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Results 721-740 of 1290 for Charles King

Lytro Ups the Tinkering Quotient for Living Pictures

"What I think we've seen in the past year or two is a real first for growing interest among consumers who use filters for their photos," Charles King, principal analyst at PundIT, told TechNewsWorld. The use of filters has been spurred by mobile services such as Instagram, n...

It’s Off to the Tablet Races for Amazon’s Big Kindle Fire

"While the Kindle is clearly a media consumption device, Microsoft is positioning the Surface more as a general- purpose computing platform that supports well-known productivity apps," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "Frankly, I don't think Amazon...

Microsoft’s Sinofsky Episode: Reading Between the Lines

"What we're seeing here is the public sausage-making of historical revisionism," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Since virtually nothing has been made public about Sinofsky's reasons for leaving, both side are constructing the narrative they'd prefer to be believed. There's nothing nefarious about this -- it's just a sign that everyone involved realizes that being perceived to be a bad guy will negatively impact their ability to work effectively in current or future positions." ...

Speculation Sizzles Over Sinofsky’s Sudden Bolt

"Typically, when an executive as highly placed as Sinofsky leaves a company, it's either due to individual responsibility or personal ambition," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "In the former case, the exec is asked to fall -- or is forcibly dropped -- on his...

Elite SEALs Reprimanded for Consulting on Video Game

The seven SEALs punished are "people with inside information who stepped over the line professionally or legally," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld However, their act might have been more in the nature of a blunder than a betrayal....

AT&T to Plow More Billions Into Spectrum Hunt

"Without an opportunity similar to T-Mobile, AT&T is faced with piecing together smaller deals and/or rebuilding its own infrastructure, both of which are likely to be costlier," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "At the same time, the company can probably pursue this track with fewer compromises."

AT&T to Plow More Billions Into Spectrum Hunt

"Without an opportunity similar to T-Mobile, AT&T is faced with piecing together smaller deals and/or rebuilding its own infrastructure, both of which are likely to be costlier," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "At the same time, the company can probably pursue this track with fewer compromises."


AMD ARMs for Data Center Brawl

The success of ARM-based processors in mobile phones and tablets has had a tectoniceffect across numerous IT markets, but one of their most intriguing opportunities isin data centers. It seems contradictory that a CPU architecture designed for powerefficiency and lightweight applications would be considered for compute-intensiveenvironments. ...

Dotcom Suits Up for Another Round in File-Sharing Wars

"Prosecutors and copyright watchdogs are likely to disparage Mega as a front for file-sharing, but it's difficult to see how they could prove that any specific files or behaviors are violations unless someone admitted to it," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "In an encrypted state, it'd be tough to tell whether a file is a Hollywood film or a collection of vacation photos." ...

EMC Grabs Silver Tail

The acquisition is classic EMC, said Charles King, principal analyst of Pund-IT -- meaning it is the type of company no one had expected EMC to acquire. "I doubt EMC would have made anyone's list of companies interested in real-time fraud detection if they had been asked a f...

Google’s Nexus 10 Hits Apple Where It Lives

"Apple seems to think that resolution is a very big deal -- to the point that the company has hyped it as a core differentiator in both the iPad and MacBook line," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Now that Google owns the resolution crown, it'll be interesting to see if Apple changes its retinal display marketing strategy." ...

Surface Success May Hinge on Cool Covers

"There are two basic arguments about the value of the Touch and Type covers," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. First, including a cover with the Surface for about the same price as a comparable iPad makes the Surface a better value, he pointed out. Second, s...

Google’s Neverending Big Adventure

"At one level, you could say it's an obvious PR ploy," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "But at another, you could argue that Google is extending IT innovation into areas that most technologies and IT vendors typically ignore -- wide open, sparsely populated a...

Windows 8 Embarks on Perilous Journey

Marketing the new OS should be an easy task for Microsoft, because Windows 8 is the most ambitious product it has ever created, Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "It is the first time that the company has created an OS experience with a single, ...

FTC Furrows Brows Over Facial-Recognition Tech

"We have seen an aggressive pushing of the boundaries of what you might consider personal privacy when it comes to biometric data," Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told TechNewsWorld. "Especially among social network companies, there seems to be a cavalier approach to ...


Dell’s Percolating Enterprise IT Evolution

The organisms that survive longest are those that most successfully adapt to shiftingenvironments and circumstances. That's a core concept behind the evolution ofbiological entities, and it also applies directly to business organizations, including ITvendors ...

Google to Get Last Word in Week of Tablet Launches

"In a real way, tablet evolution is increasingly requiring users to decide which walled garden they want to be locked into, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Apple continues to pursue a deeply proprietary approach which attempts to firmly control the content, apps and services users access."

Google’s New Chromebook Caters to Cloud Crowd

"The Chromebooks have tended to lag far behind tablets in consumer interest and uptake [but] that may have been due, at least in part, to the $500-plus pricing of the original Chromebooks," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The lack of touch-enablement is anot...

Amazon’s Whispercast Sneaks Into Schools

"Whispercast is more likely to be managed by IT administrators than individual teachers," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld "Admins can centrally manage devices and content distribution," he said. "They should have some insight into the e-books r...


IBM Ratchets Up Power for the Enterprise

In commercial IT, "enterprise systems" have long been defined as the technologies that provide large organizations the highest levels of compute performance and critical attributes such as reliability, availability and scalability. But enterprise IT infrastructures have never been about technology alone; they also encompass the common boundaries and linkages between systems and large scale business processes, applications and workloads...

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