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Results 681-700 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

What Does Facebook Have to Do?

This week has not been good to Facebook, nor have the past several weeks. The social media giant's stock has been hammered for days, at one point touching $19 per share -- half of its IPO valuation months ago. It still is within a stone's throw of that marker with a Tuesday close of $19.16 per share ...

Mobile CRM: Cost Center or Profit Maker? Part 1

Jeff Hasen, Hipcricket's CMO, recently had what he called his "10 millionth" bad customer experience with Comcast. ...

HP to Drum Up New Mobile Division

A memo circulating internally at HP tells of a new mobile initiative being plotted by the computer maker ...

Tech Firms Squeezing Conflict Minerals Out of Supply Chains

The tech industry is making strides in developing supply chains and products that are free of conflict minerals from eastern Congo, although for some companies, progress still needs to be made, according to a report by Enough, the project to end genocide and crimes against humanity. ...

VerticalResponse Coupons, Clipper Help SMBs Get More Social

VerticalResponse recently launched its social platform with two new features: Coupons and Clipper ...

Facebook Takes Another Header

By now Facebook must rue the day it went public -- or at least rue its initial offering price of US$38 per share. On Thursday, the company's stock closed at $19.88, after hitting a low of $19.69. Early Friday, it hit a new low of $19.01 -- half its IPO value, plus a penny. By mid-day, it had recovered slightly to $19.14. ...


Zoho Digs Deeper With Marketing Campaigns

Zoho has been speedily turning out applications to complement its core platform. Earlier this spring, for instance, it introduced Zoho CRM. Now, it is rolling out Zoho Marketing Campaigns to buttress the marketing functionality it introduced in the CRM app ...

Anonymous Makes Mischief With Manufactured Hack Claim

The fixes Sony made to its PlayStation Network last year after its system was hacked may not have made it impenetrable: Reports are circulating that the hacktivist group Anonymous has breached the network again ...

Judge Presses Patent Warriors to Smoke Peace Pipe

U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh is nothing if not persistent. Even though an earlier order for the CEOs of Apple and Samsung to speak to each other to avoid a lengthy trial did not yield anything positive, she is asking the two men to try again ...

Angie’s List Takes a Wallop on Wall Street

Wall Street has been in a foul mood over Internet stocks, and online professional recommendation company Angie's List has not escape the market's wrath. Its stock fell 15 percent on Tuesday -- a selloff that appears to be largely related to the end of a 90-day lockup period for shares issued in a secondary offering earlier this year ...

Barnes & Noble Tosses Nook to the Discount Pile

Barnes & Noble has dropped the prices on its Nook tablet product line with the Nook Color, the 8 GB Nook Tablet and the16 GB Nook Tablet now retailing for (US)$150, $180 and $200 respectively. That amounts to a $20 reduction from the Color's original price and $50 the 16 GB device ...

Barnes & Noble Tosses Nook to the Discount Pile

Barnes & Noble has dropped the prices on its Nook tablet product line with the Nook Color, the 8 GB Nook Tablet and the16 GB Nook Tablet now retailing for (US)$150, $180 and $200 respectively. That amounts to a $20 reduction from the Color's original price and $50 the 16 GB device ... Chases Ad-Free Social Network Dream founder Dalton Caldwell watched the social Web's trajectory with admiration and then dismay over the years. From all accounts, he liked its initial promise. As it morphed into a commercialized, ad-supported ecosystem of products, however, he apparently grew disillusioned. Hence the crowd-funded campaign Caldwell has launched to build ad-free, subscriber-based rival products... Unveils New Community-Building Plans is rolling out a limited pilot of yet another social media initiative -- Salesforce Communities. The offering combines its Chatter product, its business processes, and an underlying social intelligence that makes it easy to show people the right information and give them the correct access to experts, said Doug Bewsher, senior vice president, Salesforce Chatter...

IBM Kicks Tires of RIM’s Enterprise Services Unit

IBM has expressed interest in acquiring the heart of Research In Motion's operations -- its enterprise services unit, according to two unnamed sources cited in a Bloomberg report last week ...

StoryBundle Offers Worthy Indie E-Books on the Cheap

New online book publisher StoryBundle is taking a leap of faith with its customer base: Readers get to decide how much to pay ...


Awareness Helps Social Marketers Know the Score

Awareness has enhanced its social marketing automation suite, Social Marketing Hub, with a new feature called "social scoring." The feature allows marketers and brands to identify, store and rank prospects across all the major social networks based on scoring criteria they define ...

HP Groans Under Weight of Failed EDS Merger

HP dropped a bombshell on the investment community: The tech conglomerate said it was taking a goodwill charge, or write-down of US$8 billion. It didn't say for what exactly -- just that it stems from the recent trading values of HP's stock, coupled with market conditions and business trends within the services segment ...

Facebook Steps Out on Mobile App Ad Tightrope

Facebook announced Tuesday that it is testing a new ad program for mobile apps in a limited beta ...

Facebook Friends Court to Argue 1st Amendment Protects ‘Likes’

Facebook filed a friend-of-the-court brief this week arguing that clicking on a "Like" button is akin to making a statement and therefore is protected speech ...

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