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Results 781-800 of 1290 for Charles King

Apple Punches, Samsung Rolls

"I'd expect to see existing Galaxy stock to be sold off pretty aggressively," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-It. "However, I don't believe there will be the kind of frenzy we saw when HP killed its TouchPad -- since Samsung remains focused on the Galaxy. But allowing retailers to clear out stock would be less painful, problematic and costly than recalling the devices."

RIM May Give Up BlackBerry Phone Biz to Stay Alive

"Commentators are likely to equate this with HP considering selling or spinning-off its PC division," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-It. "That's not a fair comparison entirely -- RIM isn't anything like the market leader in smartphones that HP is in PCs," he t...

Google Embarks on Language Rescue Mission

"The thing I've always liked and respected about Google is the company's willingness to stretch the boundaries of conventional IT," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-It. "From a purely engineering perspective, computing is mostly about moving or storing digitally encoded information in efficient, robust and elegant ways."

Netflix Circles the Wagons Around Its API

By locking down user data, Netflix "is creating a disincentive for developers to continue efforts the company deems inappropriate," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "So it helps Netflix. Developers, not so much." Stepping in It Again...


Looking Below Microsoft’s Surface Strategy

From a PR standpoint, Microsoft's launch of its new Surface tablets was executed just about perfectly. The company's pre-event publicity dropped enough minor hints with major outlets (All Things D, in particular), ignored faulty diversions (Barnes & Noble, anyone?) and insisted on such severe levels of secrecy that it wouldn't have been surprising if the media buzz around the Los Angeles venue set off sympathetic vibrations deep within the San Andreas fault...

Once More Unto the Privacy Breach, Dear Facebook Friends?

"Few, if any, technologies are inherently dangerous or threatening -- they're simply tools," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-It. "But the same hammer used to drive a nail can tear down a wall. Used properly, could provide the means for enhancing a variety of interactions for Facebook users. But they should also remember that the company's primary commercial strategy has always rested on aggressively collecting/analyzing/selling user information."

IBM’s Sequoia Towers Above All Other Supercomputers

The change "simply means that, if the DoE decides to use the system for other research, it'll be for projects the public won't be privy to," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, suggested. "In other words, the sort of projects where, if they told you, they'd have to kill you."

New Vizio Line Sleek, Light and Kind of Apple-ish

The "V" button makes using a Vizio all-in-one PC "very much a media-centric kind of experience," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, said Vizio's notebooks have aluminum unibodies in a 0.66-inch form factor similar to the MacBook Air. They offer 14-inch or a 15.6-inch ...

Big Guns Dueling for Domain Rights in Internet’s New Wild West

"I think the dot-com era has been over since bust replaced boom and mostly strangled the overwhelming hype that typified its last days," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-It. "What the new ICANN list does is make real what we've known for a while: that today's 'i...

Verizon Lets Many Devices Scarf the Same Data Pie

"Basically, Verizon's new pricing schema is designed to be 'family friendly' in that its standard unlimited voice/text features should be particularly attractive to families with kids where monthly voice/text usage is difficult to predict and often leads to overage charges," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It, told the E-Commerce Times...

Nasdaq Stewpot Coming to a Boil

"I'm not a financial analyst, [but] UBS' loss claim appears somewhat hyperbolic -- being that it's nearly 10 times the size of the cash Nasdaq has put aside to compensate all broker losses," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It. "I expect it's more of a strategic starting point for what the company hopes will be a smaller, but still sizable, settlement."

Facebook Opens Center to Help Friends Get Appier

The appeal of Facebook's mammoth user base cannot be ignored, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "This could be a sweet thing for developers if it helps them gain traction or get the attention of some of Facebook's 900 million-something users," he ...

Citrix Takes Mobile Networking Plunge With Bytemobile Buy

"This is a large leap for Citrix -- not only in the technology it is acquiring, but also in the end customers they are aiming at with this endeavor," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The fact that they will remain as a standalone business unit shows they are making a solid commitment to the mobile space." ...

Oracle’s Cloud Rolls In

"The main new thing here seems to be the availability after some seven years of development of Fusion apps that can be hosted on or off premises or on hybrid clouds, and a layering of social functions, including features from last week's Collective and Virtue acquisitions," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times...


Dell’s Scrappy ‘Copper’ ARM-Based Server Initiatives

Dell's recent launch of its "Copper" initiatives and ecosystem, which aim to develop commercialARM-based servers, proves one point: IT industry watchers love a fight, especiallywhen it pits a youthful, upstart technology against an established heavyweight vendor ...

Dell’s New XPS All-in-One Jousts With Apple

However, Dell might be jumping the gun because "we're still midway into the Windows 7 adoption cycle, and the selling point for Windows 8 is going to be rather challenging," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The consensus among vendors I've spoken with is that demand among consumers for Windows 8 PCs may not be as enthusiastic as Microsoft had hoped."

Google Gets Motorola’s Patents – and Problems

"I'd agree that Google has taken a somewhat laissez-faire approach to past acquisitions, but the $12.5 billion cost of the Motorola Mobility deal and the competitive climate today -- especially when it involves IP litigation -- are likely to inspire a sea of change in Google's attitude," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It, told TechNewsWorld.


Intel’s New Xeon CPUs: The Next Stage in the x86 Revolution

The x86 data center revolution has been a tale of industry standard upward mobility pressuring and displacing traditional systems. In essence, continually evolving x86-based systems and complementary technologies -- particularly virtualization, memory and I/O -- have provided hardware vendors the means to develop systems capable of challenging and beating traditional enterprise server platforms.

Galaxy S III’s Wild Pre-Sale Numbers: Should Apple Start Sweating?

"I think it is always hard to pin down pre-order numbers and whether the buyers will come through or not at the end of the day," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It, told the E-Commerce Times. The reports of 9 million pre-orders were from more than 100 global carriers ...

Judge Takes Oracle Attorney to Task Over Importance of 9 Lines of Code

"It is a pretty brutal putdown that the judge said that in direct court, and after it Boies dialed it back," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-It, told the E-Commerce Times. Understanding the Code...

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