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Results 701-720 of 1290 for Charles King

Facebook Friend Finder Withers on Vine

"It demonstrates the growing impact of multimedia technologies in people's lives, mainly enabled by increasingly sophisticated smartphones," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The 6-second length doesn't seem like a serious impediment to me -- [it is] the visual equivalent of Twitter's 140-character maximum, and I assume that -- similar to tweeting -- users will use wit and imagination to overcome any sense of limitation."


CES 2013: Sorting the Nuggets From the Dross

CES, the international consumer electronics show conducted every January in LasVegas, is easier to hate than it is to love. Hype drowns out substance. Innovative andinteresting products are easily overshadowed by rooms literally full of craptastic junk.Travel/logistics can be a nightmare -- especially given the surge in attendance to some150,000 this year. And let's not forget the myriad ways that Las Vegasseems to transform reasonable people into doltish twits...

Lenovo Chromebook Starts School Fight With Tablets

"I think this could be a pretty attractive option for school districts that are trying to equip their students with the latest technology but doing so at a reasonable cost," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld What Makes Up The X131e...

Sluggish Sales Hint at End of PC Era

"The Gartner and IDC Q4 PC sales numbers are an obvious disappointment, but the falloff is the result of a combination of factors, including users migrating to mobile devices and stagnant economies -- especially in Europe and parts of Asia," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT.

SAP Gets Real-Time With HANA-Powered Business Suite

The rollout of this product on HANA is an important step for SAP, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. In a nutshell, HANA is SAP's attempt not only to bring analytics to the masses but also to give the company a seat at the table as demand for such...


10 Things I Hate About CES (but I’m Going Anyway)

"The absence of Microsoft and Apple says more about those companies' desire to invest in events they can carefully manage than anything else," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "It's also interesting to consider how little success both companies' broader media/entertainment strategies have enjoyed -- though they've certainly done well in some individual markets."

2013: Chip Makers to Go All In

"The most critical point to remember about semiconductors is that while the general outlook seems pretty grim -- with industry-wide growth in 2013 estimated at 2-3 percent -- some sectors are faring far better than others," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "While life is hard for major traditional consumer electronics players, companies deeply invested in mobile semiconductor-based devices including smartphones and tablets -- Qualcomm and Samsung -- have a lot to be happy about."

China Tightens Its Grip on Internet Users

"Broadly speaking, China's government is attempting to eliminate Internet anonymity," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "While the concept is largely ignored globally, it occasionally arises in discussions of how to better control abusive online behaviors including stalking, harassment, bullying, etc. On the surface, China's move is likely to be interpreted as a simplistic response to a number of recent cases where corrupt government officials were publicly exposed and embarrassed on social networking and microblogging sites."

CRM Product Profiles: The Year in Review

"CRM has been a particularly positive proof point for cloud computing," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer. "The cloud doesn't necessarily translate well into all computing areas," he added, "but CRM is clearly an area where cloud-based service providers are ...

A Flummoxed Randi Zuckerberg Gets Special Privacy Treatment

"The Randi Zuckerberg Facebook/Twitter brouhaha is obviously longer on irony than it is on content quality," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Given her brother's -- and his company's -- callousness toward the privacy of Facebook users, it's easy to pigeonhole...

Genius Inventor Kurzweil Gets Keys to Google Playground

"He's an incredibly bright and quirky and interesting guy," said Charles King, principal of Pund-IT Kurzweil's focus in commercial computing science dovetails well with where Google is heading, King told TechNewsWorld. "Machine learning, for instance, is something that will g...

Raspberry Pi Launches App Store to Sweeten Its Ecosystem

Despite welcoming full-blown commercial content, the Pi app store still "seems to be an attempt to spark, or continue to spark, the enthusiasm of young software developers," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, remarked "There's no reason why a professional developer co...


Road Test: Dell’s XPS 12 Pushes the Computing Envelope

We in IT love inflection points -- events that somehow amalgamate past events and/or indicate how and why the future will be significantly different. The world of personal computing is entering, if not an inflection point, then an inflection process. This is due to the confluence of two converging technologies -- Intel's Ultrabook initiative and Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system.

Google May Give Motorola’s Set-Top Boxes a New Home

"The confluence of TV and computing seems like a no-brainer from a technological standpoint, but that optimism disguises the challenges of attempting to make a marriage of two very distinct, often oppositional cultures," said Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT Alth...


Past, Present and Future Converge at EMC

This year's EMC Industry Analyst Summit included numerous highlights familiar to regular IT conference attendees: a self-generated report card on the previous year's activities and a discussion of plans for the year ahead, for example ...

Swiss IT Guy Goes Rogue With US, UK Intelligence Data

"At the end of the day, technologies are only as good and secure as the people who use them," said Charles King, principal analyst Pund-IT. "That's certainly the case in high-profile situations like this, but it also applies to everyday LOB employees and the way they follow security procedures."

Amazon Launches ‘Profoundly Disruptive’ Data Warehouse

"What I think we're seeing here is evidence of how, when a technology becomes a cloud-based service, it leads to the commoditization of any or all related services," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, said "Amazon is essentially saying, 'Bring us your data, whatever t...

Samsung Leans on Suppliers to Fix Labor Issues

"As companies become increasingly global and leverage manufacturers around the world, it behooves them to make sure they know what those supply chain partners are doing, ensure they are complying with local laws and regulations and treating their employees humanely," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Why they should do this is because even as the supply chain stretches beyond the direct, day-to-day control of the primary vendor, any evil that happens there can leave an indelible stain."


Intel’s Two-Pronged Evolution

It's hard to think of an IT vendor with a stronger leadership position than Intel, but the company is having trouble shaking off the perception that it is on the ropes or headed for disaster in some of its core markets ...

Wii U’s Off to a Wobbly Start

"Whenever a new product has a major launch, it needs to be perfect," Charles King, principal with Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "That is especially true in this case since this is the first major Wii product that has launched in the last six years and the only major gaming la...

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