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Results 641-660 of 1290 for Charles King

Google Asks Search Users to Speak Up

"Voice search is a significant point of competition for Google," Charles King, principal of Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld Undermining Apple...

Researchers Solve Knotty Problem in Pursuit of Data Storage Breakthrough

"I've seen similar kinds of things out of IBM Storage," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The concept is, you manipulate the direction in which the particles spin -- have them spin right for 1 and left for 0, for example." Researchers at IBM's A...

Xerox Copiers Found to Futz With the Numbers in Scanned Docs

"The Xerox story appears to result from problems in the copier compression and optical character recognition software that results in erroneous substitutions," noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Weirdly enough, while changing the image quality setting to high seems to correct the problem, doing so results in documents being harder to read."

It’s Do or Die for Dell as Committee Rejects Bid

"What we're seeing here is an example of corporate horse trading, with the Dell board offering considerably less than Michael Dell and Silver Lake requested," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "Basically, Dell and Silver Lake realized that the original rules they agreed to -- where abstaining shareholders are counted as 'no' votes -- were far more restrictive then they assumed."


Is ScaleIO EMC’s Next VMware?

On its face, EMC's recently acquisition of ScaleIO seems pretty straightforward. The company said the deal will further strengthen its Flash portfolio by combining ScaleIO's highly scalable server software with PCIe Flash card solutions, like EMC XtremSF. ...

Dell Doubles Down on a Dime

"Basically, the rule change Dell and Silver Lake are seeking would make passage of their proposal similar to a run-of-the-mill political election, where the majority of votes cast determines the outcome," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times "...


IBM’s Smart CSL Buy

Over the past three-plus decades, it's hard to think of a business computing-related technology that's driven more fundamental value than virtualization, and it's for a very simple reason: Since hardware evolves at a far faster pace than software, systems tend to deliver far more performance than needed, meaning they are drastically underutilized.

Dropbox Enlists Devs to Make It Ubiquitous

"It won't go that far," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "The number of people who have moved the vast majority of their data to the cloud still remains a tiny minority," King pointed out. "The fact is that local storage has become so cheap that...

Rackspace Cloud to Power Particle-Smashing Physics at CERN

"The aim of this pilot project is to extend CERN's private/internal cloud to Rackspace' public cloud, allowing the lab to leverage the company's infrastructure for additional compute/storage capacity,"said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Practically speaking, that ...


The Azure Tinge of Microsoft and Oracle’s Cloud Ambitions

Technology vendor partnerships come in two general flavors: 1) strategically transformative relationships that aim to develop and deliver something essentially new; and 2) tactically accretive relationships that strengthen the partners' individual efforts. ...

Windy City Next Up for Aereo’s Streaming TV

"So far, as Aereo's court cases go, the main contention is the legality of the company allowing customers to record/store shows in the cloud rather than watching them live or streaming the shows via broadcaster websites," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "That issue is somewhat analogous to legal battles between the music industry and consumers, but the 'ownership' issue for broadcast TV seems murkier to me...

Adobe Sends Creative Suite to the Cloud for Good

"Adobe's plan makes sense from both a business and technological perspective," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Subscription-based delivery allows the vendor to keep closer tabs on customers and end users, ensures that applications aren't being used outside the parameters of the EULA, and provides a mechanism that makes piracy more difficult and less profitable...

iRobot Remotely Goes Where You Want to Go, Sees What You Want to See

"Autonomous mobility is a factor that could make the iRobot effective for plant tours and the like," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "I think the pitch for using the device to make collaborative meeting locations more flexible is less compelling."

Microsoft Repairs Windows’ Cracks

"Microsoft's actions at Computex qualify as a sort of collective 'mea culpa' for the company's misbegotten assumptions and practices related to Windows 8," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told TechNewsWorld. "Replacing the Start desktop and menu with the Metro interface was clearly a mistake, as was shipping RT without a fully functional version of Outlook."

Tablets to Demote Laptops to Also-Ran Status This Year

"Tablet sales continue to ramp up pretty remarkably," Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT told the E-Commerce Times. "I do think that there's some consumers, particularly young consumers, more mobile-focused consumers, who look at what kinds of entertainment and work communications they need from a PC, and many can get by with a tablet and a smartphone just as well."

Haswell Battery Life Claims Energize Hopes for PC Industry

"That's in line with previous comments Intel has made," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The company has said that Haswell represents a 'once in a decade' leap forward in terms of battery and system performance, and I haven't heard anything that contradicts those claims."

Yahoo Pulls PlayerScale Under Its Umbrella

"This deal is intriguing for a couple of reasons," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "First, this is a people-driven deal in that Yahoo recognizes that the PlayerScale team is as important as the company's technology," he noted....


Getting the Best Out of IT Partnerships, IBM-SAP Style

There's no shortage of partner initiatives at most annual IT vendor events, but that was especially apparent at SAP's recent Sapphire NOW conference in Orlando, Fla. In large part, it's simply the nature of the event beast. Vendors work for weeks or even months on conference-related announcements, hoping to garner the attention of energized, enthusiastic attendees -- some 20,000 of them, in the case of Sapphire NOW 2013...

Nokia Goes Slimmer, Shinier With New Lumia 925 Smartphone

"Overall, the Lumia 925 looks like a solid, serviceable addition to Nokia's smartphone portfolio, but given the carrier in the U.S., I don't expect it to be any kind of game-changer," Charles King, principal at Pund-IT Research, told TechNewsWorld Nokia did not respond to our ...

Google Tears Down the Storage Walls

The biggest initial impact of this offering will be for consumers, said Charles King, principal analyst of Pund-IT "Fifteen GB is a lot of space, relatively speaking, and to be able to devote it how you want will be a real win for consumers," he told TechNewsWorld.

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