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Results 41-60 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

E-Readers vs. Tablets: The Cage Match Continues

Why go into a Barnes & Noble, find a comfy chair and flip through the pages of a physical book when you can go into a Barnes & Noble, find a comfy chair and flip through the pages of a virtual book on the Nook e-reader? ...


Apple Parties Like It’s 1985 – and That’s Not a Good Thing

Yes, here we go, another Apple column. Another chance to vent about a company that's morphed into something else. Another chance to decry its PR strategies, its capricious App Store policies, its famously mercurial founder ...

Hackers and Social Networking: A Love Story

When you work in the cybersecurity business, friends can make you their default -- read "unpaid" -- computer safety expert. Wen Tseng, research director for the Cloud Computing Alliance, really doesn't mind, however; it gives him a chance to confirm that scammers and hackers are increasingly relying on the friendship networks spreading through social media to do their damage to bank accounts and reputations...

Facebook Critics: Does Behavioral Advertising by Any Other Name Smell as Foul?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg called it "the most transformative thing we've ever done on the Web," and Ginger McCall, chief counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, didn't disagree ...

Viacom Claims Google Used Piracy Threat as Leverage

Roughly six months before it bought YouTube, did Google actually share the view of the online video site that other copyright owners had -- that it was a repository for illegally uploaded content? Does Viacom have a smoking gun against Google/YouTube, and does it come in the form of statements from their own senior executives? ...


That Was The Week That Was in Online Journalism

At the risk of giving Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain one more reason to do 360s in his grave, I'm compelled to modify one of his best-known quotes: It seems reports of journalism's demise at the hands of technology have been greatly exaggerated ...

Google vs. Twitter? Or Google Plus Twitter?

Google isn't the only entity taking an interest in Twitter's tweets. That most venerable of government institutions, the Library of Congress, announced Wednesday it will archive every single "what's happening?" update broadcast on the short message service since it opened for business in 2006 ...

Twitter Advertisers Will Have to Sing a Catchy Tune for Their Supper

After months of questions about how Twitter plans on making money, the short message service and social media phenomenon on Tuesday launched its first foray into advertising. However, in doing so, the company made it clear that traditional corporate interests would take a back seat to overall customer happiness ...

Adobe Breathes New Life Into Creative Suite, Apple Rains Destruction

In a perfect world -- albeit one that's more than a little tech-centric -- Monday's release of the Creative Suite 5 update from Adobe would have commanded a lot of attention. Bristling with advances that help both consumers and developers create multimedia content on their computers and on the Web, CS5 is getting rave reviews for its attempts to help key moneymakers like Photoshop, Illustrator and (of course) Flash stay at pace with the latest technological developments and trends...


The Taming of the Tweet: Q&A With Twitter Cocreator Dom Sagolla

Dom Sagolla doesn't have to dig deep into his own Twitter profile to look back on his very first tweet. It just happened to be one of Twitter's very first tweets -- tweet #38, to be exact, appearing March 21, 2006 ...

Apple’s Game Center Tilts the Playing Field

Gaming enthusiasts who gobble up every tidbit of news they can about consoles, gadgets and titles didn't have a lot to digest Thursday when Apple revealed that the new iPhone OS 4 would include Game Center, a social gaming network. The news was just one feature mentioned in the overall update for the smartphone operating system; Steve Jobs' company certainly didn't unlock any new levels in the "details" category...


Net Neutrality Will Score a Net Win in Congress

The DC federal court of appeals didn't actually bring about the death of Net neutrality. Hopefully, all it's done is bring about the death of the phrase "Net neutrality." ...

The Cybersecurity Problem: Much Bigger Than China?

By now, those who toil in the information security industry must be thinking, "another day in cyberspace, another China-related hacking incident." ...

Does the iPad Have That Special Business Touch?

I haven't even had the chance to lay one finger on an Apple iPad yet, and it's already reached out and touched me -- or rather, touched a new business opportunity ...

Cities Sell Themselves – and Their Dignity – for a Shot at Google Fiber

Nothing says "ultra-fast broadband" better than the image of four poodles dressed as the "Wizard of Oz" gang. Or a video of a man dunking himself in a tank full of sharks. Or the sight of thousands of people gathering at night and using glow-sticks to spell out the logo of a certain world-famous search engine company ...


The Great Firewall of China Will Engulf the Gutless

For anyone thinking that the Google-China dynasty war would be resolved quickly -- and that mutual economic concerns would ultimately force both armies to ratchet down this uniquely 21-century cyberduel -- this was the week for the rudest of awakenings ...

New Tech Tools for Thrifty Travelers

Many college students have been spending the week on the beaches of Padre Island and other balmy locales, soaking up equal parts sun and alcohol. Meanwhile, the families of America are starting to think about where they'd like to dig their toes in the sand for summer vacations -- if they're not already picturing themselves joining the long, sweaty lines at the nation's major theme parks...

Old Science Caught in New Media Whirlwind

The right-leaning Drudge Report made it a habit in November and December to trumpet any and all headlines relating to the "Climategate" controversy -- the story involving UK scientist Phil Jones, the head of the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, whose emails attacking critics of global warming found their way onto the Internet after his account was hacked...

Will the iPad Thrive in Apple’s Closed Ecosystem?

IUGO Mobile has used Apple's iPhone to dial up a measure of success with its smartphone-based games. The development company, which makes popular titles "Zombie Attack!" "Toy Bot Diaries" and "Implode," was the first gaming outlet to get its own featured section on the iTunes for PC Store. IUGO's games are used for demo purposes in Apple Stores, and "Toy Bot Diaries" was part of the montage of games used in the first iPod touch gaming-centric TV commercial...

Bing’s New Bells and Whistles Could Leave Searchers’ Heads Ringing

When Microsoft first launched its Bing search engine less than a year ago, the company promised to map out a strategy that involved more frequent updates and feature additions. This week, the company reiterated its commitment to that road map with the announcement of some new tweaks and technology integration starting immediately and continuing into the summer -- tweaks including, of course, mapping in search results...

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