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Results 661-680 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Apple Ready to Rumble in Samsung’s Home Turf

South Korea's Fair Trade Commission is investigating complaints by Apple that Samsung Electronics is abusing its position in wireless technology. ...

Mobile Phone Privacy: Buck Stops With the User

Cellphone and smartphone users have a love-hate relationship with mobile apps. While they love the functionality and enhanced user experience they bring to the table, clearly many hate the perceived privacy intrusions, suggests a newly released report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. ...

Speak to Me Only With Thine Texts

Voice mail is following in the footsteps of radio, television, film, records and email. That is, it is a technology that is slowly being supplanted by a newer technology -- in this case text messaging -- and may eventually become obsolete ...

Is Facebook Stuck in the Sub-$20 Cellar?

Facebook executives and employees must dread publicity these days. Every bit of critical news or commentary -- and there have been quite a few items that could be characterized as such lately -- seems to send the share price downward. ...

Mobile Tech Gives Malware Makers Much Bigger Playground for Mischief

Twitter-controlled mobile botnets and mobile ransomware are a few examples of what's in store for Internet users in the coming months and years, according to the second-quarter McAfee Threats Report. ...

The Rise of Self-Service Mobile CRM

Increasingly, CRM vendors -- and their customers -- are recognizing the value of applying mobile technologies to the self-service piece of a CRM operations. In response, more and more vendors are rolling out new applications for companies that wish to target this emerging, but rapidly growing, demand point. ...

Apple, Google Patent Bloodbath May Be Indefinitely Postponed

The great patent showdown expected to eventually take place between Apple and Google in some courtroom, somewhere, may never happen. The two companies are in talks on a range of intellectual property issues, according to an exclusive report by Reuters that specifically cites the issues the two companies have with each other over mobile patents ...

Twitter Helps Advertisers Home In

Twitter is rolling out new ad-targeting capabilities that will allow marketers to identify and send messages to consumers based on their interests or likes. So, a consumer who has indicated an interest in gardening would be shown ads for gardening and outdoor-living products ...


Blackbaud Offers Nonprofits Sharper Prospecting Tools

Blackbaud has enhanced its CRM app for nonprofits with completely redesigned prospect and research capabilities. It is the company's second major release this year, Tiffany Crumpton, senior marketing manager for CRM solutions, told CRM Buyer ...

Google Study Dives Into Multiscreen Marketing Madness

It has been clear for some time that consumers are using multiple devices to access the same content. Sometimes they will access a particular piece or type of content only from a mobile device -- say, a website optimized for mobile news while commuting to work on public transportation. ...

Time Warner Pours $25M Into NYC Fiber Project

Time Warner Cable is investing US$25 million in its fiber-optic network in certain parts of New York City. The goal is to provide faster Internet access, similar to Google's project in Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas City, Kan. Unlike Google, though, Time Warner Cable is primarily interested in targeting a specific constituency: business users that are heavy consumers of data...

Best Buy, Schulze Lay Out Rules of Engagement

Best Buy has reached an agreement with its founder and former chairman, Richard Schulze, who owns a fifth of Best Buy's shares. The accord could help facilitate a potential US$8.8 billion buyout of the retailer. ...

Mobile CRM: Cost Center or Profit Maker? Part 2

Mobile CRM: Cost Center or Profit Maker? Part 1 ...

Court Upholds Colossal Song-Sharing Penalty

It is the end of an era. One of the last cases in which the Recording Industry Association of America sued an individual for illegal song sharing has reached the end of its road in a federal court in Massachusetts. There, the jury upheld a US$675,000 damages award against Joel Tenenbaum following the directed guilty verdict in his 2009 trial and numerous appeals...


Kana Goes Modular With New Express Application

Kana Software is pushing into the mid-market space with a new offering called "Kana Express." ...

Study: Web Content Getting Cozier With TV Screens

Consumers are becoming increasingly accustomed to being able to consume online content at the time they want and on the device they want -- and that device now includes the television set, according to a new study by NPD ...

Credit Card Customer Satisfaction Charges Upward

Customer satisfaction with the credit card industry has stabilized after years of dramatic changes to the space, according to J.D. Power and Associates' 2012 U.S. Credit Card Satisfaction study. It found that for the third consecutive year, customers' satisfaction with their credits cards has increased ...

HP Bleeds Billions in Q3 Due to Whopping Write-Down

HP posted numbers Wednesday for what was the worst financial quarter in the company's long history. It reported an US$8.86 billion loss for its third fiscal quarter, which ended July 31. In the last three months, it took in a net revenue of $29.7 billion, down 5 percent year over year and down 2 percent when adjusted for the effects of currency ...

DoJ Stamps Out Sites Allegedly Hawking Pirated Android Apps

The U.S. Department of Justice executed seizure orders against three website domains allegedly engaged in the illegal distribution of copies of copyrighted Android cellphone apps. It is the first time that website domains involving cellphone app marketplaces have been seized, the DoJ said ...

FCC Report Finds 19 Million Internet Have-Nots

There are still 19 million Americans who lack access to high-speed Internet, according to the Federal Communications Commission's Eighth Broadband Progress Report ...

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