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Results 681-700 of 1290 for Charles King

Android Mastermind Rubin to Turn His Thoughts Elsewhere

Android "has been driven into the market by Google's partners and the development community," noted Charles King, principal at Pund-IT. "It may be that Google has decided that it wants a more linear growth path for Android, and the success of Chrome is what they want to repl...

Yahoo Could Take Zynga Under Its Wing

"Zynga has two things that could benefit Yahoo: a known brand and engineering expertise, particularly in mobile gaming," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Both could give Yahoo's gaming platform a shot in the arm, even if Zynga's games have become less relevant. The mobile angle is the more important point -- that's where more and more game-happy users are heading."

When These Chips Are Down, They Fix Themselves

"It's a great application that tests the boundaries of system on a chip (SOC) technologies," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Depending on its cost, it could have a range of practical applications." Good Enough for Chips to Work...

Facebook’s Rejiggered News Feed: The Ads Have It

"Facebook's new 'personal newspaper' ... has a sort of Back to the Future ring to it," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "From the very beginnings of the commercial Internet, companies tried various schemes to 'capture as many eyeballs' as possible by providing...

News Corp. Goes Back to School With a Teacher-Friendly Tablet

The education market "is a more or less open field," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. Apple claims to have sold more than eight million iPads into the education market, but, "considering the tens of millions of K-12 students in the U.S. alone, 8 million units is chump change."

Microsoft Picks Up Tab for $732M Mistake

"Microsoft and the EU have been negotiating this settlement for months, and the announcement included a fulsome apology by the company," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The responsibility to offer users alternatives to Explorer was Microsoft's, and since they essentially broke a promise made in the EU antitrust settlement, you could argue that the fine could or even should have been larger."


VCE’s Next Wave of Innovation

Taken together, VCE's recently announced new offerings qualify as a generational step forward not only for the company, but also for the cause of converged infrastructures and, most importantly, for VCE customers and partners. ...

HP Revives Its Tablet Strategy With a New Slate

Another potential problem is its name; HP already offers Windows-based tablets called the Slate 2 and Slate 500, and "confusion is a possibility, so HP will need to be careful in branding exercises," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. HP also offe...

Sony’s Xperia Tablet Z Can Really Make a Splash

"From the looks of the Xperia Z, Sony may finally have gotten it right on the full size tablet front," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The device is notably lighter and thinner than other tablets, including the iPad." "Other features -- the waterproof case,...

Microsoft Shoots for New Users by Targeting Less

Microsoft designed many of's upgrades with an eye to correcting problems associated with the Hotmail service, said Charles King, principal of Pund-IT. "I think the company would like to put to bed once and for all any negative associations with Hotmail," he told T...


IBM’s New PureSystems Promise to Ease Big Data, Cloud Adoption

Business IT solution development generally follows specific trends and overlapping eras. The first, calculation, occurred as digital products and services wholly replaced the adding machines and other mechanical business devices. The vendors that produced them -- including Burroughs, Sperry and IBM -- became some of early IT's biggest players ...

Joint Effort Snares Gang of Cyberthugs

"The malware would freeze infected PCs and display a message purporting to be from law officials saying the end user had visited an illegal website -- file-sharing, child pornography and terrorist sites, for example -- and that his/her PC had been disabled as a result," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Then the user was offered an option to unfreeze the PC by sending a fee -- or ransom -- of 100 euros to an online account for so-called 'PaySafeCard/UKash' vouchers."

Slacker Rolls Up Its Sleeves for Internet Radio Fight

"Slacker is pursuing the sort of upstart strategy common among lower-tier companies trying to move up the food chain," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "That involves a combination of investing in improvements to your own products in hopes of attracting more ...

HP Looks to Limit Student Labor in China

"I'd call it proactive fire prevention," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Scandals around students in China being forced to work in various manufacturing jobs have been around for years, but ongoing contractions in the country's labor force mean that the practice is likely to intensify rather than retreat."

Anonymous’ Hack of Bank System Startling for Its Ease

"What is the point here?" asked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "From the reports around Swartz's suicide, it seems that the federal prosecutor was pushing the case even as the state prosecutor decided to drop the case -- but there is no direct link, unless Anonymous is trying to target the entire federal government." ...

Dell Hightails It Into Private Territory

"Practically speaking, the only issues standing in the way of the deal are shareholder approval -- not a big issue given the 25 percent premium the investors are paying -- regulatory scrutiny, which also seems likely, and whether a competing offer comes along," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT.

HP Enters Pavilion 14 in Chromebook Games

"Microsoft's announcement at 2011 CES of plans to develop a version of Windows for ARM-based devices officially ended the Wintel alliance era," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Since then, we've seen any number of those once-indivisible allies stake out claims in new markets. HP's Chromebook is just one of many such efforts."

New York Times Exposes Chinese Hackathon

"Chinese government officials said the reports would have consequences, and the attacks began shortly thereafter," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT This is not the first time that China's government has been linked to cyberattacks, and the evidence gathered sugg...

Microsoft Cuts Ribbon on Low-Rent Office

"I consider this to be the most compelling Office solution that Microsoft has offered in some time, due to the combination of aggressive pricing and the ability to extend a single license across up to five devices," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "That's a far cry from the one license/one machine approach of most previous versions of Office."


Graph Search: Cultivating Big Data in Facebook’s Walled Garden

Facebook's recently announced beta of its new Graph Search resulted in the sorts of stories and headlines one has come to expect from a company whose every move is subject to media dissection. Some were skeptical about the value of the feature, especially its built-in restrictions: leveraging Facebook content alone and excluding well-established search entities like Google and Bing...

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