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Results 621-640 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Google Gnaws Away at TV Cords With New Content Service

Cord-cutters now have a new option for content-viewing -- and possibly a major one at that. Google said Monday it was updating its Google TV platform, allowing users to buy or rent movies, TV shows and music through the Google Play store. ...

Mobile CRM Gives Retailers Ammo Against Showrooming

Showrooming enabled by the proliferation of smartphones has become the bane of brick-and-mortar retailers. Basically, consumers waltz into a local Best Buy or similar big box store, find the product they are thinking of buying and check it out. So far, so good, from the retailer's perspective -- only then they go online, sometimes even while standing in the store aisle -- to buy it from an etailer like Amazon...

Where’s the iPad Mini Mystique?

Another day, another clue unearthed about the smaller iPad Apple is supposedly developing. This time, component suppliers in Asia have reportedly tipped Apple's hand, telling The Wall Street Journal that they have received orders for millions of the 7.85-inch tablets in the fourth quarter ...

At a Billion, Facebook Is Still Figuring Things Out

This week CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook has reached 1 billion active monthly users ...


Bizness CRM Homes In on SMB Prospects

There are countless of CRM apps for small businesses, Bizness Apps CEO Andrew Gazdecki readily admits. ...

HP’s Whitman: It’s Going to Be a Long, Slow Ride

HP shareholders counting on Meg Whitman to lead the company into a quick turnaround received very disappointing news from the CEO: Don't hold your breath. ...

MetroPCS Deal Could Change the Game for T-Mobile

T-Mobile announced that it will acquire rival carrier MetroPCS to create a larger company. The deal is expected to close in the first half of 2013, following shareholder and regulatory approvals. ...

Is Oracle Making an Offer Customers Can’t Refuse?

On the first day of OpenWorld, Oracle unveiled a slew of products designed to position the company as the preeminent cloud vendor: a high-end server; an upgraded flagship database, version 12c, which will be released early next year; and a range of new or upgraded applications for the cloud. ...

Mobile CRM Gets Gamified

CRM is a mature software category with a decades-plus history of development and evolution. Still, one important problem remains unsolved: A lot of employees, especially sales staff, just can't be bothered with it ...

FCC Chips Away at Spectrum Problem With Incentive Auction Plan

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has approved a notice of proposed rulemaking that will lay the groundwork for the agency to auction television spectrum to mobile carriers. The NPRM establishes proposed rules and asks for public comment on the auctions ...


Moxie Boosts Self-Service With Widgets, Crowdsourcing

Moxie Software recently released two separate, albeit highly complementary, CRM self-service applications ...

A Little Color Returns to RIM’s Cheeks

Speaking to developers at BlackBerry Jam earlier this week, Research In Motion CEO Thorsten Heins threw out some hints that the mobile device manufacturer had experienced a good quarter. He was not blustering, as it turned out ...

Facebook Jettisons Phony Likes

As promised last month, Facebook is beginning a purge of so-called fake Likes from its social network. These are Likes that have been generated by malware, fake accounts or bulk purchase services ...

Twitter Travels to the Beat of a Different Drum

If Twitter were a child, it would be the last one at the dinner table, eating its food on its own schedule -- never mind that everyone else had finished. To wit: Not too long ago it was still resisting pressure to roll out advertising until it was good and ready. ...

IBM Taps Middleman to Reach Mid-Market

IBM launched a major initiative on Wednesday with the goal of targeting middle-market companies via their managed service providers ...

Staples Punches Up Online Strategy

Staples is joining the ranks of big box retailers that want to push deeper into an activity that historically has been of secondary importance to them -- e-commerce. That is not to say that retailers such as Walmart or Target have been absent from the online sales space. Quite the contrary, in fact. However, they -- and now Staples is part of this group -- are increasingly placing their online sales operations in the same priority category as their brick-and-mortar footprint. In Staples' case, a stronger mobile presence will also be part of the mix...

Heins Stokes BlackBerry Embers

RIM Chief Executive Thorsten Heins on Monday told the crowd at BlackBerry Jam, a developers' conference being held in San Jose, Calif., that BlackBerry was still very much a player in the mobile world. He made the somewhat startling pronouncement that the company's subscriber base had risen to 80 million from 78 million over the most recent quarter, which ended Sept. 1, despite the lack of new products or major initiatives...

Wall Street Blesses Google, Curses Facebook

If Wall Street could truly predict a company's future, then Facebook should be packing up its offices this morning. The social media giant's stock value dropped close to 10 percent on Monday, to US$20.79. The trigger for the stock drop -- this time -- was a report in Barron's questioning whether Facebook had the wherewithal to successfully develop a mobile ad platform. The stock price hadn't moved by mid-day Tuesday...

Discover Bank Pays Up to Settle Deceptive Marketing Charges

Discover Bank is refunding approximately US$200 million to more than 3.5 million customers under a joint enforcement action by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. Discover will also pay a $14 million civil money penalty, with half going to the U.S. Treasury and half to the CFPB's civil penalty fund ...

Oracle’s Short-Term Software Gains May Have Long-Term Costs

Oracle reported earnings for its first fiscal quarter in 2013 last week, telling a tale of two product lines: Its software operations fared respectably, while its hardware slumped dramatically ...

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