsible for Enyo's code. Enyo replaced Mojo as webOS's softwaredevelopment kit in 2011 ...

Google Opens Its Piracy Complaint Books

Google has updated its Transparency Report to include requests to take down URLs that contain copyrighted material. Such requests, made by content owners or their representatives, are at the heart of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ...

European Regulators Put Google in the Hot Seat on Privacy Changes

The French National Commission on Computing and Liberty (CNIL) is running up against what seems to be a chronic problem with Google: difficulty in getting all of the information it requested ...

PRODUCT PROFILE Chatter Unlocks Doors to Enterprise Collaboration is adding more functionality to its Chatter tool -- in this case, real-time communication capabilities. The two new features soon to be available are Chatter Messenger and Chatter Screensharing ...

iPad-vertising Is Taking Off

Tablets are now a solid fixture in the mobile ad ecosystem, according to a new report. However, the format hasn't been fully exploited yet, in spite of the tablet's strong presence in the mobile world, thanks to Apple's iPad ...

Java Jurors Douse Oracle’s Hopes

Executives at Google no doubt are heaving signs of relief at the outcome of the latest -- and possibly last -- phase of the Java copyright and patent trial: The jury unanimously found that Google did not infringe Oracle's patents ...

Apple, Samsung Chiefs Pick Up Their Marbles and Go Home

Before Apple and Samsung launched a new chapter in their multicountry, multiargument patent dispute, Judge Lucy Koh of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, told the two sides to sit down and try to iron out their differences. ...

Facebook Fallout Widely Scattered

After dropping to US$31 per share on Tuesday, Facebook's stock is hinting at a turnaround Wednesday morning, hovering around $32.15 per unit. ...

Are Amazon Pre-Orders a Sign of Galaxy S III Fever?

Amazon has begun taking pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy S III, a handset that will become available in Europe at the end of this month ...

Is Google Stuck in EU Antitrust Locomotive’s Headlight?

The European Union's antitrust ax is about to fall on Google, but the company can still avoid the worst repercussions. That is the essence of the message from EU antitrust chief Joaquin Almunia. ...

Facebook’s Balloon May Have Sprung a Leak

No one could accuse Facebook of having beginner's luck on Wall Street. The company's initial public offering on Friday was delayed by two hours due to a glitch in Nasdaq's trading system, prompting many traders to cancel orders because they were not sure of the stock's price. The day, in general, was arguably a disappointment for the social media giant, with its per share price ending only slightly above the US$38 starting price...

Tiny Welsh Burg Paints the Town Wiki

Monmouth, Wales, has become the first "Wikipedia town," making it an area of international interest as it informally redubbed itself "Monmouthpedia." ...

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