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Results 761-780 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Skyping in Ethiopia Could Result in Stiff Jail Term

Ethiopia has passed a draconian new law criminalizing the use of Voiceover Internet Protocol services such as Skype or Google Talk. Peoplewho violate the ban will find themselves facing 10-to-15 years inprison.The government has cited national security as a reason, although it iswidely assumed that protecting the market share and revenue of thestate-owned telecom provider, Ethio Telecom, is also a driver -- ifnot the main one...


Hearsay Social’s Content Exchange Keeps the Conversation Flowing


SEC’s Pre-IPO Facebook Queries Fuel Monday Morning Quarterbacking

In the weeks running up to Facebook's initial public offering on May 17, correspondence between the Securities and Exchange Commission and the social media giant flew fast and furious ...

Apple, Motorola Readmitted to Patent Thunderdome

Well, he did say it was a tentative decision ...

Yammer May Get Microsoft Into the Social CRM Club

Microsoft is in discussions to acquire Yammer, a social media and communication platform for businesses, according to a report in Bloomberg, which cited two anonymous sources ...

DoJ May Put Kibosh on Cable Cos.’ Data Caps

The Department of Justice is investigating whether cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner are violating antitrust rules through practices that limit their broadband customers' access to online video, according to a Wall Street Journal report citing anonymous sources. ...

Fee-Crazy Airlines Losing Customer Satisfaction Points

Customer satisfaction with the airline industry took a dip in J.D. Power and Associates' 2012 North America Airline Satisfaction study after two consecutive years of improvement ...

Zynga Heads for Pitsville

Zynga's share price dropped to a record low after an analyst's research note revealed that its usage declined in May due to players migrating to mobile platforms. At close of business on Tuesday, the stock had dropped to US$4.98 per unit, the lowest level since its December initial public offering at $10 per share. Wednesday morning the stock made a slight recovery, reaching $5.20 per share...

TiVo, PayPal Get Clicking on TV Commerce

PayPal has been working for a year or more to translate its brand of safe online payment to other channels. It has rolled out several products to establish bona fides in the mobile payment space, as well as among brick-and-mortar retailers. Now it is making the same push for the TV viewer ...

Will Tablets Revolutionize TV?

The adoption of tablets has reached critical mass in the U.S., according to comScore. In fact, one in every four smartphone owners also used a tablet during the three-month period ending April 2012 ...

Banks Still Sticking Flummoxed Customers With Frustrating Fees

Banks have still not made important reforms or improvements in their checking account practices, according to an update Pew Charitable Trusts made to a report it released in April 2011, "Hidden Risks: The Case for Safe and Transparent Checking Accounts." ...

Facebook Opens Center to Help Friends Get Appier

Facebook has cut the ribbon on its App Center -- a hub that lets users access apps from Facebook and related third parties. There are about 600 apps in the center so far, including favorites like Draw Something, Pinterest and Nike+ GPS ...

Judge Calls Off Apple v. Motorola Patent Rumble

The Apple v. Motorola trial scheduled to begin next week in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois has been cancelled, with the judge presiding over the case deciding it should be dismissed because neither side has established a right to relief ...


Elements CRM for iOS Doesn’t Stint on Functionality

Ntractive, the developer of Elements CRM, a cloud-based CRM app for Macs only, has expanded its product line to include the iPad and iPhone. ...

Citrix Takes Mobile Networking Plunge With Bytemobile Buy

Citrix is acquiring privately held Bytemobile, a provider of data and video optimization applications for mobile network operators. The deal will give Citrix exposure to a burgeoning market -- mobile infrastructure -- and extend its reach to points around the world ...

Windows to Throw Smartphone Market Wide Open

The worldwide mobile phone market will grow slightly more than 4 percent in 2012 -- the smallest year-over-year increase since 2009, according to IDC. The decline is attributed to a slowdown in feature phone shipments, which are projected to drop by 10 percent, and a lackluster global economy ...

LinkedIn Breach Blamed on Rusty Security

LinkedIn has reported that some of its users' passwords have been stolen and published on the Internet. The company is withholding details, including exactly how many passwords were compromised ...

Facebook Users Aren’t There to Shop Around

A new poll does not bode well for Facebook's goal of stepping up its ad revenue. ...

Airtime: Flash of Brilliance or Flash in the Pan?

Web entrepreneurs Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning, best known for propelling music into the digital-download age with Napster more than 10 years ago, have launched a new endeavor, Airtime, with much fanfare. It is a browser-based video chat service that connects people via their Facebook login directly from the Airtime website ...

Facebook May Swell Its Ranks With Young ‘Uns

Facebook is exploring ways to include children younger than 13 years of age as members of its social network, according to The Wall Street Journal. To that end, it is working on developing technology that would allow tweens to be active on the site under parental supervision ...

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