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Results 741-760 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Windows Desktop Begins Its Long Goodbye

Microsoft's rollout of Windows 8 represents a new era for operating systems and for Microsoft in general. It also represents the probable end of the Windows desktop OS that most consumers now know, according to a report from Gartner, although the firm expects its demise to be long-unfolding. ...

Qualcomm Aims to Build a Patent Fortress

Qualcomm has taken the unusual step of restructuring its organization in order to better protect its patent portfolio ...


Act-On Insight Lets Businesses See How They’re Seen Online

Marketing automation provider Act-On Software has added a unique feature to its product lineup that allows users to track, compare, and then take action on what is being said online and in social media about their company or executives ...

Avaya Mixes It Up to Give Customers a Seamless Experience

Avaya has added new products and enhanced existing ones in its Customer Experience Interaction Management portfolio. The overarching goal of the changes was to allow users to reach out to customers via any channel the customers chose -- for example, mobile application, social media or phone ...

Airbnb Adds Tools for Wishing, Planning and Dreaming

Airbnb, an online site that lets people list and book rooms in private homes, has relaunched with social discovery features and new visuals. In particular, the site is touting a new product called "Wish Lists." ...

Congressional C’tee Questions IPO Regs in Wake of Facebook Flop

Facebook's initial public offering in May was a disaster. The question now is how much of the fiasco can be laid at the feet of Nasdaq and how much, if at all, on the IPO process itself? Or for that matter, on Facebook. Those questions were points of debate at a Tuesday hearing of the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ...

News Corp. Split: Out With the Old, In With the Young?

Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of News Corp., reportedly has had a change of heart over splitting his US$50 billion media enterprise in two and is willing to give the idea serious consideration. The company has confirmed news reports that it is mulling the pros and cons of a split. ...

Facebook’s Email Bungle: Not What It Did but How It Did It

For every step Facebook takes toward improving consumer privacy and information control, it seems to take about five giant steps back. The latest example is the unilateral change it made to users' listed email addresses: It converted them to, and messages now go to the Facebook email in-box rather than to their original destinations. Other listed email addresses are now hidden...

Can Microsoft Squeeze $1B-Plus Value From Yammer?

Microsoft has agreed to pay an eyebrow-raising US$1.2 billion in cash for the startup Yammer, presumably in the expectation that it will gain a much needed boost in social media expertise ...

‘Mass Effect 3’ Fans May Get Steamed All Over Again

Bowing to fan outrage over the controversial ending of "Mass Effect 3" earlier this year, BioWare is releasing an "extended cut" version of the last game in the space epic trilogy ...


Nimble CRM Ties Up All the Loose Social Ends

A year ago, Nimble CRM launched with a simple idea: If one application could bring together a contact's social media profile, online comments, company information and other relevant data, the sales and marketing process would be much easier ...

Is Facebook Flatlining?

2012 is not shaping up to be a good year for Facebook. There was its disaster of an IPO, of course. Also, a number of reports have been turning out that illustrate one or another of Facebook's weaknesses. ...

Twitter’s Not Singing About Outage Details

Twitter was unavailable to users for significant portions of the day on Thursday. Contrary to speculation, it wasn't due to a hack attack, despite attempts by some groups to claim responsibility. ...

Yahoo, Facebook Patent Case May End Without Fireworks

A brewing patent dispute between Yahoo and Facebook may wind up being settled outside of the courtroom, according to court filings made this week by Yahoo's attorneys in the U.S. court for the Northern District of California, in which they also sought extensions to other filing deadlines ...

Constant Contact: Death of Email Marketing Greatly Exaggerated

Several months ago Constant Contact, an email marketer, became aware that much of its customer base was intrigued by the daily deal model. However, it also noticed that once those companies actually tried out the model, their enthusiasm for it diminished considerably ...

Sen. Asks Google, Apple to Control Their Peeping Tom Planes

Google and Apple are bent on a mission to provide the world -- or at least users of their respective technologies -- with digital images of every place on this planet. Using their systems is the only way many people can see for themselves what everyday life is like in faraway places. ...

Satisfaction Survey: Airlines, Fast-Food Joints Less Despised

One would almost think we have entered a stage of customer service nirvana: Two industry categories not ordinarily associated with high levels of customer service satisfaction -- airlines and fast food -- have garnered relatively good scores in a new American Customer Satisfaction Index report ...

Google Signals YouTube’s Free MP3 Ride Is Over

YouTube's attorneys have sent a cease-and-desist letter to YouTube-mp3 demanding that it stop allowing users to extract audio clips from YouTube videos in order to copy them onto personal devices. ...

Groupon Basks in Morgan Stanley’s Praise

Morgan Stanley upgraded Groupon to "overweight" from "equal weight" causing the daily deal company's stock shares to jump by as much as 13 percent ...

Pega SFA Update Homes In on Processes

BPM provider Pegasystems has taken its various sales-related applications and vertical offerings in the category and created a comprehensive sales force automation application it is calling "Pega Sales Force Automation." ...

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