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Results 41-60 of 111 for Staff Writer

Hope for the Beleaguered: CIO Wish List for 2004

When the E-Commerce Times asked industry experts what tops the typical CIO's wish list, Scott Tiazkun, research manager for enterprise applications at IDC, joked: "Relief from the nightmare of being pulled from a dank, small hiding place by enemy software vendor sales personnel!" ...

IBM Touts New Grid and Autonomic Services

IBM has unveiled new grid and autonomic computer services that, according to Bruce Williams, the company's general manager of integrated technology services, will "bring together industry specific business consulting knowledge with advanced technology skills ... [to help] companies ... improve core business processes that are critical to their success and growth."

State of the (Latest) SCO Controversy

With perhaps another 18 months before its case against IBM for copyright infringement goes on trial, SCO has chosen (perhaps ironically) to take its battle against open source out in the open. On Thursday, company CEO Darl McBride posted the first of what he said would be "a series of letters ... in the months ahead ... examin[ing] the many issues SCO has raised ... over violations of our UNIX intellectual property contract."

Lights, Camera, Action: Panther Ready for Prime-Time

Since its October 24th release, Apple's latest iteration of its BSD-based OS X software, version 10.3 or "Panther," has received more plaudits than pans throughout the high-tech community. ...

IT Careers That Will Bounce Back

Over the last several months the U.S. economy has shown signs of improvement. John Challenger, CEO of outplacement consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, told the E-Commerce Times that there has been a 50 percent drop in high tech job cuts from last year ...


Five Patents That Changed E-Business

Considering that e-business as a concept was not part of most people's vocabularies before the 1990s, the number of technologies and processes that have been developed since then is staggering. Some, such as's "1-Click" checkout procedure, have revolutionized the way people buy products, while others, such as smart cards, have changed both enterprise and e-commerce transactions...

The Real Cost of Online Music

Now that Apple's iTunes Music Store (iTMS) does Windows and Napster has been rehabilitated, more people are starting to change their music-buying focus, moving from old-school CDs to new-generation digital formats like AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) and WMA (Windows Media Audio) ...

New Mimail Spam Worm Zeroes In on PCs

Just in time for Halloween, a new spam relay worm has begun to circulate via e-mail attachments, aiming to turn PCs into e-mail-spewing zombies ...

Microsoft Opens Door to Longhorn Developers

Perhaps the most significant event at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference, which ran from Sunday through Thursday in Los Angeles, was the company's release of a developers version of its upcoming Windows OS, also known as Longhorn ...

Apple’s Panther Server Ready To Pounce

On Friday evening, Apple will launch the latest versions of both its desktop and server operating systems, version 10.3, nicknamed Panther. The desktop version will retail for US$129, while Panther Server, which can run on any Apple G4, including the Xserve, as well as the new Power Mac G5 towers, will cost $499 for 10 users or $999 for an unlimited number of seats...


Office 2003 First Impressions

Now that Bill Gates and company have vacated Manhattan's Millennium Hotel after their much-publicized launch of Office 2003, many people are asking whether Microsoft's venerable productivity suite is indeed the Office of the new millennium -- or whether they will stick with their present version of the software (or a competing product) until Microsoft's Windows overhaul, nicknamed "Longhorn," is released in late 2005 or early 2006...

RIAA Fires Warning Shots in Second Wave of War on Piracy

Following a spate of civil suits filed against music consumers in September, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has launched the next phase of its war on digital piracy. The organization has sent a total of 204 letters to individuals, each of whom, it claims, has made at least 1,000 songs available for upload on peer-to-peer file-trading services such as Kazaa...

VeriSign To Sell Network Solutions, Exit Registrar Business

VeriSign has announced it plans to sell its Network Solutions business unit to Pivotal Private Equity, a Phoenix, Arizona-based firm known for acquiring underperforming companies, for approximately US$100 million ...

SCO’s Brilliant Business Maneuver?

To say the SCO Group has been making headlines frequently is an understatement. Since March, when the company filed suit against IBM for allegedly using SCO-owned Unix code in its Linux systems, SCO has gotten an unheard-of amount of press for a company that, according to its third-quarter results, posted only US$20.1 million in revenue ...

Guess Who’s Back? Napster – Sort Of

Napster, the onetime file-swapping nexus that sparked fear in the hearts -- and bottom lines -- of record labels, has officially been tamed and will relaunch as a legitimate online music service, parent company Roxio announced Thursday ...

The Brave New World of Internet Law

Last month at the International Business Law Services (IBLS) Strategic Global Summit for E-Commerce, Pauline Reich, an associate professor at Waseda University School of Law in Tokyo, Japan, gave a speech entitled "Legal Issues: Internet and E-mail in the Workplace." Reich is also a well-known expert in the areas of cyberlaw and Internet-based legal, business and government research...

Network Router Showdown: Cisco vs. Juniper

Cisco Systems has been synonymous with routers for nearly 20 years. With more than 90 percent of the enterprise market, according to Yankee Group vice president Zeus Kerravala, the company is the incumbent vendor -- and a smart one as well ...

Yahoo Ventures into Enterprise IM Waters

In conjunction with WebEx, Yahoo is now taking orders for its Business Messenger service. The company will host a demonstration of the service during the Instant Messaging Planet Conference October 15th and 16th at the San Jose Convention Center ...

FTC Commissioner on the Future of E-Commerce

In mid-September, International Business Law Services (IBLS), a privately held company that provides global Internet legal services and acts as a clearinghouse for e-commerce-related legal information and resources, held its Strategic Global Summit for E-Commerce. ...


Apple’s War for the Windows Mainstream

In Part 1 of this story, "Apple's New Bid for Insane Greatness," we looked at the iTunes Music Store's (iTMS) potential in the digital music marketplace. The Mac Observer publisher Bryan Chaffin told the E-Commerce Times that Apple's coveted iPod will play a critical role in determining the degree of iTMS' success ...

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