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Results 661-680 of 1290 for Charles King

Trulia Rolls Out Welcome Mat for Real Estate Pros

"Market Leader, I believe, has tens of thousands of clients including some high profile names like Century 21. So teaming up with Market Leader should increase Trulia's footprint in the real estate market," analyst Charles King of Pund-IT told CRM Buyer. "And for a company looking for ways to drive revenues and build a service model online, it's potentially a very important and valuable acquisition for them." ...

Klout Gives Bing Some Expert Advice

"The Microsoft/Klout partnership -- not sure the term applies, given Microsoft's investment in the company -- seems a bit odd to me," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Klout's effort to identify experts according to their standing in the company's social media...

Vaio Fit May Be the Laptop Windows 8 Has Been Looking For

"Overall, the Vaio Fit looks like a stylish, extremely serviceable laptop that should be an attractive option for numerous consumer and work applications, especially considering its pricing," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT The Fit suggests makers are looking t...

HP Goes to Work With New ProBooks for SMBs

"Their pricing is similar to Dell's Vostro solutions, also designed specifically for SMBs," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld. HP is "competing on price to regain their lost market share and restore their leadership," said Rob Enderle, principal ...

Nook Users Get to Come Out and Play

"It definitely makes the Nook a stronger play as a general purpose Android tablet, rather than being primarily a reader," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. ...

BlackBerry’s Heins Gives Tablets 5 Years to Live

"On the surface, Heins' statement seems to qualify as a classic case of spilled-milk whining by a guy whose company can't seem to fight its way out of a paper bag," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "But consider the subject, tablets, from a slightly unconventi...


Sky HDTV Could Make Your Cord-Cutting Decision Easy


Ubuntu 13.04 Emerges to Less-Than-Stellar Reviews

"In the reviews that I looked at, the main complaints were that Canonical had essentially dumbed down Ubuntu and made it more difficult to customize and personalize," commented Charles King, principal at Pund-IT. "If you're trying to drive Linux into a broader user base, hav...

BitTorrent Sync Flies Around the Cloud

BitTorrent Sync is "moving into a field that's already pretty crowded with other offerings," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research told TechNewsWorld. "It could be attractive to certain kinds of users and certain kinds of projects because it's built for overly large files, but I'm not sure that it would really be that tempting to companies that are already happy with solutions like Box or Dropbox."

Sony Launches Rugged, Super-Zoom 3D-Recording Binoculars

"The continual miniaturization of IT made this sort of thing inevitable," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, but "it's cost will put it out of the reach of all but the most dedicated hobbyists." Image Capturing...

Salesforce Slips Social Ads Into Its Cloud Atlas

"I think the real goal is aiming at here is to become a 'one stop shop' for orchestrating cross-media, including traditional and social environment marketing strategies. The cost/complexity of managing such efforts in-house would be prohibitive, especially as people increasingly leverage various social sites and services commercially," Charles King, principal analyst of Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times.

Microsoft Invites Amazon to IaaS Brawl

Microsoft has an uphill climb if it intends to make good on its Amazon challenge, Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told CRM Buyer. "The pricing recognizes that Amazon is the player to beat right now," he said.


Yahoo and Summly: CliffsNotes for the Mobile Era?

The IT industry is no stranger to youth worship, but Yahoo's multimillion-dollar deal for Summly pushes that notion into cradle-robbing -- well, high school-robbing, anyway -- territory. That's because the punchline beneath the headlines is the age of Summly founder. Nick D'Aloisio, 17 -- and a little more than a year short of high school graduation -- appears to have qualified as the world's youngest VC-backed entrepreneur.

Michael Dell Goes Into Safe Mode

"The most important thing to remember in all this is how deeply invested Michael Dell is in his company -- not in the sense of the shares he owns, though that's a significant point, but regarding intellectual and emotional investment," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT...

Oracle Launches New Servers – and War of Words With IBM

"The view Oracle presents of its solutions focuses almost entirely on the benefits they provide related to other Oracle products," said Charles King, principal at Pund-IT. "General purpose systems are often purchased to support other vendors' solutions [but] there was little if any mention of other vendors supporting the new T5 servers."

Apple Takes the Maps Fight Inside

"The technology, which is supposedly accurate to within 2.5 meters of a person's location, could have ramifications across numerous Apple efforts, including mobile advertising applications and localized social media interactions," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT.

Yahoo Pays Big for Teen Coding Whiz and His App

"The question is whether Summly has more value on its own terms, via, say, app sales, or as a foundational technology that can be applied to other Yahoo services and solutions," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "The company's decision to shut down the app suggests they believe the latter is correct."

Nvidia Delivers Workstation Graphics Experience to the Network

"The company is going after the commercial visualization/graphics market, particularly among smaller companies and independent design firms that leverage high-end graphics applications from Adobe, Autodesk and Dessault," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "There...

Smartwatch Wars: Samsung Fires Shot Across Apple’s Bow

"Form factor limitations doomed them to failure," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Products were either too small to be fully usable or so large that they appeared dorky and helplessly unstylish. Today's technology can certainly stuff more smarts into a smartwatch, but the form limitations remain."


Dell’s XPS 18: Radically Rethinking the Tablet

From the first day of the tablet computing revolution -- April 3, 2010, when Apple's iPad became publicly available -- users have willingly traded limitations in computing form/function for innovations in access/interface. ...

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